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  • He was soliciting people to join another forum. He copy pasted that message to a lot of people
    I purchased a adjustable dumbbell yesterday :D with 3 and 5kg weights.
    Hi! what's up Bro? Someone brought "HaldiRam's Nagpur" Nimko for my family. They were owsom.......yyuuuummmmmmmmmiiiiiiii. I like that. Just sharing an Indian product with you. Cheers
    hello sir, (sorry, i mean buddy, lol), lovely post, made me laugh out loud, but to tell you the truth i am in no hurry to reach there, But in any case i think i got the first congrats from you and thanks a lot for that in advance.
    Secondly dont worry, genuine members like you wont get banned, you are here to stay, and we are gonna learn a lot from you.

    threads were not locked, they were completely deleted it seems... webby must've got real mad.
    hehe... there was a thread in chinese if you've missed out. at the very end it concluded that shchinese was heart broken and leaving permanantly

    and then there was another thread by communist askin webby to euthenize him lol...
    well, we cant control the guys right? ours or theirs? so, enjoying is the only thing that I can do. (I might be sounding evil :P )

    btw, did you read the good news? I was very happy :)
    our guys are getting senti when chinese guys are trolling in every indian thread. and pakistani guys are just laughing and enjoying the show... so I'm doing the same... watch and enjoy :P
    hello sir, how are you as well??
    about life ,,, its too busy these days,don't even have time to scratch my head, LOL. anyways thanks for contacting, hope to see a lot more interactions in the future.
    take care ,
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