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Indian woman is stripped naked and has her eyes gouged out before being beaten to death and incinera


May 29, 2012
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United Kingdom
Indian woman is stripped naked and has her eyes gouged out before being beaten to death and incinerated by her family after they accuse her of being a witch
  • Kanya Devi, 40, was allegedly murdered by her family in Rajasthan, India
  • She was beaten, burned alive and had her eyes gouged out with a burning rod
  • Accused of her murder are her family members, including two teenage girls
  • Police say family carried out the murder because they believed she was a 'witch'

Killed: Kanya Devi, 40, was murdered by her family who believed she was a 'witch'
An Indian woman has allegedly been tortured to death by members of her own family - including two teenage girls - because they believed her to be a 'witch'.

Kanya Devi, 40, was subjected to horrific abuse, which is said to have included her being stripped off her clothes, forced to eat faeces and burned on a firepit, before having her eyes gouged out with burning embers and a hot rod.

Ms Devi, a widow from the village of Kadera, Ajmer District, Rajasthan State, Northern India, died from her injuries, with the accused family members then burning her body to hide evidence, local police say.

Five people, including Ms Devi's niece and nephew, have now been arrested in connection with her death.

However, police say they have a tough burden of evidence as her remains have already been cremated.

Ms Devi's 15-year-old son is said to have witnessed the attack, but was ordered not to report it to the police by a village elder.

The village elders had allegedly 'absolved' the perpetrators by forcing them to take a 'holy dip' in a nearby river and be on cow-feeding duty, but had threatened outraged members of Ms Devi's family with social boycott if they reported the matter to police.


Horrifying: Her killers are said to have stripped off her clothes, forced her to eat faeces and burned her on a firepit, before having her eyes gouged out with burning embers and a hot rod
The matter came to police attention when Mahadev Regar, a relative and local activist, went to the funeral, and called police when he learned how Ms Devi had died.

A police spokesman said: 'On August 8, Mahadev lodged a complaint but we were waiting for a complaint by a close relative. After her 23-year-old daughter Maya Devi submitted a complaint, we lodged a report on Sunday.'

Police superintendent Rajendra Singh said: 'She was badly tortured. The accused have admitted to forcing her to eat faeces, lashing and burning her.


In custody: Two of the five people arrested are teenage girls - Ms Devi's niece and a neighbour

Arrested: Police say that while the accused claim they were rightfully ridding the community of a 'witch' their true reason was so they could get their hands on Ms Devi's property
'Five of the six accused, booked for murder and under relevant sections of the Rajasthan Prevention of Witch Hunting Act, have been arrested.'

The accused have been named by officers and include Kanya's niece Pinky, her nephew Mahaveer and neighbour Sonia.

An activist in the area, Tara Ahluwalia said: 'They claimed that they were asked to beat Kanya as she was a witch. But the real reason was property.

'Kanya's husband recently passed away and since her son is a minor, her husband's relatives conspired to get rid of her and grab her land.'

The accused have been arrested on suspicion of murder, causing the disappearance of evidence, two charges of witch hunting and causing the unnatural death of a woman

Criminals Killer her to grab her land and suddenly its international news.
Pathetic and unbelievable... I mean killing someone with bullet takes second. An impulse can do that.
But public humiliation and baeating to death... one must be heartless..
Ms Devi is a widow and was burned alive. Doesn't this incident simply represent the longstanding Hindu tradition of Sati?

sati is long dead

Pathetic and unbelievable... I mean killing someone with bullet takes second. An impulse can do that.
But public humiliation and baeating to death... one must be heartless..

talk about being a cup cake
what is the government supposed to do ? supply every pyschopath with a firearm.
Hindus have Sati ritual where women are thrown into the fire for the Gods. Ram also threw his wife into fire because his wife's dad abused him. Hindu religion is really backward tribal and is essentially a tool for the Brahmins to keep people as their slaves.
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