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  • Sir:
    This is supposed to be a defense forum but has turned into a gossip and Islam bashing board. The duty of a Mod is to monitor the forum for quality and its content and not to take sides and indulge in controversial debates. But guess what, some of them are heavily involved in debating and taking sides instead of being fair and impartial. Some members, especially one of the females from Islamabad, continue to use vulgar language and profanity without even being checked. And hence, the quality of this forum is deteriorating everyday. On one side, some Mods have the odyssey to act like a champion for the rights of minorities but then at the same time they are violating the rights of majority members of this forum by not catering to their calls which is no less than, in my opinion, a dictatorship.

    It’s about time that some of the Mods first set an example to be fair and impartial on this forum and respect the calls of majority before fighting for the rights of minorities.
    slaam sir i want to share a pic.hindus dogs brunt our Holly quran and i want to tell all muslims and non muslims hindus r terorist not muslims
    It is I.

    The cookie monster.
    I have came to post in your forum.

    Please be fair to all nationalities and religions and on all issues.

    I saw a lot of Jew hate threads (and I'm not Jewish)
    Please try to control that.
    saalam sir...

    i made a mistake on my new thread which is only 9 ... but it has to be 911 was an inside job
    This is Fahad and i already stared to ping ;)

    i tried to create a thread in intro but it is givig some error soooo pls help me out
    Hey Webby..i need suicide ban again (studies) i am so addicted to your forums..so could you please go ahead and ban me for 3 months?
    hi webmaster

    I was wondering if you could change back the title of the thread pakistan's firdaus back to the original "beautiful pakistan" I have been posting alot of pics in that thread for the purpose of promoting pakistan it got more views and responses when it had that title.The original title was more attention grabbing and much more people know what beautiful pakistan meant and so will be more inclined to see it.Ofcourse whatever you decide i will accept .
    thx for your time.
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