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India explores rail link with Iran, Turkey

believe or not. both china and India want their influence in this Region. BUT no one can achieve this without Pakistan. especially India cant achieve it without Pakistan, but China has already OBOR on Ground. and we are with china. Pakistan can also think about India after all it`s Regional Prosperity. But we don't think that Modi Sarkar have any concern about it. so bye bye India from regional influence.

Two things screwed india

First was losing Kashmir and GB, it got blocked and the entire geo strategic future of Pakistan was changed
India could have been the central pivot of regional connectivity

Second was emnity with Pakistan
Pakistan for all its faults is a major military and regional power and is in the growth path again
Pakistan is a leash upon india, shackles,a loaded gun pointed at its head
Any country or world power who has a issue with india has a natural ready made partner to hurt india
Pipelines, roads, railways, electricity transmission lines, tourism etc can make all the mentioned countries dependable on one another, at least economically. And when countries get so dependent on one another then peace is automatically guaranteed in the region eg. Russia-Turkey relations restored despite grave circumstances. Turkey depends on Russian oil/gas while Turkey is the No.1 tourist destination for Russians. Economic dependencies forced them to restore good relations. I think it will be a good initiative until jingoist people ruin it.
Two things screwed india

First was losing Kashmir and GB, it got blocked and the entire geo strategic future of Pakistan was changed
India could have been the central pivot of regional connectivity

Second was emnity with Pakistan
Pakistan for all its faults is a major military and regional power and is in the growth path again
Pakistan is a leash upon india, shackles,a loaded gun pointed at its head
Any country or world power who has a issue with india has a natural ready made partner to hurt india
i know it bro. but no matter what if india want influence in region they need Pakistan. or else we have no problem after all, either india join us or not
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Give them Rail Link to iran+turkey, Iran Pakistan India Pipline, Trade Access to Afghanistan and Central Asia but but but We want Kashmir, deal or no deal
I know but you do business with India and this is business.
It will benefit your economy so,it will be a good thing for all involved.
India is an enemy country and should be treated as one if we are that business oriented nation than what's wrong with china Russia Iran Central Asia have we exhosted those chenels already ???
We aren't nation of banya,s that we ignore the scars India has and continues to give us as our worst enemy ever and start the business just to make money if we are doing some business with India we should stop it at once until India addresses the issues with Pakistan
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With BJP-RSS and Indian media stoking up Pakistan hate, Kashmir remaining highly militarised and Doval remaining security Czar India should forget in, never gonna happen.
Pakistan is on the verge of controlling all types of Jihadis Kashmir oriented or Afghanistan based on Pakistani land anyway, however it can't be said for support of Militants in red corridor or indigenous Kashmiri fighters. If India gets out of Drug induced stupor and euphoria and realise disintegration or isolation of Pakistan is a failing investment and like grownups co exist with mutual benefit.

Looking at thought process of most Indians here on this forum and elsewhere, peace in our area is a distant dream. The years of being fed shi* has become an integral part of national psyche, in contrast with Pakistan where visceral hate for India was not seen untill few years when Indian involvement in pseudo religious terror was established. India has two options;
  • Current course and see indigenous movements getting a new life in India.
  • Stop terror support in Pakistan from Afghanistan , move towards a Kashmir solution acceptable to every party and then see a balance in how India fits into Euroasian block. Pakistan is ready to take on its part to take care of Jihaadi apparatus.
India is an enemy country and should be treated as one if we are that business oriented nation wthan hat's wrong with china Russia Iran Central Asia have we exhosted those chenels already ???
We aren't nation of banya,s that we ignore the scars India has and continues to give us as our worst enemy ever and go on making money if we are doing some business with India we should stop it at once.
Not ''some business'' but alot of business.
In 2013-14 your official trade with India was at $4.71 billion but the ''black market '' trade was at least double that.
I dont think it is possible to stop the trade with India.
Two things screwed india

First was losing Kashmir and GB, it got blocked and the entire geo strategic future of Pakistan was changed
India could have been the central pivot of regional connectivity

Second was emnity with Pakistan
Pakistan for all its faults is a major military and regional power and is in the growth path again
Pakistan is a leash upon india, shackles,a loaded gun pointed at its head
Any country or world power who has a issue with india has a natural ready made partner to hurt india

With BJP-RSS and Indian media stoking up Pakistan hate, Kashmir remaining highly militarised and Doval remaining security Czar India should forget in, never gonna happen.
Pakistan is on the verge of controlling all types of Jihadis Kashmir oriented or Afghanistan based on Pakistani land anyway, however it can't be said for support of Militants in red corridor or indigenous Kashmiri fighters. If India gets out of Drug induced stupor and euphoria and realise disintegration or isolation of Pakistan is a failing investment and like grownups co exist with mutual benefit.

Looking at thought process of most Indians here on this forum and elsewhere, peace in our area is a distant dream. The years of being fed shi* has become an integral part of national psyche, in contrast with Pakistan where visceral hate for India was not seen untill few years when Indian involvement in pseudo religious terror was established. India has two options;
  • Current course and see indigenous movements getting a new life in India.
  • Stop terror support in Pakistan from Afghanistan , move towards a Kashmir solution acceptable to every party and then see a balance in how India fits into Euroasian block. Pakistan is ready to take on its part to take care of Jihaadi apparatus.

