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How Hindutva agents have shattered their own dreams

yeah, good job, keep breeding like rats and make sure none of them attend the kuffar run educational institutes, keep sending your devil spawn to wahhabi madrassas where they can bob their heads around all day while the imam fine tunes their suicide vest making skills. :partay:
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Now Kashmiris are asked to leave UP, the "tolerant" Sanghparivar at work again.

Translation to Hinglish: Bhartiya sena par pathar maarne vaale kashmiriyon ka bahishkar (boycott)
"Kashmiriyon Uttar Pradesh Chorho...Varnaa..." by Uttar Pradesh Navnirman Sena (A Sanghparivar affiliate)

RSS is against the Bahuswaratha(diversity) of this country. Your enemy is in the home. Ban RSS, Ban Islamist groups and embrace Liberalism, English education and lesser religiousness for a progressive society unlike what India currently is.

The poster is by someone called UP Navnirman sena.

How the Fcuk is it related to "sangh parivar" ? :cheesy:

At least do you homework before posting propaganda posters.
Brahmans dominate in every field. But they like to stay in background. So people cant really point fingers at them. For instance Indian PM is not a Brahman. He acts like he is his own boss. But he is a puppet of RSS brahmans.
The oppressed people dont revolt because they are being conditioned to beleive that everything is fair.

NRIs are mostly Brahmans and Banias. The lower class does not migrate to the west. These NRIs are Brahmanized not westernized.

There is no development in India. Only Brahmans and Banias are being favored. Demonetisation has been harsh on the already impoverished lower class .

India is the only country where you can find every type of know discrimination.

Revenues of western and southern India are being diverted to fund North India.

The oppressed in here are unfortunately ignorant.

Makes sense that this modi person is their man. He will do what he is told.

Do you remeber he went to his R-SS overlords to report on his schemes and progress as sitting indian pm?

Validates your thinking again!

The real masterminds don't dirty their hands. Do they?

Thank you for clarifying the NRIs and their true colours. Now this piece of the puzzle also falls into place.

Colonisers. Parasitical elite. Heartless exploitation. Hindutva.

My sense is that this financial fascism/demonitarisation by this modi person was executed for 2 objectives.

1- Depossessing further those who are already depossessed.

The subsistance farmers will become more vulnerable. Their lands can be bought by local oligarchs and MNCs which need major landholdings for GMO proudction.

It also does create further dependence on the State / System by the poor.

By occasionally providing relief, during election cycles, good for votes. Democracy indian way.

Also solves the problem of minorities as they are in the poor/untouchable section of the society. Killing without murder. Just take away their future. Keep them forever poor.

If your Dark coloured brethren are subsidising the white indians.... then why would the elite want to stop the gravy train? Blind nationalism can keep people stupid and they keep subsidising the elite.

2- Alignment with big indian corporate houses and their international partners.

This move also solves bad corporate loans for your banks. Now their liquidity problem will be solved. Who is printing the new notes? And where? Who owns the banks?

Digital payment for the middle class. Chaslessness for 70%. indian Development.
E-commerce will boom and small business will suffer.

International retailers and big chain stores will cater to the vanities of apathetic indian middle class. And the chauvinists can start bragging about development. Fastest growng economy for less than 30%. The rest can chew on dust. IMF patting indians on the back, good boy.

How can a country like india become chasless society overnight? Quo bono.

You must dig deeper and you will find some NRIs behind this grand scheme.

So what do these brahmin elite really want? Bigger empire? More slaves?

How do the Black Indians (no offence intended here!) plan to get equal rights and opportunities from white indians?

I must admit that the picture is more complex than I initially thought.

How the Fcuk is it related to "sangh parivar" ?
If it has a sena tailname, be it Sri Rama Sene or Hanuman Sena, be assured it's part of RSS'cals. Also, the tell-tale intolerance and pseudo-nationalism. Chattathu Keechakanenkil Konnathu Bheeman thanne. :cheesy:
If it has a sena tailname, be it Sri Rama Sene or Hanuman Sena, be assured it's part of RSS'cals. Also, the tell-tale intolerance and pseudo-nationalism. Chattathu Keechakanenkil Konnathu Bheeman thanne. :cheesy:

How about Vayu Sena ? Nav Sena ? Bharatiya Sena ? Are all those part of RSS too ?

