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Aug 9, 2009
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U.S. Jamestown Foundation, “China Briefing,” recently published an article signed by Richard. Bi Sheng Ge article, the article said, after the United States, Russia, France, Britain and other established major arms-exporting countries, China is now the world’s fifth largest arms exporting countries. In 2007, it signed an agreement on arms exports overseas, China came in fourth place, located in France, Germany and Spain before. Article summarized as follows:

All indications are that China as a major player in the international arms market are returning to the global stage. 80 years since the 20th century, China’s arms sales to Iran and Iraq, the Chinese foreign arms sales performance has been poor. In 2007, China signed an agreement on arms exports worth 38 billion U.S. dollars, a record 10 years of the highest sales of foreign arms sales. In recent years, the average amount of foreign arms sales to more than 2 billion U.S. dollars per year, far higher than the average of the last century, 90 years the amount of one billion U.S. dollars. Despite the growing amount of China’s foreign arms sales, but China should be a high degree of cruelty in this industry to keep their competitive edge, China will face a persistent challenge.

China’s main exports of weapons, including:

K-8 trainer aircraft: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute’s database on foreign arms sales to show that China has been exported since 2000, nearly 250 K-8 light trainer / attack aircraft. Among them, the aircraft’s largest customer in Egypt, procured a total of 120, most of which in 2001-2008 years, its assembled in Egypt. Venezuela is negotiating with China sourcing 24 K-8.

J-7MG fighter: kind, the Chinese Air Force J-7E of the export-oriented. J-7E in itself to upgrade from a MiG fighter jets from -21. J-7MG a larger wing, the installation of British radar. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute’s database on foreign arms sales to show that since the 20th century, since mid 90′s, China to Bangladesh, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Sri Lanka has sold more than 100 aircraft F-7MG-type machine.

JF-17 Thunder fighter: JF-17 also known as FC-1 fighter, is a lightweight multi-purpose combat aircraft, and the United States F-20 “Tiger Shark” fighters like. JF-17 is a joint development between China and Pakistan formed. China is also producing a number of fighters to equip its air force. It is estimated that Pakistan may buy up to 250 aircraft. JF-17 fighter jets sold to developing countries, primarily because these countries need to replace old MiG -21, -7 F, or F-5 fighter jets.

C-801/C-802 anti-ship cruise missiles: These missiles, also known as the Eagles -8 and the Eagles hit a missile hit -82, its combat power is equivalent to the French Exocet missiles. C-802 missiles are equipped with solid rocket boosters to increase the range. Ships, ground vehicles and aircraft can launch the anti-ship cruise missiles.

WZ-551 armored personnel carriers: While the Model is not a particularly high-tech weapons systems, but the Model is being sold all over the world, including Argentina, Kuwait, Nepal, Oman, Sri Lanka and other countries.

Unsound arms export ranking

At present, China in the global arms market is not ranking high on the solid, most of the weapons are exported to a small number of customers, particularly Pakistan. The amount of foreign arms sales to China in 2007 is very high mainly because China and Pakistan reached an agreement to sell a number of major equipment, such as the JF-17 fighter planes and Jiang Wei frigates. Thus, in the next few years, China’s ability to continue to maintain such a high arms exports are still not sure.

The supply of weapons systems in China, only a part of the advanced weapons (such as trainer, and anti-ship cruise missiles) in the global market are competitive, their customers are basically poor. In addition, China’s arms exports contain a considerable part of the light weapons and ancillary equipment such as trucks, uniforms and field equipment. Finally, many of China’s arms exports are still based on the watered-down “friendly price.”

Keep in mind, China’s arms exports as the world’s fifth, fourth, or third countries, the fact should not be exaggerated. In 2007, China delivered to developing countries, 1.2 billion U.S. dollars worth of weapons to the third highest in the world of arms-exporting countries, but is the first of the U.S. foreign military sales amounted to 7.6 billion in the second place of the Russian Army sales amounted to 4.6 billion, respectively, of China and nearly six times more than 4 times.

In addition, between 2000 and 2007, China’s foreign military sales in the global amount of 7.8 billion U.S. dollars, 92 billion U.S. dollars while the United States, Russia, 36.2 billion U.S. dollars, 34 billion in Britain, and even the amount of Germany’s foreign sales also exceeded the Chinese nearly 60%. Foreign military sales for a particular year does not guarantee a good position on arms exports to China have a bright future.

Analysis of large sales prospects

In order to maintain a leading position of arms export market, China needs to introduce more competitive weapons. JF-17 is likely to sell a large amount to some need to be at a lower cost to replace the MiG -21, or F-5 fighter country. According to reports, JF-17 is priced at between 1500-20000000 U.S. dollars, far more American-made F-16 fighter planes cheap.