Put yourself in Indian shoes and visualise the obvious Indian reaction.

When Pakistan can find a way to destabilize India, ( and it almost succeeded in 1990's in Kashmir and in 1980's in Punjab ) then who can stop Doval and company to try the same stunts in your country.

Who knows Pakistan might not be as lucky as India.
With BJP-RSS and Indian media stoking up Pakistan hate, Kashmir remaining highly militarised and Doval remaining security Czar India should forget in, never gonna happen.
Pakistan is on the verge of controlling all types of Jihadis Kashmir oriented or Afghanistan based on Pakistani land anyway, however it can't be said for support of Militants in red corridor or indigenous Kashmiri fighters. If India gets out of Drug induced stupor and euphoria and realise disintegration or isolation of Pakistan is a failing investment and like grownups co exist with mutual benefit.

Looking at thought process of most Indians here on this forum and elsewhere, peace in our area is a distant dream. The years of being fed shi* has become an integral part of national psyche, in contrast with Pakistan where visceral hate for India was not seen untill few years when Indian involvement in pseudo religious terror was established. India has two options;
  • Current course and see indigenous movements getting a new life in India.
  • Stop terror support in Pakistan from Afghanistan , move towards a Kashmir solution acceptable to every party and then see a balance in how India fits into Euroasian block. Pakistan is ready to take on its part to take care of Jihaadi apparatus.

Would it be a possible solution if both India and Pakistan release their own part of Kashmir and create a new Muslim Kashmir country?
Unless India stop Supporting TTP in Afghanistan and BLA/BRA in Baluchistan, Peace will never have a chance .. but the Idea is very awesome to Connect India , Pakistan , Iran and Turkey Via Rail line ..it can extend to China , Russia , Bangladesh as well ..
Terrorism is in Indian blood, they can't help it. Don't know how India could link their rail without crossing Pakistan unless via sea tunnel. Their dreams will never come true unless Pakistan let it happen. They have no way to link their any system without Pakistan but first of all India must denounce terrorism, supporting terrorism, funds terrorism, RAW & NDS must be demolished first, free Kashmir, stop killing innocent, interference in Pakistan. They must denounce all terrorism

Put yourself in Indian shoes and visualise the obvious Indian reaction.

When Pakistan can find a way to destabilize India, ( and it almost succeeded in 1990's in Kashmir and in 1980's in Punjab ) then who can stop Doval and company to try the same stunts in your country.

Who knows Pakistan might not be as lucky as India.
Look who is talking.
Pakistan destabilizing India or India destabilizing Pakistan. India funds terrorism, sending terrorist to Pakistan murdering innocent people, murdering Kashmiris, India is state sponsored terrorist nation
No matter how India want to explores the way to get to Iran, Turkey, it has to pass through Pakistan, this article just reveal how envious India is to access to Middle east and Central Asia by land, maybe India is just to shy to admit that it wants to join CPEC :lol:, China has no objection for India to join CPEC, now it's up to Pakistanis friends.
They could tunnel under Pakistan. LOL!
That is economically & technically not possible at present, so non starter.

This will be a great Idea , If we can install proper monitoring system and proper hazard analysis system with other modern tools .
I am all in favour of IRAN-PAKISTAN-INDIA gas pipe line as I am in favour of IRAN-PAK-CHINA gas and oil pipe lines , but if the price is right .
TAPI is coming too.
We can still be enemy and we can also do fair trade , My cry is we don't have people on Pakistani side who can guard Pakistan's interest , but we have people like NS and AZ who only want there benefits no matter what happen to Pakistan.
Because of these people we still don't have any fair trade agreement or any thing with India or even with IRAN. Personal interest always kill national interest and they also create negativity about most positive things.
Fair points, however to my best understanding, containerized shipment is safest way for logistics. It's easier to build monitoring system for this kind of logistics & goods movement. And yes I thought initially IPI will be built also, still a supporter. In regards to lack of responsible manpower, even we have lack of those, however once opportunity comes knocking, people naturally adapt leadership role.
Put yourself in Indian shoes and visualise the obvious Indian reaction.

When Pakistan can find a way to destabilize India, ( and it almost succeeded in 1990's in Kashmir and in 1980's in Punjab ) then who can stop Doval and company to try the same stunts in your country.

Who knows Pakistan might not be as lucky as India.
Nobody succeeds in such warfare. If you take current insurgencies and terror and multiply it with 20 Pakistan will still be standing in 20 years time and India will be burning atleast ten times if not more. For people like Doval and likewise in Pakistan holding a hammer everything is a nail. They are people of a limited mind, vision and horizons. They feel in deception lies success however in reality fairplay, trust and confidence building benefits all parties involved more than playing a number on the opposition. If you think India can successfully dismember Pakistan by playing childish games, live a day or two in Pakistan and you will know this Doval guy is hoodwinking India bigtime ( he claims to have lived here for a longtime surprisingly) No amount of bloodshed and terror can defeat Pakistaniat. On the contrary since the terror in Pakistan in previously no go areas like some places in Karachi, Sindh,Baluchistan and FATA have been brought under full writ of Gov. Pak Army which had no anti terror training or LIC training is now providing world with anti terror doctrine, strategy and tactics. Our police once shabby is now being trained to be first responder to terror in an effective way. We will adapt and adapt some more if needed be. History speaks of resilience of this region for many centuries.

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