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Abu Zolfiqar
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  • Yeah Sir, all well in Peshawar for now, but slight damage did happen in the surrounding areas.
    You can ask that, today, after thousands of classified documents have been released by Wikileaks attesting to the perfidy of the ISI? Nevertheless, the responsibility to build a just society in Pakistan is much more your responsibility than mine, isn't it? So why should I be the one put on the spot to provide proof, or substantially refute an allegation?
    "more baseless indian propaganda "

    Why not investigate and discover the truth yourself?
    I am packing my things too. I will be leaving for Pakistan some time soon.

    Congrats on getting a place at a business school, what course will you be studying for.
    I am working with a private television channel. I do work of and on for some foreign newspaper !
    Hey Abu Zolfiqar, do you mind taking off 5 minutes from your time and helping me out?

    First clear you private messages quota so I can send it to you in private. :)
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