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When did you first decide you Love Israel and why?

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graphican, if you are looking for answers from Americans, you won't get representative answers in a forum geared first to Pakistanis. The rest of what you wrote is much more interesting and has given me much to think about - especially your assumptions.

When did I learn to love Israel? There are two Israels involved here; the Israel of story, religion, and song and the reality. I've loved the first since I learned about Moses and King David in kindergarten; imagine, a land where Jews are free to live without being thrashed by taskmasters or oppressed by non-Jews or murdered by ruffians out for never-ending theft and conquest.

I learned to love the second when I visited as a teenager: a land where long-oppressed Jews, most of them cast out from other nations and almost without support, nevertheless now possessed their own homes and freedom to act and thereby accomplished wonders: new cities, new towns, advances in the arts and sciences, a language revived from the dead, all from a nearly extinct people wakened to life anew, and experiencing a collective life that had been absent for two thousand years. A bit rough - the collision of cultures and the will to achieve leaves Israelis short of manners. And a bit tough, for they have to be on guard almost all the time. The Arab and foreign presence (20%+) added nice spice and an even more international flavor to the mix.
How can someone defeat army of 50000 with 60 people, I doubt that.

I can assume that 60 fought against 50000 . But 60 can't defeat 50000 people.
Similar case is in History of Sikhs in which aurangzeb send a army of more than 100000 to kill Guru Govind Singh but 46 Sikhs fought with that huge army and 42 martyred. But they got their objective to save "Guru".
link :- Battle of Chamkaur - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
See graphican buddy, this is what happens if you poke your nose in first page itself, DERAILMENT !!!

Don't twist the talk, stick to your line. What happens to me is what I will take care of. You better have good reply to support your love for the Israelis in your next post.

And for the Derailment part, read some about Khalid Bin Walid and his Masculinity before you comment more about him. Khalid ibn al-Walid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kargil, ppl with spunk, survivors and deep friends.

Arabs and muslims over simplify their issues with Israel. Fact is, I see Israel do in Jerusalem what any self respecting muslim would do in Mecca or medina- fight to death to preserve the well spring of their civilization/relegion. So I wouldn't be inclined to judge them harshly.
Don't twist the talk, stick to your line. What happens to me is what I will take care of. You better have good reply to support your love for the Israelis in your next post.

And for the Derailment part, read some about Khalid Bin Walid and his Masculinity before you comment more about him. Khalid ibn al-Walid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ok lets have it your way. Firstly, I dont care about Mr Khalid and Mr Walid as it is not the point of discussion here. Start a new thread regarding them and I wont care to post in that thread. Neither have I enquired about them nor do I care. You yourself are bringing that unnecessarily. (read post #10)

And since this thread is about my (our) love for Israel, I love isarel for the reason I have already mentioned before. I am impressed by their capabilities sice childhood.
this is the fastest going thread ,this is hypersonic:rofl::rofl::rofl:,and shows the indian interest over israel.:pop::pop:
graphican, if you are looking for answers from Americans, you won't get representative answers in a forum geared first to Pakistanis. The rest of what you wrote is much more interesting and has given me much to think about - especially your assumptions.

When did I learn to love Israel? There are two Israels involved here; the Israel of story, religion, and song and the reality. I've loved the first since I learned about Moses and King David in kindergarten; imagine, a land where Jews are free to live without being thrashed by taskmasters or oppressed by non-Jews or murdered by ruffians out for never-ending theft and conquest.

I learned to love the second when I visited as a teenager: a land where long-oppressed Jews, most of them cast out from other nations and almost without support, nevertheless now possessed their own homes and freedom to act and thereby accomplished wonders: new cities, new towns, advances in the arts and sciences, a language revived from the dead, all from a nearly extinct people wakened to life anew, and experiencing a collective life that had been absent for two thousand years. A bit rough - the collision of cultures and the will to achieve leaves Israelis short of manners. And a bit tough, for they have to be on guard almost all the time. The Arab and foreign presence (20%+) added nice spice and an even more international flavor to the mix.

