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These days the discourse in the Indian media is high on “freedom”. Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, religious and cultural freedoms, academic and intellectual freedoms. I can open any English language newspaper today and read about how Modi has wrecked press freedom. I can hear them shouting from the rooftops that their voices have been stifled.

Whatever virtues the Indian media might have, irony is clearly not their strong suit.

The voices have recently grown louder with the CBI raid on Prannoy Roy. In a clear violation of press immunity, the CBI raided NDTV and Prannoy Roy in connection with alleged fraud.

Oops! Did I say “press immunity”? I meant “press freedom”. I always struggle with these concepts of having immunity vs having freedom. Anyways…

But there is one voice that I cannot hear. A voice that is gone forever. All that we have left is a few screams on tape.


That’s the job of a journalist. Asking questions. And Jagendra Singh wanted to ask why “they” had to burn him alive? On his death bed, the helpless man wanted to ask why the “minister and his goondas” could not have given him a lesser punishment, such as beating him up.

Who is Jagendra Singh?

Well, there are journalists who are burned alive and have to beg for the more merciful “punishment” of being beaten up. And then there are journalists who have to be rushed to TV studios and Thinkfests with severe third degree injuries from getting trolled on Twitter.

Jagendra Singh belonged to the former category. His journalism was a no-frills operation, for he ran a mere Facebook page called “Shahjahanpur Samachar“. For those who don’t know, Shahjahanpur is one of those sleepy little towns in Uttar Pradesh that never make the news. Shahjahanpur is definitely a bigger town than Dadri, though, but I digress.

On the Facebook page of Shahjahanpur Samachar, this man Jagendra Singh ended up writing extensively about alleged corruption of one Ram Murti Singh Verma, a minister in then Akhilesh Yadav government in Uttar Pradesh.

So, a journalist accuses a minister of corruption. The next thing, the journalist is burned alive and leaves behind a dying declaration (caught on video, no less) accusing the “minister and his goons” of burning him.

What happens next? Does the Press Club hold an emergency meeting to begin a nationwide movement for justice to this journalist? Do intellectuals start returning heaps of awards to stir the national conscience?

No, of course not! The minister in question was secular, a member of the Samajwadi Party. The state of Uttar Pradesh was ruled at the time by the “Achche Ladke” team headed by Akhilesh Yadav.

So, nothing happens. Intellectuals keep their awards. Journalists keep raising awareness against the scourge of internet trolls.

Nothing to see in Shahjahanpur. A few months later, Dadri would go on to happen in “Modi’s India”. That’s when the cameras came, crying aloud for freedom.


But the law had to take the case to its logical conclusion. Something had to be done about the complaint lodged by Jagendra Singh’s son.


Oh thank god! Jagendra Singh’s sons had earlier lodged a complaint against the minister. That was before they had a chat with their mother and discovered that his father had planned to threaten self immolation all along. So nice of these two upright young sons to come forward and actually “demand a clean chit” for the minister.

Who says that “ghor kaliyug” has come? It is moments like these that restore our faith in humanity.


Fortunately, the alleged sole eyewitness in the alleged murder of the alleged journalist (hope I have used “alleged” sufficiently many times) also remembered just in time that it was actually a self-immolation. What an awful misunderstanding that could have hurt the image of one very upright individual minister in the secular government of Akhilesh Yadav.

Here ends the story of Jagendra Singh. You won’t hear him telling his wild stories ever again. Thank god for that, right?

It’s only a matter of time before Jagendra Singh’s voice on tape also realizes its mistake and ends up “demanding a clean chit” for Akhilesh’s minister. Wait and watch…


The secular gang killed the journalist and fake FOE champions like rNDtv & Arun Shourie did not bat an eye lid for the journalist killed!

This is the level of duplicity the "secular gang" has.

RIP Jagendra Singh never heard of this incident man I really feel prestitutes is a very mild word to be used against these morons
RIP Jagendra Singh never heard of this incident man I really feel prestitutes is a very mild word to be used against these morons

What makes the whole thing so sad is that no one from his own fraternity stood with him.
No one from rNDtv to all presstitutes to Arun Shourie's of India went after the people who murdered this journalist.
No one felt sympathy for him. There were no morchas like they took out when Akhlaq was killed after stealing a cow.

