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  • ماني معصب أبدا بس حبيت أغيظهم!
    ما ينفع معهم إلا كذا
    بعض الناس ما بتستاهل خرى في وجيههم.
    لا لا خلاص طلع مسوينلك
    صرت عضو ذهبي ذحين دقيقه اسويلك مباركه في ميمبرز كلوب
    مبروك على السينيور ميمبر سينيور مصعابنه
    A Punjabi-Kashmiri would probably be more accurate ! For two reasons : 1) My family, when they came to these lands, were met with so much love by the Punjabis that they couldn't help themselves and they assimilated ! Now...none of them speak their ancestral tongue, our prescribe to their ancestral culture or history but all of us proudly call ourselves 'Punjabis' and as lover of all things Punjab and Punjabi ! And 2) Because my mother's blood is as thick as my fathers and I'd want to be identified with her ethnicity as well.

    And what the heck is a Kashmir Pant ? :P

    Oh...I'm trolling Indians on a Kashmiri thread right now and I could use your help ! :D
    On my mother's side I'm an ethnic Punjabi which is the largest ethnic group of the most developed and the most heavily populated Province of Pakistan ! Punjabis number more than the entire Population of Egypt.

    Even though the languages of either of my ethnicities would be 'Punjabi and Koshur' but my mother tongue is Urdu instead - the lingua franca and the National Language of Pakistan !
    Yeah I'm sure they are ! I met an Egyptian lady once who'd joined up the Pakistani school in Riyadh as a teacher and she'd come here to Pakistan for recruitment purposes....she was a very nice person and it was a pleasure to meet here !

    I myself am an ethnic Kashmiri on my father's side ! Kashmir being the disputed territory between Pakistan and India over which we've fought 2 wars and a border skirmish ! Pakistan controls 1/3rd of it whereas India controls a little less than 2/3rd with the remained being Chinese controlled. My father's family hails from the Indian side of Kashmir but they came to what became Pakistan about 30 years before our independence but we've still got relatives over there.
    A bedouin ! So you own a date farm in the dessert with a dozen camels, a few dozen goats and you fire those elaborately decorated firearms from the Lawrence of Arabia ! Dang...thats bad arse ! :)
    So are you an ethnic Arab or a half and half thing ? Do you speak Arabic as your mother tongue or something else ? How is modern day Arabic different from the one used in the Quran ? And how is Jordanian Arabic any different from the one spoken in say - Tunisia ? Questions....Questions.....Questions ! :D
    ياخي المنتدى هذا إدماااان. جالس أحاول أسستفزهم شهر كامل عشان يعطوني بان لكن مو راضين! عالأقل بان أسبوعين عشان أفتك!:)
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