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  • There is nothing as 'overqualified' till the time you are within the age limit.
    Hi, can you find out and tell me when the selection will start for PAF GDP in first half of 2011?
    Much appreciated!
    I couldn't apply because I couldn't get my Equivalence Certificate on time.
    What about you?
    Sorry for the late reply.
    I asked the same equivalence related question on many forums, but never got a straight answer. Let's just hope they treat the A Level students differently and FSC differently as mentioned in their last brochure ;)
    Well, read books for phys and chem and practice the questions in them regarding the topic of AS (download the syllabus).
    For maths get the Red Spot Topical and start practicing the P1 and M1 topics as they are relatively easier ;)
    Well I am building a website for O and A Level students with tips and such.
    Do keep in contact ;)
    I am sorry, i can not confirm that since I am no longer in Pakistan,
    however I can tell you that A/AS level were accepted.
    Bro u can apply in next feb session bcoz in aug if u clear the initial test then ur ISSB will be oct and u should have ur A level result before the start of ur classes, which will be in december 2010 and ur exams will be in feb 2011. I called the selection center they told me this procedure.

    My CSS was good but not excelent. Keep praying......regards, Eagle
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