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  • وعليكم السلام اخوي بلاك ايجل ومشكور على حرصك واهتمامك في مثل هذه الامور صحيح انا مقصر هاليومين في الردود وفيه مواضيع كثيره حاب اشارك فيها ولاكن كنت مشغول بعض الشي خلال الايام السابقه والا من حقهم علينا وحق المسلمين اننا نشاركهم احزانهم وافراحهم ونووقف معهم
    والله ان العين تدمع من اللي حاصل في سوريا ماعند نقدر نركز تكالبت علينا الامم حسبنا الله ونعم والوكيل
    مشكور مجددا ياولد العم
    Jeez...no need to get all worked up I thought you guys still maintained some kind of fondness with camels and their by-products, seeing that you were bedouins once !
    Haaahaaa ! 'Snugly little nose and a feminine mouth' is that so ? :D

    And dude I've never tasted camel milk but I've tasted camel meat and I swore at that time never to do so again ! How do you guys eat it ?
    I know you were kidding...what do you think I was doing ? oO

    On us being more advanced then you guys ? In the military industry area - Dunno, I haven't a clue about these military things. But when it comes to 'food'...your damn right we're more advanced then you ! We can create art with food...we are the Mozarts, the Rembrandts, the Michelangelos of the Food world ! :P
    I knew it ! Just because we don't have big noses and hence can't get as much oxygen as you guys, that doesn't mean that you're better than us. You guys probably are going to tie a rocket to a camel's hump and put some wings on it to make a bomber at least we did it with a chicken...more aerodynamic you see ? :P
    Haaahaaa ! Says a guy whos looks as if hes seen something that the Mutawas would go gaga over ! :P
    Nah...there was a time I just didn't smile whenever photographs were being taken ! But now not so ! :)
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