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  • yes u r correct! why dont we send recommendations so that we can have 12 active members!
    Some guys are inactive. We have an average of 6 Think Tanks online regularly. So its better if we get a few people in while we develop the core issues? Once issues are developed, clear tasks can be given.
    i had heard of women in the AF GDP branch and women in the army in the education and IT branch - dont know of any serving in the front-lines!
    hi AoA
    i was thinking about you the other day - glad to see that u r back! hope all is well with family and job-wise!
    well today i am in sukkur - its hot and humid and the office has no bijli but then whats new - july and aug have been busy travel-wise. was in lhr but schedule did not permit.
    well i was going to send you an article on 71 war (the last days) plus some pics of my dad during early army days and then i lost your e-mail address as i cleaned up my PM-box!
    so pls send and ye shall receiveth!
    yes chairman TT! lets see how it runneth!
    Chairman Mao...:)

    You have now become the ace of think tanks...upgraded to M1A2.
    Congratulations, i know you shall add even more value...if it is possible that is.

    Good to know.
    How long i have been gone?
    ...i see plenty of changes...
    AOA fatman Sb!

    How fareth the adventures throughout Pakistan?
    I hope you and family are all doing well.

    If you recall from our dinner in pc, you were going to email me some memorable photos and articles, funny thing is that even i have forgotten exactly what the content was supposed to be...
    so if you remember do send me over as i know i was supposed to receive some emails from you.

    All the best Sir Jee
    Aslam O Alikum, I was just surfing net and on another web I found
    "Now a days there are many girls serving in the Army as Captain." Is it true that girls are working in PAK Army other than medical branch?
    Why limit Think Tanks to twelve? I think we need to expand it and make it stronger! I think you were kidding when you said "dirty dozen" right? :)
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