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Tet 2017 - Year of the Rooster


Not sure why this came to my mind
My favorite new years Tree. It is a symbol of wealth. The Golden Tree

"Tet", just like the Korean "Seolnal", is derived from Chinese New Year and the Chinese calender, that's why.

No, it is easy. Vietnamese look more Southeast Asian / Indochine, on average. Many Northern Vietnamese resemble Southern Chinese though. They are generally shorter and skinnier than Chinese people. I believe the pictures in this thread are showing Hanoi / Northern Vietnamese, who may resemble Southern Chinese at first glance.

Yes there is a difference. China is a temperate country with four distinct seasons; in contrast most of Vietnam is tropical. Vietnamese is a Mon-Khmer language; Chinese is a Sino-Tibetan language. Vietnamese use exotic ingredients like lemongrass, basil, tamarind, Birds eye chilli, limes etc in their cooking, similar to Thai, Lao and Khmer. These ingredients are absent in Chinese cuisine.

Genetically, Vietnamese cluster with ethnic groups like Dai, and not Han Chinese.
Vietnamese elderly do not practice martial arts like Taiji in their parks. Chinese elderly do. There is no ancient Vietnamese martial arts, unlike China which has many. Any form of Vietnamese martial arts is new and created recently. Vietnamese also do not play Weiqi (Go / Baduk) unlike China. Vietnamese do not have a traditional garden or goldfish culture on the same level as China. Traditional Chinese buildings have dougong (斗拱), most traditional Vietnamese buildings do not.

I don't know why people keep insisting Vietnamese and Chinese are the same. They are different. Climatologically, linguistically, geopolitically, genetically, culinarily different. The timezone for Vietnam is UTC +7 same as the rest of Indochine (Thailand, Laos, Cambodia); whereas China is UTC +8 (different from Indochine).

As for New Years, the way in which they are celebrated are different. Vietnamese make these wrapped sticky rice parcels things in banana leaves, I am not sure what they are called. Chinese culture, being non-tropical, does not have this banana leaf food item. Instead we celebrate with jiaozi, tangyuan, mantou with jujube, noodles, fish etc

Well Classical Chinese and Chinese characters in general i.e. Hanzi, belongs to China and the Chinese people. It is not your indigenous script.
Ok I got it. Vietnam is a tropical country while China has 4 seasons. We eat weird food while Chinese eat heaven cooked dishes. We speak mon Khmer while you don't. Vietnamese are short, dark and dumb, while Chinese are bigger, lighter and smart. I missed the part you claim Chinese girls have bigger thing under the shirts while Chinese men longer piece under the pants.
Flowers for Vietnamese households that want more than just traditional Tet flowers. Little Saigon (California).







Ok I got it. Vietnam is a tropical country while China has 4 seasons. We eat weird food while Chinese eat heaven cooked dishes. We speak mon Khmer while you don't. Vietnamese are short, dark and dumb, while Chinese are bigger, lighter and smart. I missed the part you claim Chinese girls have bigger thing under the shirts while Chinese men longer piece under the pants.

a Canadian politician speaks at the Tet event.
Welcome the return of Spring: Tet. Vietnamese students in Boston.
No. Viet alphabet as we know it today just became national characters since about 100 years, during the French colonial period. Classical Chinese had been the official language of Vietnam for almost of our history. Theoretically Vietnam could return to classical Chinese character and language at any time, but because our relationship to China is one of the worst in the world, so that door is closed.
"at any time"? Seriously? Vast majority of Vietnamese don't even know how to write in Chinese. It would be a major linguistic shock.

Looks like Chinese new year.
It IS Chinese new year. On the same day. Chinese lunar calendar isn't so regular. You have to be deliberate in order to be on the same day.
"at any time"? Seriously? Vast majority of Vietnamese don't even know how to write in Chinese. It would be a major linguistic shock.

It IS Chinese new year. On the same day. Chinese lunar calendar isn't so regular. You have to be deliberate in order to be on the same day.
It is best to start learning a foreign language as early as possible, probably when the kids are in kindergarten. The impact will be felt in 10 years after induction. Vietnamese language is like Chinese a tonal language, with 50pct or more having derived from Chinese stock of words. But as said considering Chinese extrem hostility toward Vietnam, the return to Chinese character is not even in theoretical discussion, Tet and Chinese New Year are identical. With some domestic contents added.
It is best to start learning a foreign language as early as possible, probably when the kids are in kindergarten. The impact will be felt in 10 years after induction. Vietnamese language is like Chinese a tonal language, with 50pct or more having derived from Chinese stock of words. But as said considering Chinese extrem hostility toward Vietnam, the return to Chinese character is not even in theoretical discussion, Tet and Chinese New Year are identical. With some domestic contents added.

Vietnam diaspora looks very vibrant, preserving national/regional culture. That's very encouraging.
It is best to start learning a foreign language as early as possible, probably when the kids are in kindergarten. The impact will be felt in 10 years after induction. Vietnamese language is like Chinese a tonal language, with 50pct or more having derived from Chinese stock of words. But as said considering Chinese extrem hostility toward Vietnam, the return to Chinese character is not even in theoretical discussion, Tet and Chinese New Year are identical. With some domestic contents added.
Chinese extreme hostility towards Vietnam?! dude, get real. Chinese couldn't care less about Vietnam. Vietnam is more of a nuisance than a threat to Chinese. Go re-read your Vietnam's history textbooks, which are filled with the Chinese invasions and exultation of Vietnamese "resistance" including outright invasion to China, as if Chinese got nothing better to do but beating Vietnamese up year after year. It is clear which country is implanting hatred in its people towards the other. Such a hatred serves nothing except an excuse for maintaining the independence of a country whose culture is so Chinese, whose language is just a Chinese dialect alphabetized.
There is not much difference in China and Vietnam. Except French colonial influence in Vietnam. Without France, I think Vietnam would still be a part of China.


without invasion òf France, Empire de Annam is looks like this map now.


ready for Tet festival in Vietnam.






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