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India explores rail link with Iran, Turkey

No matter how India want to explores the way to get to Iran, Turkey, it has to pass through Pakistan, this article just reveal how envious India is to access to Middle east and Central Asia by land, maybe India is just to shy to admit that it wants to join CPEC :lol:, China has no objection for India to join CPEC, now it's up to Pakistanis friends.
Would it be a possible solution if both India and Pakistan release their own part of Kashmir and create a new Muslim Kashmir country?
It could be or for a start just demilitarising both parts can be good start. Giving Jammu to India, Kashmir valley an independent country and Azad Kashmir to Pakistan is a viable solution. It all depends on realisation in India that status quo is hurting India and this region, till it stop its efforts to outwit Pakistan by pressurising into proxy war and shy away from root cause. If India thinks it can make Kashmir too costly for Pakistan by such tactics then India has not understood psyche of a Pakistani. A Pakistani's mind does not work in an ambit of profit and loss as an Indian's does. It works in ambit of what is mine and what is right. A Pakistani will spend all his money in litigation for a piece of land that is not even worth the trouble.
It could be or for a start just demilitarising both parts can be good start. Giving Jammu to India, Kashmir valley an independent country and Azad Kashmir to Pakistan is a viable solution. It all depends on realisation in India that status quo is hurting India and this region, till it stop its efforts to outwit Pakistan by pressurising into proxy war and shy away from root cause. If India thinks it can make Kashmir too costly for Pakistan by such tactics then India has not understood psyche of a Pakistani. A Pakistani's mind does not work in an ambit of profit and loss as an Indian's does. It works in ambit of what is mine and what is right. A Pakistani will spend all his money in litigation for a piece of land that is not even worth the trouble.

That is a good start. But I think a more fair solution is that half of Azard Kashmir, the whole Indian occupied Kashmir as well as Ladakh should be a new country. Pakistan keeps Gilgit Balistan while India keeps Jammu. That way both countries give up parts of existing Kashmir to the new country and keep part of the area under conflict. Maybe trump can moderate that deal.
Is this idea going to rival Chinese OBOR? Indians will portray it as a counterweight to Chinese OBOR...

I m all for it if Indians don't have any bad intentions...If this thing can guarantee peace in Kashmir...I am all for it...No one will mind...
Put yourself in Indian shoes and visualise the obvious Indian reaction.

When Pakistan can find a way to destabilize India, ( and it almost succeeded in 1990's in Kashmir and in 1980's in Punjab ) then who can stop Doval and company to try the same stunts in your country.

Who knows Pakistan might not be as lucky as India.
1971 bro... 1971
People on high horses are ignoring one crucial fact (among several others).

Even if Pakistan joins in with India and let's it make a route through Punjab/KPK/Balochistan what if war starts? What then?

Even if India joins CPEC or joins in a agreement with China (and China's other neighbors) i.e China-Russia-Iran-Turkey or China-Kyrgyzstan/Uzkebistan/Turkmenistan-Iran-Turkey. Will China (and/or other Muslim countries) still honor the agreement and trade with India in case of a Indo-Pak war?


The answer to this thread is simple. No matter how much India wants to join with M.E/C.A./Europe, it has to go through pro-Pakistani countries with whom it's either on good or neutral terms; terms that will definitely change in times of war.

No one wants a hegemonic India in the region (or in the surrounding regions) especially one that is supported by the US & Israel.

Also what does India have to bring onto the table? What commodities is it going to trade with in exchange for gas from Iran (for example), if it's just a one way trade in exchange for cash then India won't gain anything.

On the other hand, anything that India brings on table except for cash is going to be competing against domestic, Pakistani, Chinese and countless other countries products. So, what can India truly present other than cash?

@Indian members, please reply to this post with what India can bring on the table. Interesting... :D
Terrorism is in Indian blood, they can't help it.
How would you feel if an Indian makes such comments about Pakistanis in general.:azn:

Look who is talking.
Pakistan destabilizing India or India destabilizing Pakistan. India funds terrorism, sending terrorist to Pakistan murdering innocent people, murdering Kashmiris, India is state sponsored terrorist nation
For thirty years from 1980's onwards Indians knew what Pakistani establishment was doing in India but nobody helped us nor believed us. Now it is your turn to face the heat, You know that Modi is a mass murderer and India is a state sponsoring terrorism but you can't do anything about it. The problem is, that world at large has stopped believing this narrative of your country.

