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  • hello webmaster. I have questions about Pakistan, and need really smart answers. may I open a new question thread for my questions? there are too many questions lol...
    Sir, hi, this is greyboy, first of all, apologize for new ID, only for the purpose
    of get in touch with you, i was banned today for posting Indian poverty thread, but correct me if i was wrong, as far as i know, there are no rule in
    PDF for forbidden posting such thread, do i deserve a notice or warning before getting ban ? and also the thread i post today is about American student the aftermath, their impression of poverty in India and what they
    learn from it, its not offensive atall, please take a look at the thread and
    see whether i deserve a ban, if yes or no, please delete this ID and messege
    for me, thanks in advance sir.

    We have a kid named Mustiej who is VERY BAKED at the moment.

    Ban him for a couple of hours so it wears off.
    salam, Sir i have ben applied for GDp 131 ,i want to ask about my sall letter .plz tell me about it. my ids are Unique.starz20@gmail.com quick_launch2050@yahoo.com plz reply me on it . Thanks
    WebMaster saab! aap ne Asim ki post delete nahi ki lekin maine post report ki to merihi post delete kar di. Bataenge kyon?
    Salam webby,
    Sorry to bother you again. I just noticed the indian troll (the one with a similiar ID to mine) is still active...I saw him trolling in one of the threads today. Also, when you click on his username, it still takes you to my profile instead of his! I'm just concerned incase i get banned accidently again instead of him! lol
    Is there any chance he can be banned or his user id changed so there is no confusion?
    Just to clarify, my user ID is 'mr_cool' and the trolls ID is 'Mr. cool'
    Thanks alot
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