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  • Salam Webby,

    Thanks for removing the ban. I must admit i was very confused why i had been banned because as far as i was aware i had never posted anything offensive or insulting.
    But thanks once again for getting back to me :)
    Allah hafiz
    y is the wall paper(forum picture) different on different threads,,?
    Is it intentional or some bug..?
    BTW..the former picture was way cool tha the current one.
    indianarmy2020 / proud2beindian

    do an IP/background check if you can. He REALLY is flaming; and its disturbing and annoying a lot of people.
    True, we need a field Marshall Badge

    and there must also be something on reaching 10k posts as well. Little bit of extra rights like closing your own thread or you can see peoples with invisible mode? something interesting you know
    DEAR ASADI, Just watch the newspaper everyday, someday you will an ad to join Pak Army which appears in newspapers twice a year. All the procedures will be written in it. Just follow them.
    im not interested in who you are or what you do for that matter.... what i know is that you have quite a following here of some genuinely intelectual minds and with proper awarness it can be used to achieve the long awaited.... Great Revolution of Pakistan.
    it is not impossible or unheard of.
    i visit your blog whenever i get the time but to post you have to register... so this is my only post to you. use your platform to reform our country. prove you patriotism and bring 'minds' under one umbrella and do something progressive and revolutionary. save our country God knows it needs it.
    I would like to purchase an advertisement in a form of a sticky thread in the India Defence section. Can you tell me the rates?
    Wats a method to bacome a think tank . Is there a process or you just tend to pick any member who suffies to certin conditions .??
    Thanks a lot. I am honoured that you have judged me to be of "good knowledge and analytical discussion ability". I hope I do not disappoint your judgement.
    Bro Webby,

    I am asking to ban all Indians (including newbies) for the reasons of derail threads in every Pakistan's important topics (Avionics, submarines, navy, and vice versa)........keep rolling many baseless arguments....they just need their attention and twist propagandas.......

    Is that another possible way to prevent this happening?

    Example: Why do you need French avionics when the Chinese are just as good and more reliable ?

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