Thank You, I do parallel much of your view myself. I'm still learning about this but I fear that most of the educated youth is turning increasingly towards secularism because they've been fed up by this endless religious hypocrisy of the Mullahs. What I fear is that in the process of ending religious hypocrisy we are increasingly thinking of dealing with the 'religion' part much before the 'hypocrisy' and what this would do with Pakistan is that it'll in many ways negate the raison detre of Pakistan. If you read 'Iqbal's Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam', in it, the Allama, talks about us Muslims having fallen into blind Taqlid (imitation) and have given up original thought. What he proposed was a State where the Parliament conducts Ijtihad (consensus to form a legal opinion) to reinterpret Islam in the light of modernity. I fear that that dream would be and is, being lost. Khair...take care !
Mashook ha ya mien fuhrer :d