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  • eh help me here i am confused first i thought you were a modrate muslim since you posted a thread with thoses muslim cartoons then i thought you were a desist and now from the looks of thing your an anti thesit. So if you mind clearing my confusion :P
    yeah ur right btw u missed all the fun on the fashion thread it was haram police galore for a while today though all the posts are mostly deleted.
    hehe too bad she probably all silicone though honestly i actually prefer the models back in pakistan i mean is it just me or are they way hotter than pakistani models in the west ? they are actually more natural, beautiful and classy i would prefer a sweet wifey like sarah chaudry that I could bring home to my family lol =)
    dont know man.... teray samnay he hai...so ur an athiest? interestin.... im kinda traditional but more of an agnostic muslim.
    hehe thx keep looking i got loads of more pics which i'll be uploadin and posting in the future when i have time esp of the new chick on the pak (posted few of her already)fashion scene ayyan check her out dude she is HOT :) check out the beautiful pakistan thread also i will be posting some epic pics there !
    well dont really wanna be a designer at all its just for the girls remember the original name of the thread ? basically it was too showcase pakistani girls i'm still very much muslim but hate how some are so narrow minded and judgemental.Actually i posted a great islamic story regarding this in the fashion thread about a prostitute after one them haraam police came in lol.
    don't worry im sure you'll find one soon i got one myself recently after looking for ages .Not been upto much just work and regular life really sometimes on the forum just collecting and posting pics of pakistan of chicks in my free time hehe
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