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Why no action yet against source of dawn leaks?

There seems to be some skeletons in the closet of establishment as well when it come to Nawaz Shareef. They made him what he is now. And I hope I am wrong, there is a clear red line when it comes to taking on the ills in Punjab or from Punjab (including Shareef clan). Perhaps Punjab hold on Army establishment from within? Having said that, they havent gone beyond Karachi in Sindh as well.

There is a lot of hot air going about to be honest , if they cant deal with a hooker like Ayyan Ali, for more then a year, still ongoing, I am afraid, this Dawngate will meet the same fate like memogate. Bigger the treason to Pakistan, means bigger status, a licence to go Scott free.

But the same army did do a coup against Nawaz Sharif in oct 1999... maybe its Gen Raheel Sharif, who doesn't want to do anything against Nawaz Sharif? and this time, we are not even saying to do a Martial Law..Don't even arrest PM.. but...is arresting someone like Parvez Rasheed, also an impossibility? Will heaven fall, if Parvez Rasheed is arrested, and interrogated for a breach of national security? Cant Gen Raaheel Sharif even do tht? and now same Parvez Rasheed came on media, shamlessly trying to shift blame on CM KPK and Sindh...thus giving an undeniable proof tht govt wont do anything...is there any more proof needed for the army to know tht govt wont do anything? infact they knew from day 1..but now Parvez rasheed and PML N has crossed all limits of shamelessness, thanks to no action by the army, other than press release
Even memo case was pursued harder by Gen Kayani..than this.. There was atleast a judicial commission, and Hussain haqqani, had to resign... ok..there was a deal between army and govt later, and Husaain haqqani, was allowed to leave through supreme court..BUT atleast there was a resignation...something seemed to be happening..and deal was done later... but here the problem, is....theres not even a resignation...nothing at alland army seemed to have forgotten, this case, altogether... they are pretending as if nothing happened at all.. atleast there should have been some sort of a closure to this case..agar NRO karna hi tha tu it should have been done it a better way... but Gen Raheel Sharif has forgotten it altogether... complete silence... as if nothing like Dawn scandal existed... heck...even Geo had to apologise to Gen Zaheer ul Islam and there was a symbolic 15 day ban on Geo, on geo ISI controversy.. but this dawn scandal, being the most serious of three... Gen Raheel and army is pretending tht this case, suddenly disappeared... not even a word... I am seriously amazed at armys reaction...are they hoping, tht people will forget it altogether... but what for? why did they make an issue, out of it, in the first place and call it breach of national security, if they didn't want to do anything? these questions need answers... its the worst form of NRO

If Army arrest Mariam and Nawaz, they will again becomes martyrs for the illiterate and gullible public with the support of anti-Pakistan media houses. And that's what Nawaz and Co want, to become martyrs again. It's a dangerous game but one Army knows how to play too. Other countries are also lining up to bash our army for direct steps against this government, as part of the bigger game plan.

Hence I believe that this is a waiting game now. With Supreme Court in action, and Imran on the street and the case file already full of evidence, Army will wait for Nawaz to be taken out by the most likely SC first. Then you will see arrests. No martyrs then, only criminals.

This would be the right way to burry this dynasty once and for all.

do u really think, Nawaz will be taken out by Supreme court? if anyone of us or army..thinks tht...SC will take out Nawaz Sharifwe live in fools paradise.. army will do the waiting game, and in this waiting game, Nawaz Sharif will remain there, Gen Raheel Sharif will retire by tht time, and new chief will come..and then matti pao... everyone will have forgotten dawn leaks by then... actually seems army has already forgotten..maybe some aliens called it breach of national security..

Or maybe, this time, even Gen Raheel Sharif, like previous dharna will play mediator, on behalf of Nawaz Sharif, trying to save him, like previous time... this is more likely to happen..since Gen Raheel Sharif seems to have forgotten tht a breeach of national security occurred..and SC will again give a mukmuka descision like, the one in previous dharna on rigging
Yes...it was in the news...tht people can be tried under army act..but no signs of tht happening? Why? Another mukmuka?
not necessarily
there are much pressing actions at hand
change of command
Indian blatant aggression on LoC and working boundary
CPEC security issue and Indian terrorism in Baluchistan via Afghanistan
not necessarily
there are much pressing actions at hand
change of command
Indian blatant aggression on LoC and working boundary
CPEC security issue and Indian terrorism in Baluchistan via Afghanistan