Incidents like these confirm my belief that the so called secular parties are the bane of India. I will never vote for these parties in my life come what may. It does not matter to me whether BJP performs or not, my hatred for these parties is to such an extent that nothing they say or do will ever matter to me as a Hindu.
I will never ever believe them.
And I will make sure those I come in contact with me know how I feel about them and why.
The Revolution That Always Was: How Communist-Led Kerala Is Leading India

Published 12 June 2017 (15 hours 18 minutes ago)


Communist politicians in Kerala have a long history of creating alternatives that push back against the narrative that capitalism is the only option.

It was a time of “titanic struggle against world fascism,” writes Elamkulam Manakkal Sankaran Namboodiripad 35 years after he overcame the odds to become the governor of one of the first states in the non-communist world to elect a communist government.

India: Free Health Care for Migrants in Communist-Led Kerala State

The year was 1957. World War II had ended, India had won independence from British colonial rule and the country had been partitioned to create the state of Pakistan.

Among the palm-lined beaches, backwaters and canals of India's southwestern state of Kerala, there was a fomenting movement against imperialism, capitalism and racist parochialism led by the Communist Party of India.

With Namboodiripad as its leader, the CPI, in a historic precedent, went on to win the state’s very first election.

But just two years later it would be illegally overthrown by the Indian National Congress, which sought to rollback CPI’s efforts in a vigorous push to the right.

Still, the seeds had been planted. The CPI came to power again six years later in 1965, then again in 1967, 1980, 1987, 1996, 2006 and most recently, 2016.

The communist movement that pioneered radical land and educational reforms in Kerala early on — pushing the state to outrank the rest of the country on a number of fronts — has in the last five decades shown no signs of paling.

With the CPI (Marxist) — an offshoot of the original CPI — in power since May 2016, their Left Democratic Front government, a coalition of various communist and socialist groups in the state, has achieved a number of victories in the past year that peg the small, southwestern state miles ahead of the rest of Modi-governed India.

For while India, under the leadership of right-wing Hindu nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi, succumbs to “unbridled market fundamentalism,” authoritarianism and “minority-hating parochialism,” say the CPI (M), Kerala’s literacy, infant mortality, life expectancy and school enrollment rates are on par with the First World.

Communist movement sets a standard

“The Communist movement in Kerala has grown in a land that had been prepared for it by the social reform movements that preceded it,” the Chief Minister of Kerala, Pinarayi Vijayan, told teleSUR by email.

“If reformers … were the torch bearers of renaissance in Kerala, (then) Communist leaders … were instrumental in translating their vision for our society into political action,” he added. “Even now, the left in the state is closely aligned with all such movements that profess and practice progressive ideas, standing by the oppressed, marginalized and disadvantaged.”

The history of left governments in Kerala has forged the way for the "Kerala Model" of development to the world — a people’s alternative to the rising forces of globalization.

Michael Parenti, in his 1997 book “Blackshirts and Reds: Rational Fascism and the Overthrow of Communism”, wrote:

“Consider Kerala, a state in India where the actions of popular organizations and mass movements have won important victories over the last forty years against politico-economic oppression, generating a level of social development considerably better than that found in most of the Third World, and accomplished without outside investment.

Though Kerala has no special sources of wealth, it has had decades of communist organizing and political struggle that reached and moved large numbers of people and breathed life into the state's democracy.”

For 28-year-old Asif Ahamed, who lives in the state, Kerala’s communist party is easily the answer in a country governed by the whims of “ethno-nationalist fascism.”

“They have stuck by the people ever since, contrary to the corporate government that have been in power in Delhi. In the end it's an extremely easy choice to choose the Communist party in Kerala over any other in the country,” he told teleSUR.

He agrees that the longstanding history of communist movements has helped the state to soar ahead.

“Kerala over the years has always been a step ahead of other states. This is largely thanks to the massive presence of the revolutionary and the spiritual movements in the state since the early decades of 20th century,” he pressed.

Outranking India from wealth redistribution to women’s rights

Born in the struggle against revisionism and sectarianism in the international communist movement in order to “defend the tenets of Marxism-Leninism,” according to Vijayan, the CPI (M)’s governance has pushed Kerala to have India’s highest literacy late at 93.9 percent, it's highest life expectancy rate at 77 years and therefore its best Human Development Index score at 0.712 in 2015.

