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Recent content by Amatoxin

  1. A


    This Naswar s*** here is strong guys.. it was around 290 pages I last visited a day or two back.. :drag:
  2. A

    Srinagar: Fidayeen Return to the heart of Kashmir | PKKH.tv

    Yes, I have and have you heard of the insurgency in 89 after which AFSPA was applied?
  3. A

    Pakistan parliament passes resolution condemning Afzal Guru's hanging

    Pakistan is a state you cannot trust or believe, on one hand the most heinous crimes are swept under the carpet and on the other they pass resolutions for a terrorist who was sentenced by the apex court of our country.. They are more messed than I thought!
  4. A

    Srinagar: Fidayeen Return to the heart of Kashmir | PKKH.tv

    Caged animals are not allowed to vote, most of the times the story which plays out on the other side of the border :lol:
  5. A

    Srinagar: Fidayeen Return to the heart of Kashmir | PKKH.tv

    Because the grip is so strong in that side, I've read there was a Shia uprising in GB and it was neutralized super fast..
  6. A


    Don't we have enough crazies to take care of :D
  7. A

    Srinagar: Fidayeen Return to the heart of Kashmir | PKKH.tv

    Good for you but I asked why not talk about Pakistan mate, Kashmir is just not occupied by India.
  8. A


    Do we need to do any thing to Pakistan, the internal situation at present is bad enough.
  9. A

    Hizbul Mujahideen takes responsibility for attack on CRPF camp

    These terrorists are the biggest cry babies you see, Pakistan must stop them.
  10. A

    Srinagar: Fidayeen Return to the heart of Kashmir | PKKH.tv

    Please do speak, why do you shy away? What is stopping you?
  11. A

    Srinagar: Fidayeen Return to the heart of Kashmir | PKKH.tv

    If that way comes I'm sure Pakistan will be in 4 parts, if not more.. Thinking of that, if they don't split by that time India will split it. :D
  12. A

    Srinagar: Fidayeen Return to the heart of Kashmir | PKKH.tv

    Of course, just like in Kashmir people who want to blow up, believe in TNT and all that in the mainland India they are free to leave their land behind.. There was a reason why Jinnah did not get what he wanted in full cause he was not presented a menu :D
  13. A

    Group visa for Pakistanis put on hold by India

    Good move, these moves have not really brought any difference so why keep up the pretense?
  14. A

    India has three of world's five best airports: report

    Importantly they are privately managed.. Even a third grade airport will have better rankings than a Govt. operated one!
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    :lol: then check out Veena Malik, she is on a war footing too :cheesy:
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