That is something for his Brahmin wife to worry about. I tell you Brahmins get wrongly credited for being smart while so many of them keep turning out to be Rahul Gandhis.

Its not a question of being "smart", its more about being nurtured in an environment that value education of all sort and being encouraged to excel in intellectual achievements.

They same way "marwaris" have business in their "blood". Social pressure makes the difference.

For example, I knew of a not so smart Tam Brahm (based on iq) but he had an amazing ability to identify and recognize any Classical raga even if he had heard just a few seconds of it. (Not sure if I have told this to you). He did not even learn classical music, he just grew up in an environment where he use to hear the tapes and he has subconsciously absorbed all that knowledge. Now how many can boast of that ? :P
Seek help
weak, what happened ?

ek second mein hawa nikal gayi ?

A Hindu is not required to proselytize, but he is required to protect Dharma.

Read up on John Monroe if you are really interested in Kerala history and how he corrupted the Dharmic way of life and used Hindu temples land and gifted it to churches and used the state money to promote proselytization.

Its not the kind of stuff they teach you in Kerala communist syllabus. In kerala one is taught to write a critique on Valmiki and his opinion of women, thus establishing that Ramayana was a fantasy "story" and not a real account of the past.

Hinduism in Kerala has been reduced to torturing elephants and holding loud cacophony temple festivals, while ignoring the real values and meaning of Dharma. Its become a parody of Hinduism while the average hindu goes around blissfully unaware of the perversion.
hmm, so this is becoming like our "c" question :P

I don't know too much about Kerala politics but please stop before you radicalize me.

seriously though, I'm not an ideologue, lack the requisite knowledge to engage in informed debate about it, nor do I have a level of interest in learning the ins and outs of dharmic philosophy.

what little I do know, I don't have a problem with, seems quite rational and common sense but I like my beef fry/porota.

but if someone nukes saudi arabia, I'll give that up too.
hmm, so this is becoming like our "c" question :P

I don't know too much about Kerala politics but please stop before you radicalize me.

seriously though, I'm not an ideologue, lack the requisite knowledge to engage in informed debate about it, nor do I have a level of interest in learning the ins and outs of dharmic philosophy.

what little I do know, I don't have a problem with, seems quite rational and common sense but I like my beef fry/porota.

but if someone nukes saudi arabia, I'll give that up too.

What does that even mean ? "radicalize" ?

If anything the map of my political leaning show that I am the least of the "radicals" in pdf.

Refer to my post #205.

I am certain that if you give that test, you will be more "radical" than me.

I am not talking about kerala politics, but your social reality which will affect you life and how you live it. If you want to remain blissfully ignorant, then that is your choice. Not everybody chooses the Red pill, some are happy to take the blue pill (Matrix)

Sage Manu

DO you know How LONG ago that was ?
Before arrival of these brahman devils from Central Asia, aboriginals of India were practising animism which had no caste system. Brahmin invaders infilritated our religion and created a caste system which placed them at top for eterniy. The original inhabitants of these land were subjugated and enslaved. Its really unfortunate that we kicked out the British colonizer but Brahmans colonizer still remain.


The brahman God is a hateful one.

Brahmans are trying to falsify aryan invasion incident in public. But behind closed doors they accept and consider them to be white aryans from Europe. They want to officialy enslave people like me by amending constitution and making India a Hindu/Brahman Rashtra like ancient times of Manu the Indian hitler.

Personally I feel these brahman fascists will remian in power for atleast 20 years. The west and the east have given their secret approval to these brahman fascists? Why no sanctions against this country?

If so called hinduism remains a majority religion Brahmanism will always stay. Even the fascists were not as cruel as these Brahmins.

Only hope I see is in China if it gives up its one India policy.

But arent you Hindu ? So why do you worry. It is party time for being a hindu in India now
Unity comes when there is mutual respect. Not when there is underhand attempt to widen the fracture in society to gain an additional foot hold
Take the food but don't give ur heart.
Live and let live and let's agree that RSS or its affiliates or similar organisations do not take law into its hands. Their hands will be more than welcome in case of floods or earthquakes, but pls for Grand old Shri Ram's sake stop all the nonsense it is been doing.
Then, ppl will respect them, and then sword branding in Ram navamis wouldn't be required.