Since its LDF coalition government took office on May 25, 2016, lawmakers have also put in place a number of progressive policies that tackle issues ranging from racism to labor rights to gender equality.

In a country still battling deep-seated discrimination against those deemed lower caste, “Kerala had eradicated untouchability and casteism long before India's independence,” explained Ahamed. In the past year, Kerala’s government has conducted some 6,000 “I have no caste” campaigns across the state.

The population, known as Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the country, have also been allocated the biggest set of funds in the state’s budget for 2017.

Feminist initiatives have also soared under the LDF’s governance. This month it became the first state in the country to install sanitary napkin vending machines in all its schools under its "She Pad" scheme, providing access to menstrual hygiene products to every young woman.

It also introduced the “Pink Patrol,” a network of specially trained women police personnel to ensure the safety and comfort of women, children, senior citizens and those with disabilities traveling on public transportation. All tourist destinations and public spaces in the state are also being made to accommodate people with physical disabilities.


Kerala’s Chief Minister with a boy from Kasargod, as he hands over a multi-million assistance package for those affected by the highly destructive pesticide, endosulfan, in the city.
And amid a global crisis of violence against transgender people, who have suffered epidemic-level murders of their community in recent years from the United States to Brazil, Kerala has pushed to make trans people more included in mainstream society. Last month in Kochi, a small beach town, 23 people from the hijra, or the transgender community, were employed by a local train network, Kochi Metro Rail Ltd.

India's Kerala Becomes the First State to Install Sanitary Napkin Vending Machines in Schools

Rashmi CR, the spokesperson for Kochi Metro Rail, told the Guardian, "People don’t interact with trans people. They live separately from society, they are not given jobs, their rights are not respected. We want to bring them into the mainstream by ensuring that people interact with them every day — on their way to work, for example.”

The government is also seeking measures to “do away with the male-female binary in the state’s public service commission so that it is inclusive of sexual minorities as well,” states the press release from the Chief Minister's office celebrating one year in office.

In the realm of labor rights, Kerala, again, has been exemplary. In May, it announced it would be providing free health insurance and medical treatment for the region’s migrant workers. The program will cover some 3 million people.

The government has also implemented a scheme to help unorganized workers attain a minimum wage.

And in the realm of education, it has launched an expansive loan repayment that was introduced to help students pay back education loans.

“At a time when students’ movements against fee hikes and student debts have shook countries across the globe, we are taking up an ambitious ... scheme to enable students to come out of debt,” Chief Minister Vijayan explained.

Finally, Kerala's momentous goal of ensuring every home in the state had electricity was also achieved last month, another first in India.

“The most notable of the reforms that this government has brought about includes, among other things, electrification of all the houses in the state, a first in the country. Given the mountainous and forested terrain of Kerala, this isn't an easy feat by any measure,” explained Ahamed.

The lone red state

The case elsewhere in India shows a remarkable contrast.

Modi’s “Hindutva” nation, wrote Vrinda Gopinath in the Daily O, has already arrived, “trampling citizens from marginalized communities like Dalits, tribals, minorities, and the poor who face the jackboot of aggressive and militant religious bigotry.” Gopinath argued that goes together with an assault on “citizens who stand up for the Constitution, human rights and civil rights activists, free thinking doctrinaires, and all those who challenge an ultra-nationalist state.”

The country, in its three years of Modi's Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party rule, has extended its crackdown on liberation movements, from the Maoist insurgency in its core, to Kashmiri citizens it occupies in the region that is the most heavily militarized in the world.

“Moral police,” like the Hindu Yuva Vahini, Ram Sene, Bajrang Dal, VHP and hundreds of Hindutva fringe groups, explained Gopinath, roam the streets from Delhi to Darjeeling, banning things like cow slaughter and murdering those that act otherwise.

It is in this climate that the CPI (M) must operate.

“With the current BJP-led government at the centre, we are also seeing an encroachment on the rights of the states within India’s federal structure as well as the communal onslaught on our autonomous institutions, including educational institutions,” pressed Chief Vijayan. “Such attacks are part of an orchestrated move to make India, its economy in particular, further open to neoliberalism, by hushing up all voices of dissent.”

