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Chinese to outnumber Baloch natives by 2048

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Pakistan doesn't offer citizenship. Chinese influx is welcomed as they will come work and live here, pay taxes and bring growth. Baloch already are a minority in Balochistan. We need to rise above the race differences. Everyone deserves a fair go.
Chinese to outnumber Baloch natives by 2048

| FPCCI report for addressing citizens’ concern regarding marginalisation
December 29, 2016


ISLAMABAD - Given the current rate of influx of Chinese nationals into Balochistan and after the completion of the CPEC the native population of the area will be outnumbered by 2048.

To address the concern of the Baloch citizens regarding marginalisation, the government should provide a sense of security to the natives by including them in the legislative process, and by providing them with technical and vocational training to ensure their share in the economic sphere, recommended a report launched by the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI).

The report was launched by FPCCI President Rauf Alam at a press conference here on Wednesday.

Alam said the government could not separate the representations of the private sector and the main stakeholder of the economy from formulation of a policy regarding the CPEC.

He said the FPCCI had constituted an advisory committee on the CPEC, which prepared a comprehensive report.

Alam said the advisory committee on the CPEC had categorised all the ambiguities and controversial argument in six statements.

Dr Ayoub, head of research of the FPCCI, also gave a presentation to the media about the report on the CPEC prepared by the advisory committee on the CPEC.

As per the report the most important apprehension of the people of Balochistan relates to change in demography.

Gwadar is the ultimate destination of the CPEC while Balochistan is the least-populated province of Pakistan with rich natural resources.

These characteristics attract the people to settle in Baluchistan, while the CPEC will facilitate the people to travel and settle in the province.

It is quite obvious that ethnic patterns of population distribution will be affected by the inflow of people from China and other parts of Pakistan, the report said.

The report said conservatively 0.44 persons per thousand migrate from china because of economic reasons that corroborates the inflow of more than 600,000 people per year in Pakistan after operating the CPEC.

At present Balochis are 55 per cent of the total population of Balochistan.

The current growth rate of Balochistan’s population is 2.36 per cent.

This growth in population is the composition of crude birth rate, death rate and migration of the people in Balochistan from other provinces of Pakistan.

The stimulation results based on the existing rate of migration from China at 0.44 persons per thousand and rate of population growth at 0.43 per cent, we may predict that the share of Chinese in Balochistan’s population is destined to increase with the completion of the CPEC and by 2045 Chinese population may be greater than the population of people of Pakistani origin in the province.

However, “we have projected the trends of population on the basis of existing rate of population in Balochistan province, mainland China and entire Pakistan as per the result the Pakistani origin peoples will remain in majority in Balochistan up to 2048.” The optimistic aspect of the CPEC is the speedy developing infrastructure and improving livelihood conditions in Balochistan.

The incoming investors and settlers may offer attractive prices for land acquisition- even better than the growing market value.

This situation provides good financial opportunities to the poor natives of Balochistan.

However, Balochs ask one question that how the unskilled people of the province will maintain their lives without land ownership which is their only asset? the report said. But the answer to this question depends on the government policy regarding protection of the rights of investors, foreign workers and immigrants.

The change in population dynamics is the usual part of development and progress. However, the report said that there were several possible ways to avoid undesired situations.

One of the possibilities is to devise a mechanism where the training and educational facilities should be provided to the natives people on affordable cost and ensure their participation in economic activities including employment, business ownership and civic authorities.

The second mechanism is to secure the political supremacy of local peoples either by reserve seats in legislative and political institutions or through discriminatory voting rights.

The report covers the signing of the FTA with China and flooding of the Chinese products inflow of Chinese investment and migration of Chinese labour to Pakistan.

The report further said due to the FTA with China the trade deficit between Pakistan and China reached nine billion dollars, which was only one billion during 2002-2003.

China’s total share in Pakistan exports is around 11 per cent, while its 37 per cent import is from China. Import from China has rapidly grown since 2007 after signing the FTA with China. Pakistan is facing huge trade deficit even after the FTA with China.

The analysis of five years of trade before and after the FTA with China showing that balance of trade is in favour of China. After the FTA, Pakistan’s import from China increased four times.

The report recommended that in granting the incentives to Chinese investors and enterprises, the policy makers must not ignore the Pakistani investors.

The FPCCI has demanded to grant the same incentives to Pakistani businessmen as being provided to the foreign investors, and protection of the interests of the residents of Balochistan and Gwadar in specific through legislation.

Alam said the FPCCI also proposed to the government to give complete management of the economic zones under the CPEC to the private sector.

Are we given them citizenship?. Who is this idiot who made this news
Aren't emiratis are outnumbered in their country i don't see them panicking.
Emiratia are rich and control wealth and are previliged and facilitated by their state...

Balochistanis are poor,unskilled & have been negtlected for decades.

Why not open technical intitutes,colleges,universities and give job preferance gto Balochistan natives instead of even importint labor from other provinces? Give people stakes in the projects.