And one should stop equating India with Hindutva itself.

And lastly, have a good day ahead.
Take the food but don't give ur heart.
Live and let live and let's agree that RSS or its affiliates or similar organisations do not take law into its hands. Their hands will be more than welcome in case of floods or earthquakes, but pls for Grand old Shri Ram's sake stop all the nonsense it is been doing.
Then, ppl will respect them, and then sword branding in Ram navamis wouldn't be required.

And one should stop equating India with Hindutva itself.

And lastly, have a good day ahead.

What "nonsense" has RSS been doing ? or BJP for that matter ?

Bengal is a killing field, so sword branding is more like the need of the hour and you know that its true. Latest news being that two bongs were stabbed by two muslims for supporting Sonu Nigam's post.
I don't think thread got anything to do with Hinduism... but some persons who implying thwir own ideology... there is huge difference..

For some people (I believe like you) anybody who calls spade a spade and points out shortcomings and wrong-doings of say Christianity or Islam automatically becomes a sanghi, chaddi, bhakt, Hindu fanatic or even Hindu terrorist and what not all. Everything Modi does is bad and anybody who supports anything good done by him is a bhakt. Morons propagate now how even nationalism is bad. Romeo-squad is a curse but lawlessness in UP where girls couldn't even go to school or colleges was great. Some Gau-rakshak crap somewhere is like skies falling on your head but rabid anti-India extremism are just some misguided youth. Orange of Yogi is communal but hijab, beard, turban, topi are all secular. For you people Hinduism tolerating crap of other religions is secularism, whereas somebody speaking the truth is 'implying their own ideology'.
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Not at all, maybe in the eyes of Indian Media.
Everyone here speaks and accepts Urdu as a 'unifying' language. I have travelled all over Pakistan and have lived in Sialkot for 4 years; one of the most diverse cities, with sizable populations of Pashtuns, Jats and other Punjab ethnic groups, Kashmiris, Muhajirs and Sindhis and have never experienced any 'ethnic' tensions or problems.

There are some incidents; but these are isolated, very rare and quickly resolved.

As for our 'sectarian divide', it is nothing compared to your 'religious' divide. The people who are behind this are being hunted down by our Armed Forces as we speak and form a small micro percent of the population.

Overall, Pakistan is more united than India can ever be and probably one of the most united countries in the world.

It was a private conversation between two Indians, both of whom happen to be level-headed and conversant with the challenges their country faces. We don't need a pamphleteer who thinks that he can hoodwink people about reality by simply speaking some gobblygook.

You are no different than the Sanghis who are infesting India currently. And Pakistan will pay the price for it.
For some people (I believe like you) anybody who calls spade a spade and points out shortcomings and wrong-doings of say Christianity or Islam automatically becomes a sanghi, chaddi, bhakt, Hindu fanatic or even Hindu terrorist and what not all. Everything Modi does is bad and anybody who supports anything good done by him is a bhakt. Morons propagate now how even nationalism is bad. Romeo-squad is a curse but lawlessness in UP where girls couldn't even go to school or colleges was great. Some Gau-rakshak crap somewhere is like skies falling on your head but rabid anti-India extremism are just some misguided youth. Orange of Yogi is communal but hijab, beard, turban, topi are all secular. For you people Hinduism tolerating crap of other religions is secularism, whereas somebody speaking the truth is 'implying their own ideology'.


Gau rakshak are not small issues, they are lynching people and beating in tge name of Cow protection.


coming to anti romeo squads, target those who harass girls, not those whose with girls. what is this moral policing, getting inside home sneak into bed room, beat you for what you are doing...

--For some people (I believe like you) anybody who calls spade a spade and points out shortcomings and wrong-doings of say Christianity or Islam automatically becomes a sanghi, chaddi, bhakt, Hindu fanatic or even Hindu terrorist and what not all. ""-----
Isn't RSS religious body and BJP is branch of RSS... what would you call?
you are same guy who insulted Church, because of some persons wrong doing.. target them no issues with it.

less than 3% Population doing invasion over 80%, good try.. Church like temples, you don't even think a second to say like that.. But if i say against some groups, you are calling hatred on Hinduism... nice comfort..

meanwhile i condemn such incidents like this...

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