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  • Even though I denied your friend request even Neutral.

    I am always logical you just have to treat me nice and take me to dinner first.
    Unless you provoke me this is how I am usually. besides I took sauna today so I am in a calm mood.
    Wrestlemania....... When I was a kid I was a big wrestling fan so I added my name to Mania and that's that.
    That is no fact. For I have searched for days for this reference that says so and I find nothing. I personally follow no Imam or sect or nation even. I am my own person with my own mind and I am educated. I am a man of science first and foremost and a physician. And i hate nothing more than Islamic extremism. And this dude he has called for Islamic extremism and he does not base it on any facts.

    I am quite knowledgeable on him and have seen many of his lectures that I found quite funny. And I also hate 90% of all world Imams including Saudis by the way. So it is not personal.
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