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Abu Zolfiqar
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  • I don't know why the av is not uploading on imageshack and flickr as animated pic. It converts to still image.
    Sakarya 54, Izmit 41, Istanbul 06, evet dogru :)

    Evet aynen oyle kardesim, biz hepimiz kardesiz ve Allah aksini dilemesi haric hep kardes kalacagiz.

    Insallah biz kendimizi biraz duzeltiriz, Allah da bizim durumumuzu duzeltir.

    Sevgiler ve Saygilar, Allah'a emanet....
    AZ - the infraction on the flag post was completely by mistake. The wrong post ended up being selected for infraction by the concerned mod. Hence our advice to all members that raising any issues you may have with mod/admin decisions in a polite and civil manner (with rational and logical arguments backing up your position) through email or PM, is the best way to resolve things. I would also recommend forwarding any such email/pm to all admins and multiple mods so that the team can also engage in discussion with each other on the correct approach to a situation, rather than turning it into a slugfest between one mod/admin and a member who feels wronged.
    Selamun Aleykum kardesim,

    Turkcen cok iyi. Uc senede iyi ogrenmissin!

    Benim ailem Turkiye'de, Sakarya'da :) Yani kaldigin yerlere cok yakin.

    Maalesef ben cok iyi bir ornek oldugumuzu dusunemiyorum, yine maalesef Islam aleminde su an oyle model olabilecek bir ulke de yok gibi. WikiLeaks'de yazildi ya Suudi Krali Irana operasyon icin ABD'de kulis yapiyormus! Musluman bir lider, kafirlerin musluman kani dokmesine nasil razi olur?

    En basta kendimi koymak uzere, bozulduk, saglam bir temelimiz kalmadi. Ne diyelim ki Allah sonumuzu hayir etsin. Insallah belki Selahaddin Eyyubi, Fatih Sultan Mehmet, gibi bir lider gelir, biz de onun catisi altinda birlesiriz...

    Selametle kal...
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