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Why Gen RS turned down KSA offer....Pakistan: A Conditional Saudi Ally


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Interesting behind the scenes story on Pak and KSA engagements.

Pakistan: A Conditional Saudi Ally

Geopolitical Diary
January 13, 2017 | 04:25 GMT

Despite the countries' similarities, Saudi Arabia is struggling to persuade Pakistan to increase its participation in the Islamic Military Alliance, a loose coalition of Muslim countries that Riyadh formed in 2015.

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have much in common. Each country considers itself to be at the vanguard of the Muslim world, and both are home to predominantly Sunni populations. In spite of their similarities, however, the two countries are struggling to forge closer military ties. When Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman announced in December 2015 that Riyadh would lead a military alliance of dozens of Muslim nations, most of them Sunni-majority countries, Pakistan was surprised to find its name on the list. Even so, it agreed to participate in the alliance, short of committing its troops to fight for a foreign cause. On Wednesday, Islamabad made a surprising announcement of its own: It was reported that Pakistan's former chief of army staff, Gen. Raheel Sharif, refused to accept his appointment to lead the alliance unless Iran was included in the group. Though Pakistan lies to the east of Saudi Arabia and Iran, over the years it has often found itself caught between the two poles of Islamic power. The country exemplifies the difficulty Muslim nations face in maintaining neutrality between Riyadh and Tehran, and Saudi Arabia's Islamic Military Alliance is just the latest complication in that struggle.

The stated purpose of the largely symbolic alliance is to combat terrorism, particularly in the Islamic world's conflict zones — Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Libya. But coming from Riyadh, which views Iran as the propagator of instability and sectarian strife in the region, that objective implies a tacit effort to build a united front against Tehran. This puts Pakistan in a tricky position. As the second-most populous Muslim country in the world, Pakistan can hardly turn its back on Saudi Arabia, home to Islam's holiest mosque. Neither can it risk its relations with Iran, with which it shares a border. For all that Pakistan has in common with Saudi Arabia, it also shares cultural, linguistic and religious ties with Iran. Pakistan has the world's second-largest Shiite population, although it is a Sunni-majority country. Consequently, staying on good terms with Iran, home to the world's largest Shiite population, is a priority for Islamabad. Pakistan's competing imperatives will dash Riyadh's hopes of assembling an alliance that will not only facilitate the fight against militant groups such as al Qaeda and the Islamic State but will also help to counter Iran.

Pakistan's apparent insistence on including Iran in the coalition is disappointing for Saudi Arabia, which has been having trouble obtaining commitments from other countries in the alliance, including Lebanon, Egypt and its newest member, Oman. Beyond their religious affinity, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have a history that has compelled Riyadh's efforts to secure Islamabad's participation in the alliance. In 2000, the kingdom opened its borders to Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif after he was ousted in a military coup, hosting the exiled leader for several years. Since then, Riyadh has not forgotten the debt that Sharif, who returned to the Pakistani premiership in 2013, owes for its hospitality.

Furthermore, Pakistan — the Muslim world's only declared nuclear power — boasts the world's sixth-largest military, an asset for any military alliance. Though Saudi Arabia has sought Pakistani support for its operations in Yemen — a demand it has made of nearly every member in the coalition — Islamabad has refused to commit any military power. For one thing, its army is already stretched thin, conducting anti-terrorism operations in the country's northwest tribal areas and contending with a perceived threat along its border with India. For another, Pakistan's parliament voted unanimously against dispatching troops to Yemen in 2015 — a move that, yet again, would risk straining Islamabad's relations with Tehran. Nonetheless, Stratfor sources suggest that Sharif supported Raheel's appointment to head the Saudi alliance in part to appease Riyadh. He may have given his endorsement knowing that Raheel would not accept the post; now that the general has demanded Iran's inclusion in the alliance, Saudi Arabia will doubtless find another candidate to lead the group.

As Saudi Arabia tries to assert itself as a leader of Muslim countries, it will run up against other nations, such as Iran and Pakistan, that are striving to do the same. But in its efforts to form a coalition against Tehran, Riyadh risks alienating even its allies. Regardless of the ties that bind Saudi Arabia to its partners in the Muslim world, and no matter what incentives Riyadh throws their way, it cannot change their imperatives. The cost of committing to a military alliance with the kingdom is simply too high for some of its desired partners, dooming the loose coalition to a purely symbolic fate.

