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If India & China go on war who will win?

Bragging is when you do not have the ability and yet you project as if you have that said ability. India is one fine example.

LOL.... if you HAD the ability you would have attacked us already instead of barking like a dog and issuing "warnings" :lol:

Your desperate "boasting" and "bragging" is the true reflection of your impotence.

Our amusement at your bragging is the true reflections of our strength and determination.
LOL.... if you HAD the ability you would have attacked us already instead of barking like a dog and issuing "warnings" :lol:

Your desperate "boasting" and "bragging" is the true reflection of your impotence.

Our amusement at your bragging is the true reflections of our strength and determination.
The best way to win a battle is winning it without firing a bullet.
Is that why you were bragging about the "size" of your "bullet" ? :lol:
Again please understand the definition of bragging. The first option is always to win a war without firing a bullet, but if that cannot be achieved, you need to use a stick.

All goods are basic and non-essential in nature. Nothing for us to lose all China's loss.

Indian consumers will just need to spend a bit more buying from Indian companies.
Again please understand the definition of bragging. The first option is always to win a war without firing a bullet, but if that cannot be achieved, you need to use a stick.

Again please understand, I am DARING you to use the stick :lol: ....... don't be such a coward. DO IT.

Your "warnings" and "bragging" is a joke among Indians.

NOW will you attack ? or will your boast and brag some more ? :cheesy:
Again please understand, I am DARING you to use the stick :lol: ....... don't be such a coward. DO IT.

Your "warnings" and "bragging" is a joke among Indians.

NOW will you attack ? or will your boast and brag some more ? :cheesy:
No point daring me man, I don't control the Chinese army, but I can tell you their strategic mindset, that's all. You can choose to believe it or dismiss it, this is a forum afterall.
No point daring me man, I don't control the Chinese army, but I can tell you their strategic mindset, that's all. You can choose to believe it or dismiss it, this is a forum afterall.

oh you are just a barking dog then :(

I am not interested in chinese "strategic mindset". Kindly do not take the effort to "educate" us :cheesy:

THese "re-education" "Strategy" only work on the chinese :lol:
oh you are just a barking dog then :(

I am not interested in chinese "strategic mindset". Kindly do not take the effort to "educate" us :cheesy:

THese "re-education" "Strategy" only work on the chinese :lol:
Realise I don't insult people, only a person who cannot win an argument does it. This is a forum, anyone is free to express their ideas and thinking. You can actually choose to ignore me, but yet you continue to indulge in my 'education'. =)
Realise I don't insult people, only a person who cannot win an argument does it. This is a forum, anyone is free to express their ideas and thinking. You can actually choose to ignore me, but yet you continue to indulge in my 'education'. =)

Nowhere have I tried to "educate" you :lol:

I am helping you educate yourself, rather than wait for your communist party to do so.

Second, I did not insult you. I just used a very apt metaphor, as its very common in english. :agree:
Again please understand, I am DARING you to use the stick :lol: ....... don't be such a coward. DO IT.

Your "warnings" and "bragging" is a joke among Indians.

NOW will you attack ? or will your boast and brag some more ? :cheesy:

Nehru is alive and well I see. :enjoy:
Nope, its the other way around.

Nehru is dead and gone and forgotten.

Why don't you attack and find out ? :azn:

I guess you already forgot, according to the Indian Army's own internal report (Henderson-Brooks report), it was India who started the 1962 war.

And the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour. So it's likely that India will start the next Sino-Indian War too.

As for Nehru, he was infinitely smarter than the current India, he attacked China when we were at our weakest point, in the middle of our worst ever famine in history (Great leap forward). Which was the best possible time to attack.

Whereas India today, is baiting China into a war, when we are at our strongest point in the past few hundred years, and light years ahead of India. Real genius move. :lol:
I guess you already forgot, according to the Indian Army's own internal report (Henderson-Brooks report), it was India who started the 1962 war.

And the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour. So it's likely that India will start the next Sino-Indian War too.

As for Nehru, he was infinitely smarter than the current India, he attacked China when we were at our weakest point, in the middle of our worst ever famine in history (Great leap forward). Which was the best possible time to attack.

Whereas India today, is baiting China into a war, when we are at our strongest point in the past few hundred years, and light years ahead of India. Real genius move. :lol:

LOL ......... you are back to talking about "62" :lol:

Next you will be posting pictures of "62" :lol:

What I don't understand is if you are so "strong" , why are you not attacking us ? :lol:

We have already bitch slapped your soldiers and they have gone back crying to your govt. What are you waiting for ? Have you no shame ? :disagree:
..China will attack India with full military might, warning issued


In this war simulation lets assume no nuclear weapons. Since I'm not well versed in military tactics I will just stick with talking about strategic capability.

I will just speak of things from China's perspective.
Lets just assume India is successful in the blockade of Chinese oil tankers from the middle east transiting the Indian ocean. Even though I do not believe India currently posses the capabilities for a full blockade. Assuming India has a way of identifying, intercepting and detaining all PRC transport ships, a few things will happen in the short term:
1. Initial price shock in Chinese oil market (driven by speculators), causing widening price difference between world price and domestic price.
2. Price of industrial goods, petroleum, and energy soar in China.
3. Government will open up strategic reserves and force private reserves to be sold onto the market and enforce rationing to stabilize the market. (Short term)
4. Increase domestic production but it will not likely fill the gap before reserves run low.
5. Diversification of overland oil/gas supply. Imports from Russia and Central Asia will increase.
6. By this point many countries' economies which are reliant on China will be weakened due to the blockade. The initial shock is over but domestic prices are still likely to rise while global prices fall or remain steady due to reduced demand supplied to China. A chunk of the world demand is taken out of the global market. This will cause price arbitration by oil smugglers much like what happened with Iranian oil during the embargo. European, Gulf states, Iranian, South Korean, Filipino, will buy oil then transport it to China for profits. Will India blockade their ships too? Not likely IMO, an oil blockade on China is a blockade on the middle east. Is India willing to throw away their support and create new enemies? What if India checks where the cargo is heading to? Then for example South Korean oil transport can say its heading for South Korea (and it actually is), dock into Busan and immediately head to Shanghai. Chinese can also set up overseas subsidiaries and hire locals to smuggle oil into China... so on and so forth.
7. Long term China will just ramp up its domestic oil/gas fracking production and build gas to oil plants. China has the largest shale gas reserves in the world.

Thus my conclusion is that an Indian blockade of oil heading to China has no way of achieving its strategic aims rather it would damage India's relation with the rest of the world, especially Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran, UAE, Kuwait, Angola, Oman, Iraq. I think we should take scenario of a successful blockade of China by India out of our simulations. I also think it is unlikely that China will enforce a full naval blockade on India too.

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