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  • hhey desi do you any website address where i can upload a file and download the same file in another computer using the weblink?
    hehehehe...this forum is not addictive as before..I now logged in to post as tp when i am in office
    just as usual..Kashmir,poverty,evil hindus ,MCRA..good that toilet issue is not raising now a days ;-)
    Yes, but as I said, the ID section is swamped with threads as it is. And this particular one had nothing to do with military, defence or security issues.
    No hurry - but the ID section is swamped with threads as is- the kinds of threads being posted need to be restricted
    Check for existing threads before starting new ones - your two threads were deleted/merged. Also, anything related to the Taliban, terorism, and Pakistan's COIN campaign goes in PW section, not strategic affairs, which is primarily foreign relations based.
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