  1. No offer was made..this is figment of Pakistani imagination..
  2. Pak has no leverage over Saudis on the inclusion of Iran especially when the entire region and Pakistan itself is suffering from Iranian back terrorism...
  3. Prince Mohammed bin Salman is the CoC of the Islamic Alliance as per drafted..
So RS has refused the post, well that was obvious from the preconditions........ but this will have far wider implications IMO for the alliance and KSA.............

  1. No offer was made..this is figment of Pakistani imagination..
  2. Pak has no leverage over Saudis on the inclusion of Iran especially when the entire region and Pakistan itself is suffering from Iranian back terrorism...
  3. Prince Mohammed bin Salman is the CoC of the Islamic Alliance as per drafted..

Then why did RS went on the gov of KSA plane?
Interesting behind the scenes story on Pak and KSA engagements.

Pakistan: A Conditional Saudi Ally

Geopolitical Diary
January 13, 2017 | 04:25 GMT

Despite the countries' similarities, Saudi Arabia is struggling to persuade Pakistan to increase its participation in the Islamic Military Alliance, a loose coalition of Muslim countries that Riyadh formed in 2015.

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have much in common. Each country considers itself to be at the vanguard of the Muslim world, and both are home to predominantly Sunni populations. In spite of their similarities, however, the two countries are struggling to forge closer military ties. When Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman announced in December 2015 that Riyadh would lead a military alliance of dozens of Muslim nations, most of them Sunni-majority countries, Pakistan was surprised to find its name on the list. Even so, it agreed to participate in the alliance, short of committing its troops to fight for a foreign cause. On Wednesday, Islamabad made a surprising announcement of its own: It was reported that Pakistan's former chief of army staff, Gen. Raheel Sharif, refused to accept his appointment to lead the alliance unless Iran was included in the group. Though Pakistan lies to the east of Saudi Arabia and Iran, over the years it has often found itself caught between the two poles of Islamic power. The country exemplifies the difficulty Muslim nations face in maintaining neutrality between Riyadh and Tehran, and Saudi Arabia's Islamic Military Alliance is just the latest complication in that struggle.

The stated purpose of the largely symbolic alliance is to combat terrorism, particularly in the Islamic world's conflict zones — Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Libya. But coming from Riyadh, which views Iran as the propagator of instability and sectarian strife in the region, that objective implies a tacit effort to build a united front against Tehran. This puts Pakistan in a tricky position. As the second-most populous Muslim country in the world, Pakistan can hardly turn its back on Saudi Arabia, home to Islam's holiest mosque. Neither can it risk its relations with Iran, with which it shares a border. For all that Pakistan has in common with Saudi Arabia, it also shares cultural, linguistic and religious ties with Iran. Pakistan has the world's second-largest Shiite population, although it is a Sunni-majority country. Consequently, staying on good terms with Iran, home to the world's largest Shiite population, is a priority for Islamabad. Pakistan's competing imperatives will dash Riyadh's hopes of assembling an alliance that will not only facilitate the fight against militant groups such as al Qaeda and the Islamic State but will also help to counter Iran.

Pakistan's apparent insistence on including Iran in the coalition is disappointing for Saudi Arabia, which has been having trouble obtaining commitments from other countries in the alliance, including Lebanon, Egypt and its newest member, Oman. Beyond their religious affinity, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have a history that has compelled Riyadh's efforts to secure Islamabad's participation in the alliance. In 2000, the kingdom opened its borders to Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif after he was ousted in a military coup, hosting the exiled leader for several years. Since then, Riyadh has not forgotten the debt that Sharif, who returned to the Pakistani premiership in 2013, owes for its hospitality.

Furthermore, Pakistan — the Muslim world's only declared nuclear power — boasts the world's sixth-largest military, an asset for any military alliance. Though Saudi Arabia has sought Pakistani support for its operations in Yemen — a demand it has made of nearly every member in the coalition — Islamabad has refused to commit any military power. For one thing, its army is already stretched thin, conducting anti-terrorism operations in the country's northwest tribal areas and contending with a perceived threat along its border with India. For another, Pakistan's parliament voted unanimously against dispatching troops to Yemen in 2015 — a move that, yet again, would risk straining Islamabad's relations with Tehran. Nonetheless, Stratfor sources suggest that Sharif supported Raheel's appointment to head the Saudi alliance in part to appease Riyadh. He may have given his endorsement knowing that Raheel would not accept the post; now that the general has demanded Iran's inclusion in the alliance, Saudi Arabia will doubtless find another candidate to lead the group.

