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What actually happened? Police Academy Attack

we are a lazy bunch
it appears that there were not enough guards on duty .. there is only a mention of a lone sentry who took the brunt of the initial assault and died while fighting (as per official narrative) he managed to slow them down.. but I dont know if the cadets were trained with evacuation and safety procedure in case of such attack.. the attackers used darkness chaos and confusion to their advantage and exploded themselves to cause multiple fatalities and injuries

yes, such incidents happen because of lack of detailed security arrangements. Security of such places should be planned in very detailed manner. I have talked to few people who are into armed forces and they say Whatsapp is one of the reasons why guards are not very alert. I know its funny, but it happens...
@Lahore_PAF thanks for the tag. Whatever Wajaht said yesterday, was making sense. And he was very straightforward and questioned all the institutions.
we are a lazy bunch
it appears that there were not enough guards on duty .. there is only a mention of a lone sentry who took the brunt of the initial assault and died while fighting (as per official narrative) he managed to slow them down.. but I dont know if the cadets were trained with evacuation and safety procedure in case of such attack.. the attackers used darkness chaos and confusion to their advantage and exploded themselves to cause multiple fatalities and injuries

I am very angry at the death of soldiers , someone should teach politician that if they can spare 15K soilders to guard Chinese engineers then why not guard young soldiers :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

1.) We all know these attacks are planned and launched from Afghanistan.

2.) We all know they have the help of RAW/NDS.

3.) Stating the above two facts does not help the situation, absolve blame or alter responsibility.

The blame squarely lies with those agencies, both civ and mil, that are tasked to safeguard this country. It doesn't matter if the planner, financiers or weapon-providers were aliens or Mossad agents. The responsibility should be ours.

Lastly, saying they came from Afghanistan begs the question --- what the F*CK are we going to do about it? What is the ISI's external wing's capability if it can't find, fix and finish these animals in a neighboring country? What good is the SSG, trained for months in ops behind enemy lines?

All the chest-thumping aside, our Army needs to grow a pair and go after these bastards where they're hiding. Or is the PA just a glorified internal security force?

I too want pak to eliminate every single asshole mutherfucking terrorist that takes even a breath weather in afganistan or at any other place, show them what real men and army is and how they kill in daylight firing in the face
Why were the cadets asked to come back to the college once they had graduate and gone back to their respected homes? Clearly there are some internal forces at work, asking the cadets to return, unarmed and ultimately face disastrous consequences.
There are several unanswered questions that I think every Pakistani has the right to know about the attack in Quetta on the Police Training Centre.
At around 12:00 AM PST a group of 3 gunmen belonging the Laskhar-e-Jhangvi entered the Police Training Centre where several hundred cadets were stationed. At 12:05 the army was informed of gun firing coming from the police academy and sent out their QRF, it took the QRF 20 minutes to respond (According to Wajat Saeed - Duniya News) making their arrival time 12:25. All 3 gunmen were wearing jackets of whom 2 exploded and 1 of whom was shot before he could explode. The operation ended at around 04:00 AM, at the time the of the operation ending media was reporting death toll to be around 5 and it was expected to increase to 20. It is now 14:20 and the current death toll is around 51 and it is expected to increase. It is said that the attackers were being commanded by radio from Afghanistan, I don't really know what is right but shouldn't the army had used radio jammers.
Prior to the event
prior to this attack taking place a security alert had been issued to this very police academy of a possible attack.(According to Wajat Saeed - Duniya News) To my understanding despite intelligence information there was no security heightened in the area. What does the IG have to say for that?
The several hundred cadets that were located in the police academy had their passing out parade just 2 days prior to this event taking place, the cadets were not meant to be located at the academy any longer but they were kept behind waiting further orders. Their arms had been taken off them. Who's decision was it to keep the cadets behind and why was it decided?
This very police academy had been attacked in 2006 and 2008 where several police personal had been injured. What did we learn from the 2006 and 2008 attacks and how did we let an attack on this police academy happen again?

Furthermore this is the third APS like event in the current history, following Bacha Khan University.
Rest in Peace to the fallen souls of Quetta. May Allah give you the highest place in heaven. Ameen
Shaheed ki jo maut hai woh qaum ki hayat hai, lahoo jo hai Shaheed ka woh qaum ki zakat hai

Any further questions that should be answered or if anyone has the answer to:
@saiyan0321 @Moonlight @Starlord @Sarge @DESERT FIGHTER @Irfan Baloch @Musafir117 @I S I @User

what is the ethnicity of the cadets ??
It isn't rocket science. Hang him who authorised the academy to function without proper 10 feet wall or a QRF plus compartmented security of each building, that would be academy's Commadant. If he requested and didn't have enough resources then hang him who did not authorise funds.

Atleast now they should adapt a uniform template for security of such places like jails, imp Universities and Security forces academies.
It isn't rocket science. Hang him who authorised the academy to function without proper 10 feet wall or a QRF plus compartmented security of each building, that would be academy's Commadant. If he requested and didn't have enough resources then hang him who did not authorise funds.

Atleast now they should adapt a uniform template for security of such places like jails, imp Universities and Security forces academies.