You are delusioned here. Let me correct your focus if I could.

1 - JEWS are not Israelis. Many Jews are against creation of Israel and this hate for Israelis is not directed towards Jews. Let that be cleared for once and all.

2 - If I am homeless and hungry, does that legitimates me to capture your home and snatch your meal? Why would Arabs offer their legitimate land to them? It is no excuse. Not even half of it. If Jews wanted a home, why wasn't that offered in Germany where Holocast was done? When 100000s of Jews were martered, they deserved to own the land that has drunk blood of their loved ones. Why Palestine then? Why not any state Inside USA? Why not in England that supports them like its own citizens?

Whatever you have said doesn't even provide mere ground to support Israelis. Think more and come back again.
Then you got to read the history books. No Fairy Tales here.

Khalid ibn al-Walid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Graphican no amount of links can convince me for this, what it means is 1 person killed roughly 800 people. I know that time it was only war with swords and like that not with guns I believe. I want to know how they did it, in simple words to be convinced.

You can open a new thread for this, I believe there is lot of history like this, where we find supermans.
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Ok lets have it your way. Firstly, I dont care about Mr Khalid and Mr Walid as it is not the point of discussion here. Start a new thread regarding them and I wont care to post in that thread. Neither have I enquired about them nor do I care. You yourself are bringing that unnecessarily. (read post #10)

And since this thread is about my (our) love for Israel, I love isarel for the reason I have already mentioned before. I am impressed by their capabilities sice childhood.

If you love them for their masculinity as you put it, I am presenting you even more brave people. If you are true in your argument, support masculinity that is even better than that of Israelis. Why are you reluctant then? Or you can admit that it wasn't the reason and you actually loved Israelis for humiliating Arabs who you also hated inside.

Regarding Khalid bin Walid, you can show some respect and restrain from twisting his name. He is very honorable personality in our history and your disrespect to him is again indicating you hate Muslims. Is it the case?

Your argument is still not complete. You Love Israelis for what reason? "I love them because I want to love them"? is that your reason?
You are delusioned here. Let me correct your focus if I could.

1 - JEWS are not Israelis. Many Jews are against creation of Israel and this hate for Israelis is not directed towards Jews. Let that be cleared for once and all.

2 - If I am homeless and hungry, does that legitimates me to capture your home and snatch your meal? Why would Arabs offer their legitimate land to them? It is no excuse. Not even half of it. If Jews wanted a home, why wasn't that offered in Germany where Holocast was done? When 100000s of Jews were martered, they deserved to own the land that has drunk blood of their loved ones. Why Palestine then? Why not any state Inside USA? Why not in England that supports them like its own citizens?

Whatever you have said doesn't even provide mere ground to support Israelis. Think more and come back again.

1-Ya Ya Ya...the fact that not all Jews are Zionists is well known but how do you know which sentiment was more powerful and when? Don't twist this stuff to justify this logic

2- You want to know why? Because in front of civilization, all other logic fails. Some of my closest and dearest friends are palestinians but I don't tell them what I tell you here...a foundation of a relegion or civilation is a big thing. Hundreds or even thousands of years don't matter one bit. In front of the enormity of that fact, even the palestinians were just guests for a few hundred or even a thousand years. If Hindus had conquered Mecca, even if it took a thousand years mulims would fight to get it back. Hell that's the only time I'd actually be scared of pakistanis- Nukes or no nukes you'd have come at us like wild bulls and won- just like Israel did. They were'nt occupyng their 'lands', they were reclaiming their civilization. Who are we to judge against such forces.
Graphican no amount of links can convince me for this, what it means is 1 person killed roughly 800 people. I know that time it was only war with swords and like that not with guns I believe. I want to know how they did it, in simple words to be convinced.

