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Recent content by lavenge lavenge

  1. lavenge lavenge

    If migration continues at current rate, Swedes would become minority in Sweden within two decades.

    Sweden Close to Collapse Sverige farligt nära kollaps Sweden is fast approaching a complete collapse. More and more municipalities are raising the alarm that if the migrants keep coming at this pace, the government can no longer guarantee normal service to its citizens. In addition, ominous...
  2. lavenge lavenge

    madam, I have to edit my post, due to which the pic that I had uploaded got deleted, both in my...

    madam, I have to edit my post, due to which the pic that I had uploaded got deleted, both in my post and in yours. If you want, you could edit your post so that the pic is shown properly in your post.
  3. lavenge lavenge

    Here is the link : http://historum.com/lounge/88324-bye-everybody-4.html Though you would need...

    Here is the link : http://historum.com/lounge/88324-bye-everybody-4.html Though you would need to register on that website for accessing member section. If you do not want to do that, you could visit Indian political sticky thread.
  4. lavenge lavenge

    visit Indian political thread. I have posted a link, though the galli galloch posts have been...

    visit Indian political thread. I have posted a link, though the galli galloch posts have been deleted from that thread, but it does give an outline of his predilections And his ID there is PaKeeza
  5. lavenge lavenge

    ISRO successfully launches ASTROSTAT-1;its first outer space observatory.

    ASTROSAT launch: India reaches for the stars | The Indian Express Launch successful. @sarjenprabhu @Windjammer @PatriotLover @Basel @ranjeet India's first outer-space observatory put in orbit.
  6. lavenge lavenge

    Why are you here on PDF ? Indian Members.

    Pakistanis on this forum are super obsessed with India and even News and current affairs topics which would be missed by Indians would also be posted on this forum. It act as very efficient collator of Indian news. In addition to that, some people just love hostility which they would not get...
  7. lavenge lavenge

    Akbar's fort symbol of subjugation of Hindus,want the imposing structure to be replaced : VHP

    These are not mythological figures. Whole genelogy of Indian empires has been constructed from Indian texts. Even some kingdoms(janmejaya onwards) from mythological texts (similar to your bamboo annals) have been confirmed to exist by archeologists. Had you been someone of importance, i may...
  8. lavenge lavenge

    Akbar's fort symbol of subjugation of Hindus,want the imposing structure to be replaced : VHP

    Brah, You are showing limits of logic that a fisherman's brain could process. When on China, everything is mythologically connected.All dynasties were unified. Even when dynasties have no continuation and neither was China had same areal extent in History, ever. But India under same...
  9. lavenge lavenge

    Akbar's fort symbol of subjugation of Hindus,want the imposing structure to be replaced : VHP

    You Chinese suffer from brain damage due to excessive inhalation of N-Hexane, and are completely bankrupt intellectually. On one hand you claim that China has continued Imperial dynasty since whatever mythological bamboo annals Chinese are peddling while on the same hand saying that India did...
  10. lavenge lavenge

    The first wife syndrome!

    Sikkim was never part of British India. It Joined India in 1975 after a referendum (accession to India got 97% votes), due to it's fear of being overrun by China. Goa was a a portugese colony. There was a independence movement going on in that colony since 1930's. India responded with military...
  11. lavenge lavenge

    SAARC Countries Bypass Pakistan to Sign Sub-Regional Motor Vehicle Agreement

    Beyond Afghanistan, Land route would not be viable. Turkey, and Balkhans of your example are closer to India by Sea, rather than land (probably pakistan should ask Egypt to block Suez canal's acces to India in the name of ummah). Russia may be break even in distance, but would be costlier...
  12. lavenge lavenge

    Breaking!!! Pakistan truck driver held on drug charges, LoC trade suspended

    We should send him back to Pakistan. May his business flourish in Pakistan.
  13. lavenge lavenge

    Akbar's fort symbol of subjugation of Hindus,want the imposing structure to be replaced : VHP

    Since you insist. this source from ideology of your party A Brief Guide To Early Chinese History: The Mongol Conquest Of China And Its Consequences | London Progressive Journal
  14. lavenge lavenge

    Akbar's fort symbol of subjugation of Hindus,want the imposing structure to be replaced : VHP

    There were no Hindu mathematicians in area occupied by Islam. All medieval Hindu mathematicians were from Kerala school of mathematics which is in deep south where muslim rule never reached. And yes, Muslims of Delhi sultanate sacked every university and burned every library that was in their...
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