This contrast is not lost on Ahamed as well.

“While the Modi-led government at the centre along with many other BJP-led governments in the north are fuelling right-wing Hindu nationalism, anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant and misogynist attitudes among the people, the LDF are doing all they can to bring the people together and remind them of the gains and the socio-economic changes Kerala has made over the years through mass struggle and workers movements,” he declared.

A people’s alternative only set to grow

Given its decades-long history of a right-wing-left-wing tug of war over power, along with the current right-wing assault elsewhere in the country, the state of Kerala will continue to face a set of challenges.

Indian Unions, Leftist Parties March Against 'Anti-Worker' Modi

“This is the primary challenge that the left has faced in implementing its progressive policies, that while we have focused on pro-people measures, the right has focused on pro-capital measures,” said the chief minister.

“With political formations of the left and the right successively coming to power in Kerala, what has happened is that the pro-people measures of the left have failed to have continuity. Programs that the left spearheaded like universal literacy, housing, total electrification and so on, were delayed immensely because the right wing-led governments in the state did not give priority to such measures,” he added.

Ahamed credits the LDF’s rapid achievements in the past year, in part, to the country’s rising authoritarianism.

“This government (hasn’t) wasted any time in making progress across a broad spectrum of issues. Maybe the urgency is understandable given the rise of jingoism all across the country,” he stated. “When an authoritarian government is in power at the center, the rest of us cannot rest on our laurels and need to act fast.”

Still, with a party backed by left movements and ordinary working peoples for decades, what seems certain is that despite its struggles, Kerala’s communist government has flourished, is flourishing and will continue to flourish.

“While all the naysayers in the world will unite to tell us that there is no alternative, in this small state of Kerala, we — because of our sheer commitment to the people who have bestowed us with this responsibility of governance — are leaving no stone unturned to achieve a people’s alternative," said the revolutionary state’s chief minister. "An alternative that caters to the hopes and aspirations of all sections of our society.”

kerala is an ostrich with its head in the sand, the youth already dispise the Commi's its only a matter of time, their days are numbered.

Gap between LDF-UDF vote share 4.2 pc

The NDA’s share rose to 14.65 percent from 6.07 percent in 2011.

Published: May 21, 2016, 10:11 AM IST
T- T T+

Thiruvananthapuram: The difference in voting percentage between LDF and UDF in the Assembly elections rose to 4.62 percentage.

While the LDF, which secured 91 seats, gained 43.42 percent votes, the UDF got 38.8 percent _ 9.3 lakh votes less than their rival.

The NDA’s share rose to 14.65 percent from 6.07 percent in 2011.

In the 2011 elections, the UDF had garnered 45.89 pc votes while the LDF got 44.99 pc _ a meagre difference of 0.9 pc only. This time, the LDF secured a total of 87.38 lakh votes while UDF got 78.08 lakh and BJP 29.57 lakh votes.

Compared to the previous election, the LDF garnered an additional 8.9 lakh votes while UDF lost 1.94 lakh votes. The BJP got an additional 18.99 lakh votes.
But Kerala has proved other wise................

What part of long term do you not understand?

You think Kerala can endlessly ship its productive labour to oil rich countries to prop up its welfare state?

That involves those countries staying rich and largely lazy. Both (or at least one) of those factors are not long term phenomena.

Cuba and North Korea did quite well too when they had such a similar benefactor (willing to subsidise and provide ample buffer). Then the benefactor went kaput (ironically because of vast state sanctioned communism). What happened to Cuba and North Korea as a result? Now you can add Venezuela's experiment with it too.

Kerala will sadly be just another example of communism's failure long term. Its ok, Kerala at least has the massive entity of India to help cushion that blow when it inevitably happens....buts it best to reform and transition well before that.
Am I allowed to post the pics of chopped hand of professor Joseph for writing something contemptuous against some sickular religion?
We Keralites regret for that, but don't lynch people for Cow.............................

What part of long term do you not understand?

You think Kerala can endlessly ship its productive labour to oil rich countries to prop up its welfare state?

That involves those countries staying rich and largely lazy. One of both those factors are not long term phenomena.

