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Abu Zolfiqar
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  • Selamun Aleykum brother,

    I think the problem is not related to your inbox, but due to the fact that I need at least 700 posts to be elligible for sending mails :)

    I was just saying hi and responding to your mail, nothing significant. I have been living in US for 12 years but thinking about coming back to Turkey, I will see what happens...

    Do you speak Turkish?

    "your garbled rants truly DON'T help Pakistan"

    "Garbled"? In what way am I unclear?
    Your avatar is copied from Imran Khan, not fair!

    I have saved it, I wanted it, but then I thought having single avatar by two person would be.....I am not saying the word! I DONT want ISI to kidnap and killme for offending their professional :P
    I wish I knew more people like you brother. I love Pakhtuns more than anyone in Pakistan, but sometimes I get a bit disheartened when I see some Pashtuns from FATA speak about breaking up Pakistan in online Pashtun forums. I know Pakistani Pakhtuns are fiercely patriotic, yet I feel so bad for Pakhtuns, I can't imagine what you must go through everyday. I visited Darra once in the 90's with my friend from the Afridi tribe, & I've loved Pakhtuns every since. I just wish all Pakhtuns feel they are as Pakistani as everyone else. I also feel sad when Afghan Pashtuns don't think of you as 'real Pashtuns' because you support Pakistan, & these Afghan Pashtuns are the most vocal and have the loudest voices. I hope you don't feel alienated from Pakistan either. It is a dream for me to one day go from the Tribal Areas into Afghanistan, when things get better. I want to see Paktia, Kunar, Logar; wrt Mohmand, Orakzai, Kurrum etc. I want to see how the different tribes interact with each other.
    Write on the board 100 times: G..A..N..D..H..I.
    If this is beyond your spelling capability, refer to my note. Just avoid your usual 'ghandi' spelling.

    Everything is going fine thank you so much for asking, hope you are well. Just been bogged down with work.
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