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Who's Pakistan biggest enemy?

People of Pakistan are easy to blame .............. so why not blame them. Yeah I am the biggest enemy of Pakistan because I ****** trusted the system and wanted this to remain stabilised, but who knew every time a parasite would destabilise it for his own petty hunger for power, I am to blame because everyone in State including our COAS has to ask me for my support and I lend it easily in the name of my country. Blame me because I become an emotional fool when I see anything related to my country being insulted, blame me because I am the same idiot who would sometimes cry even when its just that Pakistan's cricket team lost a match, I thump my chest at Wagah every evening because I am a chimpanzee, blame me for going there again and again even when they killed me there in huge number. Blame me because even when you refused me hospitals, schools, basic utilities I remained steadfast, loyal and proved that no matter what no power on earth can turn my country into another Syria or Iraq.

Blame me because I get to review every policy of my State, I am always present in those meetings happening behind the closed doors, fckng blame me because I know my vote doesn't matter in a fake system but still go to a polling station, stand there for hours under the Sun .............. just hoping that may be this time things would change. Blame me because I am the idiot who was set free by the highest court of Pakistan but my fault I got hanged two years ago. I am an idiot blame me for I think I am ready to die for my country (because a foolish emotional idiot I am). Blame me for I send my young son willingly and knowingly in a place where I know he will get killed while serving his motherland ..... just because I am an idiot who thinks my country's honor comes before everything even my own young son.

Yes blame me because its easy to blame me, I know your recent frustration but guess what I refuse to become a PTI wala or a PMLN wala, I refuse to choose sides this time .............. because I can see now...... there is nothing in it for me. Blame me for I am refusing to play zombie this time.

Yeah why not ............... blame me because I only loved my country got killed in huge numbers than anyone else, I get killed for being a Shia, I get killed for being a Sunni but still I share my food being a Shia with Sunni and being a Sunni with Shia .................... blame me for you could never understand my emotions and my love for this country. I guess you would have known my worth if country would have been turned into another Iraq, Libya or Syria.
The people who divided us to rule us.
Civil bureaucracy of Pakistan, that rule us, through either Military of Politicians. No dictator can impose any thing on us without their consent.
The local political pimps. These pimps live among common people and are responsible for getting a political party to win in elections. These people dont belong to any political party, but they know how to role the stones. The biggest achievement of MQM has been taking a tight control over these pimps, brokers etc.
The Industrialist that dont allow law formation and enforcement.
The Smuggler that may be a leader of a Political party.
And of-course me my self. Simply not ready to give rights to others.
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(Shamroz kakar, Quetta)

The ignorant and divided people of Pakistan are its biggest enemy. Pakistani citizens have forgotten what values like freedom and rule of law mean. Governed for decades by corrupt and incompetent civilian and military leadership, the society as a whole has been stripped of its basic moral and ethical values. Intolerance, dissidence and pessimism looms large.

The education system is debilitated. Hospitals are non-functional. There is an increasing gap between the lower class and upper class while the middle class is quickly wiping out.

We are a nation that has cried for decades over electoral rigging but never once has a serious debate to initiate reforms sprung in the parliament. We have the tech and infrastructure needed to conduct free and fair elections but no one seems interested.

The credit for the current inept Nawaz-led government goes back to the late 80s, when the then dictator Gen. Zia offered corrupt Nawaz an office in his cabinet. This shifted the power balance of Punjab in the hands of the corrupt Sharifs who have to date, hoarded enormous amounts of wealth from the public kitty.

The latest Panama revelations establish the Sharif family as one of Pakistan’s most corrupt families.

The former government of Pakistan People’s Party was no different. Do a Google search on Mr. Ten Percent and you’ll find out who the former President of Pakistan was.