As Saudi Arabia tries to assert itself as a leader of Muslim countries, it will run up against other nations, such as Iran and Pakistan, that are striving to do the same. But in its efforts to form a coalition against Tehran, Riyadh risks alienating even its allies. Regardless of the ties that bind Saudi Arabia to its partners in the Muslim world, and no matter what incentives Riyadh throws their way, it cannot change their imperatives. The cost of committing to a military alliance with the kingdom is simply too high for some of its desired partners, dooming the loose coalition to a purely symbolic fate.


One word... Lolz...

No one know what's going on behind the scene.. It is much bigger and complicated task than merely becoming a head of Islamic alliance.
So RS has refused the post, well that was obvious from the preconditions........ but this will have far wider implications IMO for the alliance and KSA.............

Then why did RS went on the gov of KSA plane?

As a good friend of Prince Muhammed bin Salman..they both struck good chemistry...but no job offer was made in official capacity..
LOL at the American source. The Americans know nothing what is going on behind the scene. They just like to pretend they know what is happening.
LOL at the American source. The Americans know nothing what is going on behind the scene. They just like to pretend they know what is happening.
This is the problem with journalist where ever they are they want to poke their nose in all the affairs even if it calls for creating a fabricated story. Our journalist with heads down and western journalist peeping in other countries.
rumours and superstition is the alchemy of the western media, for chaos.

but saudis keep away and iran treat them how they treat you.
By mid to late 21st century, relations between Pakistan and KSA are likely going to become colder. Pakistan's economy is quickly growing, as is its population, which will likely lead to Pakistan asserting itself far more deeply, in the Muslim world. This will no doubt lead to Pakistan and KSA butting heads, as both compete to lead the Sunni Muslim world.

Likewise, Pakistan's relations with Turkey and Iran are also may become difficult, for likely the same reasons, as the later two also are trying to become the undeclared leaders of the middle east and the Muslim world, as a whole.

With KSA, it will be very difficult to avoid such an eventuality, if not down right impossible; Shared historical geopolitical and military cooperation, and culture will likely delay any sort of degradation of ties, but it will be unlikely to stop such an occurrence from happening. With Turkey and Iran, things will be easier, but Pakistan will have to build and define its relationship with both the Turks and the Persians now. With Turkey, Pakistan has the benefit that it won't have to directly compete with them, as both are geographically far apart, with similar noncompeting interests and different immediate priorities in their respective neighborhoods; both nations will have time to adjust to each other's geopolitical needs and interests, hopefully delaying or even halting any sort of downgrade in relations.

Despite what it may seem like at times, both Iran and Pakistan are quite sensitive to each other's interests, considering they're both immediate neighbors. CPEC has also helped to bring both nations together, as Chabahar seems to be stuck in its tracks, despite India's assurances of its financial and political support. Right now, the two major issues between Pakistan and Iran seem to be border management, and Iran's conflict with KSA, which both Iran and KSA seem to be actively fighting within Pakistan, through the use of militias, politicians and sectarian extremist groups. With Iran, Pakistan needs to incentives economics, so that Iran will see more benefits from supporting Pakistan geopolitically, instead of competing against it, this may be the only way mutually beneficial way to pacify Iran.

Of course, these are simply my own views, so take them with a pinch of salt.
  1. No offer was made..this is figment of Pakistani imagination..
  2. Pak has no leverage over Saudis on the inclusion of Iran especially when the entire region and Pakistan itself is suffering from Iranian back terrorism...
  3. Prince Mohammed bin Salman is the CoC of the Islamic Alliance as per drafted..

Actually Iran backed terror far less effective than Saudi backed terrorism. AlQaeda and ISIS have very strong influence of militant Wahabi terrorism that Saudi Arabia has promoted across Muslim world.
As Saudi Arabia tries to assert itself as a leader of Muslim countries, it will run up against other nations, such as Iran and Pakistan, that are striving to do the same.

The author forgot Turkey perhaps even Indonesia (which doesn't really demand it's weight in the "Muslim World").

Likewise, Pakistan's relations with Turkey and Iran are also may become difficult, for likely the same reasons, as the later two also are trying to become the undeclared leaders of the middle east and the Muslim world, as a whole.

Turkey is Pakistan's gateway for military and political support. Turkey and Pakistan will probably agree to disagree on issues in the Middle East, while presenting a unified/similar responses to international affairs (bar China's Xinjiang issue).

But much of the closeness of Pakistan-Turkish relations are built upon President Erdogan's policies.
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