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Lawyer moves Pemra against TV host for making blasphemy allegations

Look you mullah troll, run along and learn to read and write while you still can as your days are numbered!

Hahahaha , this mentally ill person was calling mullahs as threats now he is threatening himself, why my days are numbered? What can liberal shia mafia do, please elaborate. This is their tolerance which they ask for from others.
Hahahaha , this mentally ill person was calling mullahs as threats now he is threatening himself, why my days are numbered? What can liberal shia mafia do, please elaborate. This is their tolerance which they ask for from others.

I am not shia you buffoon! even if I was, so what? are you playing God now? Khan gate keeper?
I am not shia you buffoon! even if I was, so what? are you playing God now? Khan gate keeper?

Hehehe, again feel sorry for u for the abuse you faced by khan driver in your childhood, message me your address some medicine mite help you
Hehehe, again feel sorry for u for the abuse you faced by khan driver in your childhood, message me your address some medicine mite help you

You dumb bastard, do you realize that you are accepting the fact that you assault young boys?
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Backtrack for a second will u, u little rat, who confirmed to you that the state abducted these vermin, do u have any evidence or are you in the habit of pointing fingers without proof and still have the audacity to talk about due process of law, u filthy hypocritte..
None of the detainees are US citizens, nor have they been apprehended during normal daily activities, but in a war zone as non-uniformed combatants. It is a matter of jurisdiction. Faisal Shahzad, who tried to blow up Times Square, was given full due process, including the right to legal defense, as were the Boston Marathon bombers, as examples.

Nobody just disappeared.

How is this relevant to any of the five disappeared persons, except as a crude diversionary tactic?[/QUOTE

Great example, as she - and her kids - were abducted by Pakistani "angels" from the streets of Karachi, in their own country. A similar story again.
Ohh so you used to work for isi back then and was one of the assets who abducted her did u?, again a stupid allegation without any proof, dont u people get tired of bieng an insult to human intellect..
You dumb bastard, do you realize that you accepting the fact that you assault young boys?

I'm sorry for what khan driver did to you stil have'nt message me your address i have already ordered anti-depressant to treat your mentaly ailment, seriously bro u need help
I'm sorry for what khan driver did to you stil have'nt message me your address i have already ordered anti-depressant to treat your mentaly ailment, seriously bro u need help

Lame BS, can't defend your whore Liaqaut and now you just keep barking trash.
People need to realise that these so called civilised secular wannabe liberal goons have one agenda. That agenda is to create in fighting and the eventual ripping apart of Pakistani society that Allama dreamed of. Corruption within a society is the most dangerous form of a threat. Keeps you within a delusional.
O boy, another brave guy, watch your mouth little awan boy
Maybe some mad dog bit u for a little sissy liberal to be calling an awan a little boy, why dont u tell me ur real name and face me like a man, name any place and ill be there to show u who's the boy here u yellow little pissant..
Maybe some mad dog bit u for a little sissy liberal to be calling an awan a little boy, why dont u tell me ur real name and face me like a man, name any place and ill be there to show u who's the boy here u yellow little pissant..

I see, brave little boy runs to admin & now threatens me...look up my IP & please pay me a visit....

This bechaara needs help he should'nt be online and getting treatment I request admin. to plz check his posts and do the needful

mullah boys run like mulllah prostitutes you are! why do you run to admins & talk about being "Man" laughable!

Maybe some mad dog bit u for a little sissy liberal to be calling an awan a little boy, why dont u tell me ur real name and face me like a man, name any place and ill be there to show u who's the boy here u yellow little pissant..

I am gonna teach you a new word today little awan boy, it's "cowards" which fits you well..
Im not threatening u, u little sissy im challenging u to face me, come on every one can see who's rhe coward here huh wet boy, just tell me ur name and ur adress come on now boy what happened??, afraid??
I see, brave little boy runs to admin & now threatens me...look up my IP & please pay me a visit....

mullah boys run like mulllah prostitutes you are! why do you run to admins & talk about being "Man" laughable!

I am gonna teach you a new word today little awan boy, it's "cowards" which fits you well..
Im not threatening u, u little sissy im challenging u to face me, come on every one can see who's rhe coward here huh wet boy, just tell me ur name and ur adress come on now boy what happened??, afraid??

I am in the U.S, little awan boy! let me know when you are ready, 1600 pennsylvania avenue northwest washington dc

Im not threatening u, u little sissy im challenging u to face me, come on every one can see who's rhe coward here huh wet boy, just tell me ur name and ur adress come on now boy what happened??, afraid??

1600 pennsylvania avenue northwest washington dc.

can you respond faster little brave badmash awan...

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