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  • They polices were beating the pkk supporters !! Dont treat us we kurds all of us pkk member.. I said that i will support Turkish police coz they are trying to keep me alive. what polis must have done while they are burning up our properties and smashing down our shopses windows? Should they have said thanks for destroying ?? I said that many times prue kurts never ever support pkk only half kurt/Armeninas support keep it in your mind !! I thanks to memebers who speak the truth nothing else ...
    No need to confrontate Bhartis cause we all know how they are.

    Lets not fall to their standards, but ask Mods/Admins who are close to you to ban them.
    Assalam u Alaikum :D

    Welcome Back bro!
    Its great to have you back.

    Why were you banned anyways?
    Didn't have any idea of avatar, so I put a Pakistan cricket fan I found in an article... ^^
    Thanks bro.^^

    We must stop China, coz if we fail, the whole ASEAN will be in China hands, and we will have no place to live .:(
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