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  • Swine sir has two meanings. First is a pig and the second is a brutal person. It was clear from my post that I was referring to the brutality of the terrorists. There was no reference to Pakistan, religion, or even pigs. It was another member who called them piglets and another member who was trolling about breeding. One of them is still not banned.

    My explanation was there in the thread itself but the mods deleted the thread. Please take a look at the thread again and you might understand the issue. It wasn't me, but the other two who were trolling and fighting.
    Sir, this is jagjitnatt. My account has been banned and the reason given is 'flame baiting' which certainly is not the case. This is a surprise to me. My posts have been very civil and neutral in the past week or so. I don't believe I am banned. And there has been no warnings either.

    Can you please let me know what post was it that got me banned. I feel justice is not being done, and if this is really the case, I want my account back.
    Odd that you deleted half the conversation between Nitro and I in the nuclear reactors thread. I didn't think it off-topic because if you are going to have n-power it's only sensible to consider how to handle n-waste. Nitro's logic was interesting. Now only Nitro and I know what was being discussed. What exactly was the problem, so we can avoid doing it again?
    in the thread Roads in Newdelhi vs Karachi..the discussion was going in a smooth way with members from both sides posting ppictures w/o any trolling or flaming unless this guy XMustiiej shows up and derails the thread by unneccesarily bring in Turkey into this.Can u pls look into it.?
    AM you delete my post but can you answer my question here?
    Why Growler is not even warned when he personally attacked each person who asked a valid question, read the thread from beginning. Also tell me if this is not right that if same thing any Indian might have done he might have be given serious warning. One think tank in this forum also said madarchod in his post but neither his post was deleted nor he was warned.
    Is it wrong expectation that all members should be treated with equal right and dignity and by not warning these senior member are you not promoting them or indirectly telling them it is allowed against Indians.

    This is not first instance and he is not the only member, there are number of Pakistani senior members who knows this that the forum will allow bashing Indians and at best their post will be deleted.

    If your answer is going to ask me to provide instance on such account then please do not reply, I will understand what you mean.
    I understand however these bharatis always attack us on the basis of false premises that bd's are begging on bharati street. They have no right to bring this irritating issue on every thread without any solid proof. Some time I lose cool and counter attack with raw truth. I am sorry if I cause any trouble. I will try not to go that extant in future.

    may i ask why my post in the " How Pakistan is goingn to counter Pak-fa " deleted ...all other deleted posts had a reason mine did not have a reason specified for deletion.I had quoted a fellow Pakistani member and given my view ... neither was it a troll attempt but just a attempt to point out why the perception are as they are.
    If you could give me the reason for the deletion it would be nice .

    Regards syntax
    sir why my thread Russia to upgrade Admiral Gorshkov for India on time deleted saying not related to defence,it was related to Indian defence so if iam wrong which is the correct place to post the thread
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