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    Reactions: Arsalan
    Noted. Title changed to show the size of discovery instead of misguiding people by calling it "HUGE DISCOVERY"
    Every week we are hearing news of discovery but till now not a single penny worth we get any thing, Our traitor kana Dajjal made us to pay for Reko Deck discovery and no other country or company interested to invest in this project.
    Brother you haven't even given me time to reply to Dubious and others about my position on their claims. But anyway thanks for opening the thread.
    Dear i will request you not to make it Iran vs Arab or Shia vs Sunni matter. Whatever you have too add please add on the thread that is open now
    Hello sir.
    I am an old member. I don't know how to make new threads. Or maybe I am not allowed. Please show me how to make new thread.
    I am away for a few days, will you remind me next Tuesday and we will sort this out InshAllah. Sorry about the delay.
    AOA Arsalan, I have an old Aviation Art thread but its images are gone now. I wish to maintain it but don’t want to upload lost images in new posts. The reason behind is that viewers will again be able to see my work from pg.1 instead of going to pg.7. Is there's any option by which I could edit / update old posts with new images? https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/aviation-art-by-wahaj-ahmed-siddiqui-was.32222/page-7
    Walikum Sallam, bro there is a time limit after which you cannot edit your post. However i do agree that posting same images as new posts even if older ones are removed wont look very good.
    Moderators have the access to edit your posts. What i can do for you is that i can edit your posts, add pictures in those posts. However i will need details about which pic goes to which post. The posts remain in your name.
    Thank a lot brother, that will surly do. I will give you a Zip file containing the images with post numbers specified, so you could easily update the posts. I'd be really grateful. BTW How can I send you the zip file ?
    Hello arsalan.
    Why am not I allowed to make treads? Or am I missing something or how to make threads?
    You should be able to make new thread. Can you please confirm in which section you were trying to start a new thread?
    How do we send PMs? There's an inbox tb i cant see to use?
    There is an Inbox button but i cant start a conversation. I can only view them which are 0.
    Which members can start them?
    Cant this be made available to older members atleast?
    I have had need in the past, and i couldnot start those.
    Previously private message feature was available to all but there were some problems/complaints. If you do not see "Start New Conversation" button once you take mouse cursor to "INBOX" you wont be able to start a new conv.
    All i can do is start a conv between you and the members you want if they are ok with it and then leave the conv. so you people can communicate.
    Asalaamualaykum. I think you have unfairly locked my thread, noone has argued theologically on it and even my opening post mentioned it was not theological. Just because I've highlighted Iran's sectarianism, it doesn't mean I've opened the door to religious debate.
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    Reactions: Arsalan
    Bro there are TOO MANY religiously fueled discussion going on and ALL OF THEM end up in abuses and insults. Let the thread cool off, give me some time to go through it again and will reopen if we can. I hope you understand
    Fair enough man. You moderators have always treated me fairly, so whilst I disagree with your decision, I will respect it. I hope things calm down insha'Allah so it can be reopened.

    Thanks for your time bro.
    If i have missed any quotes or mentions sorry about that. Was away for a few weeks. Will try to get back to routine starting this week.
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