I might not be able to run a film to tell you exactly how he did it but he was called Sword of Allah by Prophet Muhammad and Sword of Allah a.k.a Khalid bin Walid Never bent, never broke and never got defeated in any battle. its recorded history, not by Muslims but by Historians.
If you love them for their masculinity as you put it, I am presenting you even more brave people. If you are true in your argument, support masculinity that is even better than that of Israelis.

Thats altogether different question. IMO, I would rather prefer, sunni deol or rajnikant. And you must not be knowing rajnikant. If I post his capabilities you will faint for sure. :lol:

Now that we are discussing about people and not the topic of the thread (with due involvement of the thread starter), please allow me to put forth few of the capabilities of most masculine person on earth. AKA my AVATAR

Top Rajnikant Facts Published

* There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Rajnikant has allowed to live.

* Outer space exists because it’s afraid to be on the same planet with Rajnikant.

* Rajnikant counted to infinity - twice.

* When Rajnikant does a pushup, he isn’t lifting himself up, he’s pushing the Earth down. (God help me.. i cant take this anymore)

* Rajnikant is so fast, he can run around the world and punch himself in the back of the head.

* Rajnikant doesn’t wear a watch, HE decides what time it is. (LOL)

* Rajnikant gave Mona Lisa that smile.

* Rajnikant can slam a revolving door.

* There are no races, only countries of people Rajnikant has beaten to different shades of black and blue.

* Rajnikant’s house has no doors, only walls that he walks through.

* Rajnikant can divide by zero.

* Newton’s Third Law is wrong: Although it states that for each action, there is an equal and opposite reaction,

there is no force equal in reaction to a Rajnikant turnaround kick.

* When taking the GRE, write “Rajnikant” for every answer. You will score over 1600.

* Rajnikant has 12 moons. One of those moons is the Earth.

* Rajnikant grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage.

* Archeologists unearthed an old English dictionary dating back to the year 1236. It defined “victim” as “one who has encountered Rajnikant”

* If you Google search “Rajnikant getting kicked” you will generate zero results. It just doesn’t happen.

* Rajnikant can drink an entire gallon of milk in thirty-seven seconds.

* Rajnikant doesn’t bowl strikes, he just knocks down one pin and the other nine faint.

* It takes Rajnikant 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes.

* The Bermuda Triangle used to be the Bermuda Square, until Rajnikant kicked one of the corners off.

* There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Rajnikant lives in Chennai.

* Rajnikant once ate an entire bottle of sleeping pills. They made him blink.

* James Cameron wanted Rajnikant to play the Terminator. However, upon reflection, he realized that would have turned his movie into a documentary, so he went with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

· Thousands of years ago Rajnikant came across a bear. It was so terrified that it fled north into the arctic. It was also so terrified that all of its decedents now have white hair.
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1-Ya Ya Ya...the fact that not all Jews are Zionists is well known but how do you know which sentiment was more powerful and when? Don't twist this stuff to justify this logic

Jews are against Zionists. Even they were on-board at Flotila that was attacked by Israelis. What is your point here and what is that "twist" that only you could see and others didn't?

2- You want to know why? Because in front of civilization, all other logic fails. Some of my closest and dearest friends are palestinians but I don't tell them what I tell you here...a foundation of a relegion or civilation is a big thing. Hundreds or even thousands of years don't matter one bit. In front of the enormity of that fact, even the palestinians were just guests for a few hundred or even a thousand years. If Hindus had conquered Mecca, even if it took a thousand years mulims would fight to get it back. Hell that's the only time I'd actually be scared of pakistanis- Nukes or no nukes you'd have come at us like wild bulls and won- just like Israel did. They were'nt occupyng their 'lands', they were reclaiming their civilization. Who are we to judge against such forces.

No you are getting into hot waters here. If so, then return Chinese parts of India back to China. Will you? We don't live in 1000s years back, we are living in reality not history. If the land which they now claim was once theirs, then they had lost it themselves. What is this argument? Was that even an argument?
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