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  • @Solomon2,

    Currently, am trying out Glen Garioch. Not yet ready to make an opinion.
    "I spewed my Scotch all over -"

    What Scotch do you drink? I'm looking to buy a new bottle.

    There are limitations on passive detectors to use against radar low observables. I gave a basic explanation of the difference between active and passive sensors here...


    Infrared is a passive sensor and has serious limitations when it comes to target characteristics such as speed and altitude. IR detectors can at best give direction and just like radar signals, vulnerable to atmospheric absorption.

    1- I have no children...Yet.

    2- No...Am against the recently passed health care reform measure.
    Off topic,
    Are your Children planning for the USAF too ? :)
    Are you for or against the "Health Care Bill" ? ..Thx :D

    Do I feel that China will surpass US in economics? Yes...But not in my lifetime and more likely in my children's. Any economic engine is powered by the dynamics of its citizen and China's population is four times US. As long as China continue the economic and inevitable political reformation to a capitalist one, the Chinese economy will surpass US. That is not a negative.
    Thank you once again.

    About religion- "Every time you admire something in nature, it is a prayer to the Creator." - Vernon Harper ..I'm not a religious person myself but I'm not an atheist.

    To an extent the Hindu religion has helped in keeping India united despite the diversity. We believe that all religions are true and it does not matter whom or what you worship as long as you have faith. So if you're a Muslim or a Christian, be a good Muslim or Christian..That's all we want.

    One of my professors explained that in some time from now India will experience an unprecedented economic growth and people from all over the world, including Pakistan would be working here.. It is unavoidable and we must get used to working in a global environment.

    I know this isn't your department, but leaving the stats aside, do you feel China will *actually* be able to overtake the US economy ? Honestly I feel something would go wrong before that.

    -What remains a mystery to me is the credibility of their ingenious weapons.-

    The problem is that most published weapons 'specs' are for the general public and usually lacking in fine technical details.

    -I also know very little of the JF-17 but I feel that some fanboys simply over-exaggerate it's capabilities.-

    I feel the same.

    -Also, what is your personal opinion about India, as an American ?-

    Yours is a mass of contradiction. India is capable of high technical accomplishments but also of, at least to me, absurd superstitions and am talking about religions. Am not a particularly religious person.

    -I heard that in the 1971 war US tried to intimidate India by moving an AC Carrier towards the Indian Ocean. What's your summary of this episode ?-

    To put it simply...Nothing more the Cold War muscle flexing. The US needed to confront the USSR and its allies.
    Sir, I don't let patriotism blind my judgement.

    I fully agree with you on the Chinese. In fact, we never intend to match them weapon for weapon. I believe that the Chinese are MUCH ahead of us as portrayed by their defense budgets.

    What remains a mystery to me is the credibility of their ingenious weapons.

    However, like all Indians, I as an Indian have no intentions of a military war with China. I think co-operation will benefit us more than war ever could.

    I don't know much about F-16's so I wont speak of it. I also know very little of the JF-17 but I feel that some fanboys simply over-exaggerate it's capabilities.
    Also, what is your personal opinion about India, as an American ?
    I heard that in the 1971 war US tried to intimidate India by moving an AC Carrier towards the Indian Ocean. What's your summary of this episode ?
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