Pakistan doesn't offer citizenship. Chinese influx is welcomed as they will come work and live here, pay taxes and bring growth. Baloch already are a minority in Balochistan. We need to rise above the race differences. Everyone deserves a fair go.
How is that? 55-60% Balochistans populagtion is still Baloch... ironically the poorest community in the country and native 2 Balochistan.

People will rise beyond race when they actually have enough to even feed their families..

Balochistan has the worst still born rate... The worst human development indicators ... Poorest region in the entire country..

I'd say 95% of the province doesn't even have basic human nessecites like health care or clean water..

Gwadars residents have to travel to Karachi .. for treatment .. And yet you so called patriots make ... claims as if it's only our fault.

You think decades of neglect goes away with a shifty NFC award?

I'd even point out towards the kill n dump policy ..(yes it's real)... If people are guilty .. Try them and punish them accordingly.. Here we have people (irrespective of the fact if they are guilty of not) going missing and their bodies being recovered later... Now those people may deserve it... But the shyt policy itself creates a sense of ..... in the people.
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* I don't believe this report one bit.
* Wait for census 2017
* The 'poor Baloch' is a development problem. It can only be solved by industrialization of Balochistan.

How is that? 55-60% Balochistans populagtion is still Baloch... ironically the poorest community in the country and native 2 Balochistan.
* I don't believe this report one bit.

Not written by Baloch rather your federal industrial group.

* Wait for census 2017

Your assumptions can wait till than too.

* The 'poor Baloch' is a development problem. It can only be solved by industrialization of Balochistan.

A development problem solved by even importing labourers from Panjab,Sindh or KPK?

Today even the labourers on Gwadar port aren't native of Balochistan.... Let alone managers or other clerical,administrative job holders.

Me too but there's still hope just yesterday there was news about 20k jobs for Balochistan's youth.

Il give you a hint..

Do you know why hundreds of BLA turds keep surrendering? Because they are offered amnesty and 4 lac RS..

Why do they join those groups in the first place? Poverty, no facilities,no education and a deep sense of neglect by the state...

But what do you think would or happens when that meagre amount they recieve on surrender is spent ? The cycle of poverty continues ..
Pakistan doesn't offer citizenship. Chinese influx is welcomed as they will come work and live here, pay taxes and bring growth. Baloch already are a minority in Balochistan. We need to rise above the race differences. Everyone deserves a fair go.

Who said that? I can show you tons of scum who got hands on Pakistani passports or POC cards...and even NADRA CNICs
Who said that? I can show you tons of scum who got hands on Pakistani passports or POC cards...and even NADRA CNICs

A vast majority of Pashtuns in Balochistan are actually afghanis .. Even today afghan kochi (pawindas- gyspies) travel to Pak in winters .. Going as far as liyaah... And have Pakistani Aswell as afghani CNICs ... Involved in smuggling (tractors,livestock etc)...

I have friends who settled in Balochistan in the 60s.. And today are studying in Panjab university on Balochistan quotas..:lol:
Illegally. Pakistan doesn't have an immigration policy.

Who said that? I can show you tons of scum who got hands on Pakistani passports or POC cards...and even NADRA CNICs

* This report is based on data that probably doesn't exist and if it does it must be outdated. Last census was in 1998.

* For Chinese to outnumber the Baloch by 2048, you'd have to have data well in advance. You can't just base a report on 'trends'.

* There's no immigration policy, nor will there ever be.

* The problem is the availability of skilled workforce. The local Baloch should be up skilled through TEVTA. Especially in the rural areas and urban centers which are farther away from Gwadar. CPEC will open up remote, isolated districts to major cities. In other words you'd have to (a) up skill the workforce (b) encourage them to relocate to Gwadar or other emerging cities with Industrial output.

* I don't agree with the race based jobs. There's nothing wrong with people from one province moving to another so they can feed their kids. The Baloch also travel to other cities and provinces to put bread on the table.

Not written by Baloch rather your federal industrial group.

Your assumptions can wait till than too.

A development problem solved by even importing labourers from Panjab,Sindh or KPK?

Today even the labourers on Gwadar port aren't native of Balochistan.... Let alone managers or other clerical,administrative job holders.

Il give you a hint..

Do you know why hundreds of BLA turds keep surrendering? Because they are offered amnesty and 4 lac RS..

Why do they join those groups in the first place? Poverty, no facilities,no education and a deep sense of neglect by the state...

But what do you think would or happens when that meagre amount they recieve on surrender is spent ? The cycle of poverty continues ..
Can the Chinese please outnumber us in kpk and fata aswell if it means investment, jobs, education and better health services.

@DESERT FIGHTER They wonder why we join these anti government outfits, well we got to eat and there ain't many jobs or opportunities for us.
Can the Chinese please outnumber us in kpk and fata aswell if it means investment, jobs, education and better health services.

@DESERT FIGHTER They wonder why we join these anti government outfits, well we got to eat and there ain't many jobs or opportunities for us.
But that is also wrong ..
our good for nothing parliament should make legislation about locals.. they should not allow any company to operate in Baluchistan unless they hire certain percentage of locals..
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