Cuba and North Korea did quite well too when they had such a similar benefactor (willing to subsidise and provide ample buffer). Then the benefactor went kaput (ironically because of vast state sanctioned communism). What happened to Cuba and North Korea as a result? Now you can add Venezuela's experiment with it too.

Kerala will sadly be just another example of communism's failure long term. Its ok, Kerala at least has the massive entity of India to help cushion that blow when it inevitably happens....buts it best to reform and transition well before that.
In 70 year Kerala is ahead of any other Indian states ..................Haha I like the word Massive entity blah blah..............................

The so called Temple Vandalised in Kerala was the work of Brahmin .He came all the way from Trivandrum for this.Poor Sanghis wanted to replicate Gujarat or UP in Kerala. Remember Kerala is Highly literate and will not fall prey to these propaganda of assholes to create religious riots


They might have learned it from Muslims and Christians who used to either torn Bible of throw a dead pig on Mosque. There are numerous examples.

Do you know Yechury & Co are also "Bramhins".

This duplicity of calling a Commie as a "bramhin" must stop.
We all know the real identity of these so called "bramhins", don't we?
Couple of weeks, a group of "hindus" murdered a Young cow. That's the truth but dig a little, you realize the truth about these "hindus".

Understand their Psyche. They will attack all the symbols of hindu's faith.

Communism is a failed system. It will never work long term. Kerala will learn that permanently one day as well.

Without going into theoretical part and pros and cons of different ideology, If you want to judge which one are good, Just see what they bring to society. Communist came to Kerala and WB and ruined both state. Kerala saved a bit because there was a change in government every 5 years. Look at the states run by BJP and you will not require any high IQ to judge which one is better. Communism is an ideology of hate and destruction. It can not bring in peace and prosperity.
Communism is a failed system. It will never work long term. Kerala will learn that permanently one day as well.

Communist don't follow any religion now compare that with the one in Kerala they are hands down one of the biggest boot lickers to the peaceful community and not to forget the cheerleading they did for china in 1962 war. Also all the anti-India forces be it in Meida/Naxals/Intellectuals are these leftist morons
What part of long term do you not understand?

You think Kerala can endlessly ship its productive labour to oil rich countries to prop up its welfare state?

That involves those countries staying rich and largely lazy. Both (or at least one) of those factors are not long term phenomena.

Cuba and North Korea did quite well too when they had such a similar benefactor (willing to subsidise and provide ample buffer). Then the benefactor went kaput (ironically because of vast state sanctioned communism). What happened to Cuba and North Korea as a result? Now you can add Venezuela's experiment with it too.

Kerala will sadly be just another example of communism's failure long term. Its ok, Kerala at least has the massive entity of India to help cushion that blow when it inevitably happens....buts it best to reform and transition well before that.

The day when oil is black shelved and green energy is in full flight, watch the Arab nations go back to stone age! The mallu's in the deserts are going to have a hard time if not already.
The day when oil is black shelved and green energy is in full flight, watch the Arab nations go back to stone age! The mallu's in the deserts are going to have a hard time if not already.
All you Learn History and Pride yourself of export of Spices from India................That was Kerala dudes...
.............Mallus Know the art of survival .................

Communist don't follow any religion now compare that with the one in Kerala they are hands down one of the biggest boot lickers to the peaceful community and not to forget the cheerleading they did for china in 1962 war. Also all the anti-India forces be it in Meida/Naxals/Intellectuals are these leftist morons
Please don't preach Patriotism ...............that to from followers of who licked asses of Britishers.......

They might have learned it from Muslims and Christians who used to either torn Bible of throw a dead pig on Mosque. There are numerous examples.

Without going into theoretical part and pros and cons of different ideology, If you want to judge which one are good, Just see what they bring to society. Communist came to Kerala and WB and ruined both state. Kerala saved a bit because there was a change in government every 5 years. Look at the states run by BJP and you will not require any high IQ to judge which one is better. Communism is an ideology of hate and destruction. It can not bring in peace and prosperity.
Try hard Gua-Mutra Sanghis................Kerala will not encourage your shit..............You have NET connection Google and tell me in which parameter do my state lag behind the Cow Belt ..............don't bring that shit argument, Kerala is not industrialised...............But we employ more 30 lakh people from all over india

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