I mean, this is shameless, a dirty stigma that can never be washed from the pages of history. And guess who is responsible for bringing Mr. Ten Percent and his stooges to power? It is the military again, this time under General Pervez Musharraf, then President of Pakistan, who struck the infamous NRO deal with Benazir Bhutto, late wife of Asif Ali Zardari.

So, it has always been this duo of shameless and corrupt politicians and the military generals who have brought them to power, that has collectively done greatest harm to the country.

The nation keeps comparing one regime to another, but this can be difficult for a country that has no standards or benchmarks in good governance.

Of the two, the military has a greater burden on its shoulders for several reasons:

For one, it has always kept its own ‘house’ clean for the past 60 or so years since the inception of the country. If I run a department where I exercise zero tolerance for corruption, but then I take over another department and nominate the most corrupt managers to rule that department on my behalf, then I am intentionally inflicting corruption into the other department while keeping my own department clean of any corrupt practices. Same is the case with the military.

The military has run its hospitals and schools in the most exemplary ways. Why then, did it not advocate similar practices for civilian schools and hospitals at least when it was ruling over the rest of us? And mind you, it has ruled for more than half the time since the birth of Pakistan.

Ask anyone about Pakistan Army and you will get the most patriotic responses from every Pakistani. The poor people of Pakistan have such a short memory span; they have probably forgotten that the military is responsible for the divide of more than half of Pakistan under Bhutto (the military brought him to power). They also seem to have forgotten that the military is directly responsible for laying the seeds of terrorism in the country under Zia.

Mullahs are another misery inflicted on the poor people of Pakistan. They distort religious teachings to serve their purpose. They focus not on solidarity, oneness or fraternity, and rather seek to divide through sects. They have a nuisance power and can mold public opinion very quickly. So many Muslim and non-Muslim families have fallen victim to the wrath of mullahs who are quick to incite the masses, should the opportunity arise.

One of the biggest funerals was laid in honor of Qadri, the man who ruthlessly murdered Salman Taseer, former governor of Pakistan. What those people were advocating attending a murderer’s funeral, I fail to understand.

Coming back to the question, it is the dumb, ignorant and divided people of Pakistan who are Pakistan’s biggest enemy, the people who are still undecided about Nawaz and Zardari. The society’s moral standards have stooped so low that we seem to be unmoved by acts of the corrupt leaders and their impact on the society.

The people of Pakistan have degenerated to a point where they have set the corrupt as their role models. Despite the shocking Panama revelations, Islamic mullahs are quick to rise to the defense of the corrupt Sharifs. Even today, Nawaz-led PML-N enjoys the highest popularity of all political parties. PPP also has decent following in rural Sindh. MQM, an urban terrorist outfit and another gift of the military, enjoys majority vote in Karachi.

Those very people who still continue to support these parties to power are Pakistan’s biggest enemy. Pakistan is inflicted with many diseases, but they are all internal. Only Pakistan can undo Pakistan!

Author: Shamroz kakar

@war&peace @GreenFalcon @Chauvinist
@Farah Sohail @MastanKhan @Indus Falcon @notorious_eagle @Malik Abdullah @Knight Rider @but-shikan @HAKIKAT
All those are the enemy of Pakistan who has captured the key posts of Pakistan, Along with the great facilities from the govt they are involved in Corruption as Pakistan is their father's property.
This status quo which is in place since long...is the biggest enemy...and trust me...the ordinary awaam...people of Pakistan...have very little..if anything at all....to do with it...to bring this system....

Before people are blamed for electing wrong ppl...how many election have been fair, to date, in Pakistan? If people are blamed for being uneducated...illiterate...then whose responsibility was it anyways...to provide country wide education system..tht produces sensible Pakistanis? Why did the system not provide any opportunities, for ppl to become literate and edicated in the true sense?
lal topi and his ideologies!!
lal topi is not an enemy. He is a source of entertainment and a reflection of the false bravado that has been inculcated by the State propaganda.:lol::lol::lol:
Imran Khan

bcz i thought its kejriwal for india

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