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Pakistan Vs India - 2017 Champions Trophy Final


Indian cricket team deserved this loss.
Unlike the Indian hockey team which won arms bands supporting our soldiers and defeated Pakistan, there was no such move by Ind cricket team:

Uptil This Evening Indian Media Was Not Even Taking The Name Hockey And Now With The Brutal Thrashing In Champions Trophy Final All Of A Sudden Indians Remember Hockey. Pathetic

Keep Saying This If It Gives You A Good Nights Sleep
Its drizzling in parts of Pakistan.

Mum declared " today's laylatul Qadr ".


Pakistan beat India. Hum musalman hain.
It's raining.

Mother's are like some complicated creature of God
Well done Pakistan. Fantastic stuff. The majestic Abasin Indus prevailed over the Mata Ganga. And I want all Paks to reflect for a second.

But no. It is only Pakistan and few friends. So Pak first always. To all Pakistanis wherever you are - secular, religious, athiest, Pakhtun, Punjabi, Baloch, Sindhi or whatever makes you click - rather appropriate song for all you guys. To quote a member here (I am sure he won't mind me plagiarizing) today is day to "bleed green".

*Kashmiris are excluded from "Indian Muslim" because they are not Indians.

@Sinopakfriend @KediKesenFare @PAKISTANFOREVER
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What are Pakistanis doing on this thread?Head over at once to JF-17 thread. JF-17 first kill of Iranian drone using PL-5
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