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  • Wow, judging from your knowledge, i thought you would be younger than me, but you are few months older.

    I can write here the hymns which doesn't support idol worshipping but that would be too long. Anyways what i was saying is that i think your vedas are different from our vedas
    Recently, you have posted some really good threads (especially one about the GSLV faliure)!

    Keep up the good work, sister!
    oh well the thing is, she is thinking religiously and the environment she has been brought up to.

    You are indirectly trying to prove something that she has never experienced before. I guess both of you are right on your own perspectives respectively but it is illogical to see you both fighting like that :S

    Better focus on other threads... and indirectly you have been raising voices on religion too - but nobody has found time to reply back to you in that manner.... and try not to be abusive in your speeches I often notice you are little too much agressive...
    then refrain posting there.... good ladies are made to be respected!!!!!
    congrats for crossing 700!



    yeah do remember PM elections, my vote is for you :D (if you can make my vote first).

    You are becoming popular may be we can now appoint you as a leader of opposition party @ PDF
    somebody is deeply in love with you... so he/she is hitting thanks on your all posts?
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