Nobody succeeds in such warfare. If you take current insurgencies and terror and multiply it with 20 Pakistan will still be standing in 20 years time and India will be burning atleast ten times if not more. For people like Doval and likewise in Pakistan holding a hammer everything is a nail. They are people of a limited mind, vision and horizons. They feel in deception lies success however in reality fairplay, trust and confidence building benefits all parties involved more than playing a number on the opposition. If you think India can successfully dismember Pakistan by playing childish games, live a day or two in Pakistan and you will know this Doval guy is hoodwinking India bigtime ( he claims to have lived here for a longtime surprisingly) No amount of bloodshed and terror can defeat Pakistaniat. On the contrary since the terror in Pakistan in previously no go areas like some places in Karachi, Sindh,Baluchistan and FATA have been brought under full writ of Gov. Pak Army which had no anti terror training or LIC training is now providing world with anti terror doctrine, strategy and tactics. Our police once shabby is now being trained to be first responder to terror in an effective way. We will adapt and adapt some more if needed be. History speaks of resilience of this region for many centuries.
Whatever you have stated appears quite reasonable but Pakistan have to stop people who idolize Mumtaz Qadri and refrain people from naming their kids after OBL

1971 bro... 1971
Exactly !!!! you don't want a repetition of history

please reply to this post with what India can bring on the table. Interesting... :D
India will make sure that Pakistani textile industry is taken over by BD and Vietnam then it can provide a land route for exporting these products to Europe .... :D
India will make sure that Pakistani textile industry is taken over by BD and Vietnam then it can provide a land route for exporting these products to Europe .... :D

So, what does India gain except for implementing your master plan? o_O

All the cash flows to Vietnam & Bangladesh.
So, what does India gain except for implementing your master plan? o_O

All the cash flows to Vietnam & Bangladesh.

All the illegal Bangladeshis in India will go back to BD. It will ruin your garment industry. Two birds with one stone. After all we can dream big.:azn:
With the other side of fence, majoring mostly in throwing bombs, grenades, suicide vests or themselves am not sure even if it gets implemented how govt going to protect it. Better Idea will be to explore HSR/expressway connectivity up-to Kandla port, following sea route until Chabahar, and then foraying deep into Iran,Turkey and rest of Europe and Russia.
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All the illegal Bangladeshis in India will go back to BD. It will ruin your garment industry. Two birds with one stone. After all we can dream big.:azn:

I don't think millions of Bangladeshis will move back from India just cuz one sector of the whole government is doing well than others. Maybe, they will call for a unification with Pakistan when they see it's regional economic rise? (and see India's hegemonic stance). ;)

2 can tango but only 1 can win. :partay:

Please make a better effort at trolling. :rofl:
So, what does India gain except for implementing your master plan? o_O

All the cash flows to Vietnam & Bangladesh.
Now you are getting what exactly Pakistan is gaining by blocking trade and trade routes with India.

BTW whose master plan is that India shouldn't become a NSG member, UNSC member, denied access to western Asia.

Who is gaining what ?????
What person, thing, group do you hate most in the world?

× that hate by 1000

= how we feel about the indians

No we do not hate Indians.

Our issue with India is only her support of cross-border terrorism in the region. If India stops financing/training/arming terrorist proxies in Pakistan and other neighboring countries, we are fine with them.

And then there is this issue of Kashmir, which I am quite sure could be solved once India comes to her senses.
Now you are getting what exactly Pakistan is gaining by blocking trade and trade routes with India.

BTW whose master plan is that India shouldn't become a NSG member, UNSC member, denied access to western Asia.

Who is gaining what ?????

Dude, please stay on topic. I just asked all the Indian members as to what India will be bringing on table in return, that's all. I'm seriously curious. Everything you said above is for another time, another thread.

Cheers. :cheers:
Dude, please stay on topic. I just asked all the Indian members as to what India will be bringing on table in return, that's all. I'm seriously curious. Everything you said above is for another time, another thread.

Cheers. :cheers:
What is China bringing on the table in CPEC ?

Similarly Indians will be creating infra but without infringing upon your sovereignty.

Mutual relations may improve, defence spending may reduce


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