His responsibility does not stop there. Why was there no wall to start with and why were cadets getting trained in poor security area. What alternate security arrangements did he undertake. Thirdly why does construction of a wall needs CMs nod. In real world a Commadants nod should have been enough for heavens sake. If Gov is not delegating a thing as smal as wall contruction Balochistan is screwed.
Majority Baloch.
there is an attack on court house where most of the dead were Baloch lawyers
I see a pattern developing

Why were the cadets asked to come back to the college once they had graduate and gone back to their respected homes? Clearly there are some internal forces at work, asking the cadets to return, unarmed and ultimately face disastrous consequences.
is it true ??
1.) We all know these attacks are planned and launched from Afghanistan.

2.) We all know they have the help of RAW/NDS.

3.) Stating the above two facts does not help the situation, absolve blame or alter responsibility.

The blame squarely lies with those agencies, both civ and mil, that are tasked to safeguard this country. It doesn't matter if the planner, financiers or weapon-providers were aliens or Mossad agents. The responsibility should be ours.

Lastly, saying they came from Afghanistan begs the question --- what the F*CK are we going to do about it? What is the ISI's external wing's capability if it can't find, fix and finish these animals in a neighboring country? What good is the SSG, trained for months in ops behind enemy lines?

All the chest-thumping aside, our Army needs to grow a pair and go after these bastards where they're hiding. Or is the PA just a glorified internal security force?

Most of the agencies are tied up doing domestic work.

- SSG is deployed in various places around FATA and Balochistan conducting intelligence operations or raids etc.
- ISI is occupied running counter-intelligence across the country.

I think what we need is to fund a new intelligence agency, one that is equipped and trained to deal with domestic operations like the FBI, and another to gather intel from abroad, like the CIA.

otherwise we are stretching our forces too thin, and Zarb-e-Azb is too broad of an operation for just the military to undertake alone.

Additionally the civilian govt. needs to take steps to hold Afghanistan accountable for these attacks, and at least give the go ahead to launch air-strikes against Afghan militant strongholds.
1.) We all know these attacks are planned and launched from Afghanistan.

2.) We all know they have the help of RAW/NDS.

3.) Stating the above two facts does not help the situation, absolve blame or alter responsibility.

The blame squarely lies with those agencies, both civ and mil, that are tasked to safeguard this country. It doesn't matter if the planner, financiers or weapon-providers were aliens or Mossad agents. The responsibility should be ours.

Lastly, saying they came from Afghanistan begs the question --- what the F*CK are we going to do about it? What is the ISI's external wing's capability if it can't find, fix and finish these animals in a neighboring country? What good is the SSG, trained for months in ops behind enemy lines?

All the chest-thumping aside, our Army needs to grow a pair and go after these bastards where they're hiding. Or is the PA just a glorified internal security force?
Intelligence Failures do Happen , But Problem is When Intelligence agencies already alert the Academy as it has been up target of attack in past two , Than Why No Proper measures were taken by the Proper management

Why Intelligence was not Followed up and Left Totally on The Academy Management , Why they given So much time that they infiltrated the Academy
and than There was No radio jam , or signal jam as they were continuously in contact with there handlers
What Will Pakistan do , Will Pakistan Go after the so called Bad Talis against in Pakistan and in Afghanistan ?
If no But These Things Will Keep Happening
I Can See Indian Not Doing these Things In Pakistan because Pakistan do have a ready , and advance army which can fight and counter it to the Whole Next Level , Whats Stopping Pakistan to Chasing These Guys in Other Countries

Yes I understand From Pakistan Armies Point of View that Pakistani Army Dont want to involve itself in Aghinstan for now because all the focus and blame will Shift to Pakistan , and Pakistan Will go into another regional fight and inland fight with Afghanistan ,

But Covert is the Name of the Game Whats Stopping them , Pakistan has Sources there decades of experience there or is ISI capability is way much over exaggerated
Stop Enemies Before they Reach Pakistani Borders and if You See the Current Geo politics of Afghanistan , Pakistan do needs to beef up its option on this border too

Most of the agencies are tied up doing domestic work.

- SSG is deployed in various places around FATA and Balochistan conducting intelligence operations or raids etc.
- ISI is occupied running counter-intelligence across the country.

I think what we need is to fund a new intelligence agency, one that is equipped and trained to deal with domestic operations like the FBI, and another to gather intel from abroad, like the CIA.

otherwise we are stretching our forces too thin, and Zarb-e-Azb is too broad of an operation for just the military to undertake alone.

Additionally the civilian govt. needs to take steps to hold Afghanistan accountable for these attacks, and at least give the go ahead to launch air-strikes against Afghan militant strongholds.
No Problem is not that there are no agencies ,
Few Problem
1 Civilian agencies are to corrupt so military doesn't Trust them
2 There is No Regional Corporation between these agencies
There is a lot of substance for conspiracy theories:

1. why were recruits called back to college.
2. why was there only one guard for duty.
3. why werent funds directed towards walls of college and other security measures.
4. why does this type of situation happen when IK is on some agenda.
5. where as Baloch police response force. why did FC respond first, followed by LCB and ATF police.
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