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UN recognizes Crimea as occupied – for the first time


The International Court of Justice in The Hague is holding the third day of hearings in a Ukraine vs Russia case, where Kyiv insists on introducing provisional measures against the Russian Federation.

Today, Ukraine will express its objections to the arguments submitted by Russian agents yesterday, March 7, according to an UNIAN correspondent in The Hague.

Tomorrow, on March 9, the floor will again be given to the Russian side. As UNIAN reported earlier, Ukraine instituted proceedings against the Russian Federation on January 16, 2017, with regard to alleged violations of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism of December 9, 1999, and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination of December 21, 1965. Both states are parties to these two instruments.

The provisional measures Ukraine requests include a freeze on providing money, weapons, vehicles, equipment, training or personnel to the separatists.

The statement by Russian agents in the International Court of Justice claiming that the militants actually found weapons in old coal mines is false, according to Yuriy Tandit, the adviser to the SBU chief, 112 Ukraine TV channel reported.

The Security Service of Ukraine has evidence that pro-Russian militants in Donbas use weapons manufactured in Russia, Tandit assured, according to 112 Ukraine.

"We are talking about a hybrid war, and within its framework, such information operation is being used. For propagandists, it does not matter if it's true or not. I can once again confirm that we have facts proving that weapons used by illegal military groups in Donetsk and Luhansk regions were manufactured in Russia. There is much evidence of the movement of military cargo, ammunition, and equipment," he said.

At the same time, Tandit recalled that on Tuesday, the SBU operatives recovered a "Shmel" flamer left behind by the militants at their former combat positions in the area of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO). According to the SBU official, such a flamethrower is not in the arsenal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and, according to experts, it belongs to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Earlier, Russian agent in the International Court of Justice Ilya Rogachev denied allegations of Russian arms supplies to Donbas militants, claiming that the separatists had discovered the weaponry at the old Soviet coal mines. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin denounced Rogachev’s claims as "ridiculous."

Ukraine in the United Nations International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague (the Netherlands) will show Russia violated international conventions, specifically the convention on preventing financing terrorism and the convention forbidding racial discrimination, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin has said.

"This week we heard arguments in the ICJ and will show Russia fundamentally violated international legal conventions, which establish international rules," Klimkin said at a joint press conference together with the Foreign Minister of France Jean-Marc Ayrault on Thursday in Paris.

The minister emphasized the absurdity of evidence and arguments made by the Russian side represented in the court.

"When Russian representatives in the Hague officials speak about hundreds of tanks, armored vehicles, innumerable artillery pieces, rocket launchers and other armaments, which were found in coalmine shafts the entire world laughs. But this is bitter laughter. We understand what we're up against and that's why we must stick with the Minsk agreements and return peace to Donbas," Klimkin said.

He added that it is very important that the world community not recognize Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea.

"There can be no compromises about the annexation. It will never be recognized [as Russian] territory by our partners or friends. This is the position of all civilized states and all who are familiar with international rules and values," Klimkin said.
None of this is going to help, Crimea will never be part of what we know as the post-soviet nation state of Ukraine again.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said that the lawsuit filed to the United Nations International Court of Justice (ICJ, The Hague) was the first step of Kyiv to hold Russia liable for crimes committed by the country against Ukrainian citizens in annexed Crimea and Donbas. The task of Ukraine is to prove demonstratively this and hold Moscow liable.

"Our team in the ICJ is fighting for fair punishment of those who are guilty of deaths of thousands due to terrorists' attacks in Ukrainian Donbas, who supplied tanks, modern artillery, multiple launch rocket systems, armored vehicles, arms, missiles used to shell Avdiyivka, Kramatorsk, Mariupol, a civil bus in Volnovakha and who hit MH-17," Poroshenko said at a meeting with the leaders of the Ukrainian delegation at hearings in the Hague court on Thursday.

At a meeting with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin, Justice Minister Pavlo Petrenko, Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko and SBU Head Vasyl Hrytsak, Poroshenko thanks best lawyers from the Foreign Ministry, Justice Ministry, Prosecutor General's Office and the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Defense Ministry for preparing the lawsuit.

"Unfortunately, this lawsuit is not quick. It will take not months, but years. We expect that the relevant measures will be taken and they would help to shut down new supplies of weapons and terrorists," he said.


The United States does not recognize Russia's "referendum" of March 16, 2014, and accuse Russian authorities of violation of rights of peninsular residents, Acting Spokesperson Mark C. Toner has said.

Toner said in a statement that "the United States does not recognize Russia's 'referendum' of March 16, 2014, nor its attempted annexation of Crimea and continued violation of international law."

"Russia then staged an illegitimate referendum in which residents of Crimea were compelled to vote while heavily armed foreign forces occupied their land," he said.

"Over the past three years, Russian occupation 'authorities' in Crimea have engaged in a campaign to suppress dissent. In Russian-occupied Crimea, human rights monitors have documented enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, torture and punitive psychiatric hospitalizations," reads the statement.

"Crimean Tatars, ethnic Ukrainians, pro-Ukrainian activists, and independent journalists have been subjected to politically motivated prosecution and face ongoing repression," the U.S. Department of State said.

"We call on Russia to cease its attempts to suppress freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, association, and religion," reads the statement.

"Our Crimea-related sanctions will remain in place until Russia returns control of the peninsula to Ukraine," the U.S. Department of State said.


The Foreign Ministry of Ukraine welcomes the adoption of the resolution the Ukrainian prisoners in Russia and the situation in Crimea by the European Parliament on March 16.

"The legislative body of the European Union again confirmed unfettered support of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders and gave a clear signal to the Russian Federation that its attempt to annex Crimea would never be recognized by the EU and its member states," the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine said on Thursday.