China’s export prospects of a better category of weapons is a new F -10 fighter. Kind, and Israel’s “lion” type fighter similar to its combat force is equivalent to the U.S. F-16C model aircraft. F -10 to 80 development work began in the 20th century, the age at 3 to 4 years before mass production, and equip the Chinese Air Force. -10 Relative Chinese Air Force F-60′s and 70′s equipment, aircraft, its operational power has greatly improved, but there may not be as purchases from Russia Su-Su -27 or -30 fighter.

The outside world speculated that China may in the global arms market to sell J-10 fighter, kind, the price will be lower than the U.S. F-16 fighter jets, the Swedish “Gripen”, and other small aircraft. Pakistan and Iran will be the future of J-10 fighter jets customers. Other potential marketability equipment, including C-701 short-range anti-ship cruise missiles, FN-6 man-portable surface to air missile, KS-1A SAM.

Still, most Chinese weapons system’s combat force remain unclear. For example, J-10 fighter jets may be a good performance of the aircraft, but its performance and reliability can not be independently confirmed, many countries may not want to take such a risk. The JF-17 on its own is a fairly insignificant in terms of aircraft. Purchasing second-hand F-16 fighter aircraft may be a lower cost alternative to more fighting forces.

But do not forget that many countries will not necessarily buy the most expensive weapons systems. In selected cases, they are still willing to pay high prices to buy high-quality products. For example, when Pakistan’s decision to purchase new submarines, it choose the procurement Franco-German state, rather than China. Pakistan in the procurement of a Chinese warplane also procured from the U.S. F-16 fighter jets.

In the current conditions of global economic crisis, many potential buyers to be more serious than usual, consider China’s weapons, because they are in the next 20 to 30 years time, must be equipped with and use these weapons systems. To this end, these countries may be delayed until after the economic recovery of a substantial acquisition of weapons.

China has a large technological advantage, a weapon is a ballistic missile systems, such as Dongfeng -11 and B-611 short-range ballistic missiles. China has Dongfeng -11 (M-11) sold to Pakistan, Turkey also received B-611 missiles. As for the sales of a range of longer-range missile system, subject to restrictions on missile technology control group, while China is a member of the group.

Uncertain future

On potential customers, customer needs, and China can provide weapons, China’s strength is still quite limited. However, China will be increasingly in the global market launch of its weapons, in the process, it will be gains in overseas markets.

To be sure, the expansion of China’s arms exports will continue to be military-industrial complex is an important business strategy, but almost all the arms manufacturers in the world is also true. Taking into account the weapons production capability and economic pressure to keep the plant open and keep factory jobs, so that the country will actively carry out arms export business, therefore, China is unlikely to crowd out 1:00 into the United States and Europe’s largest suppliers of advanced weapons.

JF-17 | Global Military
nice informative article brother, thanks for sharing.
china is not yet up to the mark in global market but it surely has a very bright future, china is slowly and steadily reaching there with the passage of time..
Hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm..................I can see some similarities in the side mounted air inlets, the canopy and wing tip mounted missiles, otherwise they are completely different, FC-20 is much thinner as compared to the Thunder...




Nice read by the way, thanks..............
Russia & France already show concern over jf-17 as a biggest thread for mig & su jets of Russia.also thread for mirage 2000
its written on it !!!!!!!!!!!!:rofl: :rofl:

yea i know lol i meant what are the specs and details of this aircraft and why did he posted it in comparison with JF-17 lol i wanted to know his intentions for doing so and whether there are any sort of similarities in f-20 and jf-17 or not..

PS: i lolled.. :D
It is said that F-20 pilot once said that it is the most manvoerable jet he has ever flown and that pilot was also F-16 pilot.
Hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm..................I can see some similarities in the side mounted air inlets, the canopy and wing tip mounted missiles, otherwise they are completely different, FC-20 is much thinner as compared to the Thunder...





Dude why are comparing F-20 (Tigershark) with JF-17, and why the hell are you calling it FC-20 while its name is written on it?? :lol:
U.S. Jamestown Foundation, “China Briefing,” recently published an article

Are you sure that is the source of the article ?
the grammatical mistakes point to a closer to home source.
it is F-20 tiger shark

It is basically a Northrop F5E, upgraded to F-20 by Northrop on its own. USAF never used this a/c. Northrop did try to sell it as cheap export fighter to south americans. Pakistan was at one point negotating with Northrop to setup a production line in Pakistan. This was back in late seventies if I am not mistaken.
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