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  • Dear fatman17, Your display pic is honorable for us. I think.. Its not suitable to put the nick 'fatman17' with this honorable pic. I hope you wouldn't mind it.

    Suggestion is mine, Choice is yours..
    We are trying to invite that reporter guy. So of course he wouldn't like that. Its all good. I hope you dont mind. Just communicating so we are on the same page.
    He mate, in the The MD forum. Lets discuss it if something is offered to be discussed. Lets not just side it as a "dooms day", it might hurt some sentiments reading our forum. ;)
    there is a age limit and the grades required are at least 2nd Div-pass - you can get all the info from army recruitment centers - good luck!
    if i have read u correctly, u have reached the issb - so do your best to pass it. nothing is better than serving your country in uniform
    sir i want do a lot of for my contry. to do that i have applied in army but r in issb now i can't understand what should i do for her which will tne special
    friend, i am not a pilot (wish i was) - i am retd army! but send a PM to x_man who is a PAF pilot and he will be better able to answer your queries!
    Good Luck!
    i am new on this forum, and i am kinda interested in applying at PAF for GDP. you seem to be a pilot, so i thought u could answer my queries. i am a pakistani international student in south africa, currently in my matric year (grade 12). would you mind giving me your contact details so that i may contact you?

    our top priority (setting personal likes and dislikes aside) is to defend Pakistan on this forum and there is none better than people with your background!
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