The ministry said that the European Parliament also presented unbiased facts of grievous crimes of the Russian occupation authorities and violation of human rights.

The ministry recalled that the European Parliament reiterates that Russia must urgently release all illegally and arbitrarily detained Ukrainian citizens and stop further persecutions of Ukrainians.

The ministry said that the European Parliament also supported Ukraine's lawsuit against Russia in the International Court of Justice blaming Russia for support of terrorism in eastern Ukraine and discrimination of ethnic Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars on the territory of occupied Crimea.

The Foreign Ministry of Turkey three years after the unlawful annexation of Crimea by Russia reiterated that the country does not recognize the outcome of the illegitimate referendum and confirms its support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine.

"Three years have passed since Ukraine’s Autonomous Republic of Crimea was annexed by the Russian Federation on the grounds of an illegitimate referendum held on 16 March 2014. We reiterate that we do not recognize the de-facto situation caused by this act which is a clear violation of the international law," the ministry said in a press release posted on its website on Saturday.

"Turkey will continue to follow the situation in Crimea closely, and to defend the rights and interests of Crimean Tatar Turks, who are among principal constituents of the peninsula," the ministry said.
obviously its just a resolution by the U.N, nothing binding.
You are right though Crimea now belongs to Russia since Russia already annexed it from Ukraine it's a fait accompli. Just like how Kashmir(Pakistani one) belongs to Pakistan who cares what India thinks? Similarly with Aksai Chin which China occupies who cares what India thinks and vice versa. Fait accompli.

It's true that Might makes right. I never disagree with that. In fact i'm not even against Russia using it's might to exert ts influence and carve out territories from its weaker neighbours, That's how geo politics works. I'm just surprise some cheerleaders here seem to claim Russia is holy and has done nothing wrong, yet if any western country tries to do anything even remotely similar they are the first to say the total opposite.:lol:

lol This Russia dude who still claims to be Polish is still on here?. Thought you disappeared after running away from the other WWII battle of Britain thread discussion we had on here . @waz :lol: Good to see you are back with a big BANG.:partay:

We should also take back Ireland. :enjoy:

What are you even talking about? Seriously i don't understand how some of you Pakistanis(even those abroad in the west) even think at times. You say Western powers tried to annhilate Russia during the Cold war?lol
Russia never tried to do that as well right?:lol: Only the 'evil' West was fighting for influence and dominance , holy Russia was just defending itself and helping the world. LMAO:rofl: Too bad your home Country Pakistan and even China was our ally in bringing Russia down and breaking it down into pieces. So you should also blame your home country and China(both countries rightly considered the Soviet Union a far bigger threat to their existence back then). Since they helped the West in bringing Russia down.:enjoy: Don't worry i know you will never do that for obvious reasons. Only the west is good to badmouth.:tongue:

This is an even funnier statement. old boyyyyyy, you are funny. :lol:
So we Europeanized Russia neighbours(or whatever that means)?:rofl: They were not European before isn't it? Guess they were Asians,Arabs or Pakistanis?:lol: So we forced them to be 'Europeanized' and to hate Russia isn't it?:D Your posts have made my day.:cheers: Keep it up please.:-)
We don't care rhat Pakistan have 1/4th of kashmir originally Pakistan shluld have whole valley and punch and china leh. But we are controlling their territories.

Which major power follows the rule of law when their national interests are at stake?

America when they invaded Iraq? Guantanamo Bay?

China when we siezed the Scarborough shoal in 2012, or in the current island building and militarisation of the South China Sea?

I thought you mentioned Realpolitik before? Now you are talking about rule of law. In Realpolitik, national interests come first.

Nobody is going to fight Russia in order to return Crimea to the Ukraine. That is the bottom line. Everyone in the world sees how irrelevant international law is, since it is voluntary by nature. Domestic law is what counts.
Imagine their reaction if russia tomorrow launches an attack of ukrain and annexes whole eastern wing.
ndia was among the original members of the United Nations that signed the Declaration by United Nations at Washington, D.C. on 1 January 1942 and also participated in the United Nations Conference on International Organization at San Francisco from 25 April to 26 June 1945.
As a founding member of the United Nations, India strongly supports the purposes and principles of the UN and has made significant contributions in implementing the goals of the Charter, and the evolution of the UN's specialised programmes and agencies.
India is a charter member of the United Nations and participates in all of its specialised agencies and organizations. India has contributed troops to United Nations peacekeeping efforts in Korea, Egypt and the Congo in its earlier years and in Somalia, Angola, Haiti, Liberia, Lebanon and Rwanda in recent years, and more recently in the South Sudan conflict. India has been a member of the UN Security Council for seven terms (a total of 14 years), with the most recent being the 2011–12 term.

We would love to support their principles if they were truly impartial and genuinely neutral. Most of their resolutions are based on opinions of a few countries from a specific hemisphere of the world and therefore it is simply not justified.

Over the years, UN has increasingly lost its neutrality from the time it was formed in 1945.

Once it was a respected organisation but time and again it has proven that it is simply a rubber stamp agency for a few countries while others who vote are either politically pressurised or simply do so in the favour of their own inter-governmental allegiance to those countries who dominate the UN.

Contribution is not just financial but also physical and intellectual which many countries have given but haven't got their due.

In a world where multipolar ecosystem is increasingly becoming a reality, the UN of 1940s either needs to reform or it will end up becoming irrelevant.
Ukrainians hate Russians now and will for a long time with this.

Russia gained Crimea
Russia lost Ukrainian

Crimea is Tatar Turks land.
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