@bold.. so army wants to counter indian threat...under the same..govt..which itself has become a security threat to Pakistan..which feeds news of sensitive security meeetings to media..deliberately..under the command of PM and his daughter? great strategy by army..i must say...tht is ..after creating all the noise...of security breach..(on the direct orders of PM's daughter)...lets just pretend....nothing happened...some aliens came and did tht press release... ok..lets wait for next time..when there is another NSC meeting on Indian aggression..let them leak some further info...to media or enemy agencies..then we will release another press statement on national security breached...and the cycle goes on....and everyone happily lives ever after... God bless everyone..
But the same army did do a coup against Nawaz Sharif in oct 1999... maybe its Gen Raheel Sharif, who doesn't want to do anything against Nawaz Sharif? and this time, we are not even saying to do a Martial Law..Don't even arrest PM.. but...is arresting someone like Parvez Rasheed, also an impossibility? Will heaven fall, if Parvez Rasheed is arrested, and interrogated for a breach of national security? Cant Gen Raaheel Sharif even do tht? and now same Parvez Rasheed came on media, shamlessly trying to shift blame on CM KPK and Sindh...thus giving an undeniable proof tht govt wont do anything...is there any more proof needed for the army to know tht govt wont do anything? infact they knew from day 1..but now Parvez rasheed and PML N has crossed all limits of shamelessness, thanks to no action by the army, other than press release
Even memo case was pursued harder by Gen Kayani..than this.. There was atleast a judicial commission, and Hussain haqqani, had to resign... ok..there was a deal between army and govt later, and Husaain haqqani, was allowed to leave through supreme court..BUT atleast there was a resignation...something seemed to be happening..and deal was done later... but here the problem, is....theres not even a resignation...nothing at alland army seemed to have forgotten, this case, altogether... they are pretending as if nothing happened at all.. atleast there should have been some sort of a closure to this case..agar NRO karna hi tha tu it should have been done it a better way... but Gen Raheel Sharif has forgotten it altogether... complete silence... as if nothing like Dawn scandal existed... heck...even Geo had to apologise to Gen Zaheer ul Islam and there was a symbolic 15 day ban on Geo, on geo ISI controversy.. but this dawn scandal, being the most serious of three... Gen Raheel and army is pretending tht this case, suddenly disappeared... not even a word... I am seriously amazed at armys reaction...are they hoping, tht people will forget it altogether... but what for? why did they make an issue, out of it, in the first place and call it breach of national security, if they didn't want to do anything? these questions need answers... its the worst form of NRO

do u really think, Nawaz will be taken out by Supreme court? if anyone of us or army..thinks tht...SC will take out Nawaz Sharifwe live in fools paradise.. army will do the waiting game, and in this waiting game, Nawaz Sharif will remain there, Gen Raheel Sharif will retire by tht time, and new chief will come..and then matti pao... everyone will have forgotten dawn leaks by then... actually seems army has already forgotten..maybe some aliens called it breach of national security..

Or maybe, this time, even Gen Raheel Sharif, like previous dharna will play mediator, on behalf of Nawaz Sharif, trying to save him, like previous time... this is more likely to happen..since Gen Raheel Sharif seems to have forgotten tht a breeach of national security occurred..and SC will again give a mukmuka descision like, the one in previous dharna on rigging

If you think about the Army coup of 1999, it was all but imposed on Army to act when their siting chief was made a hostage in the Air and was not allowed to land anywhere in Pakistan. It was an act of treason which should have been punishable by gallows but yet again, Nawaz Shareef was given a back door to run to Saudi and enjoy his lavish life style there. Bhutto was hanged for a lesser crime.

The only way I can explain this rather strange phenomena, that there is certainly a lobby within higher echelon in Army who got soft spot for Nawaz Shareef. No one wants to disturb the "Takht-e-Punjab". Otherwise its mind boggling.
But the same army did do a coup against Nawaz Sharif in oct 1999... maybe its Gen Raheel Sharif, who doesn't want to do anything against Nawaz Sharif? and this time, we are not even saying to do a Martial Law..Don't even arrest PM.. but...is arresting someone like Parvez Rasheed, also an impossibility? Will heaven fall, if Parvez Rasheed is arrested, and interrogated for a breach of national security? Cant Gen Raaheel Sharif even do tht? and now same Parvez Rasheed came on media, shamlessly trying to shift blame on CM KPK and Sindh...thus giving an undeniable proof tht govt wont do anything...is there any more proof needed for the army to know tht govt wont do anything? infact they knew from day 1..but now Parvez rasheed and PML N has crossed all limits of shamelessness, thanks to no action by the army, other than press release
Even memo case was pursued harder by Gen Kayani..than this.. There was atleast a judicial commission, and Hussain haqqani, had to resign... ok..there was a deal between army and govt later, and Husaain haqqani, was allowed to leave through supreme court..BUT atleast there was a resignation...something seemed to be happening..and deal was done later... but here the problem, is....theres not even a resignation...nothing at alland army seemed to have forgotten, this case, altogether... they are pretending as if nothing happened at all.. atleast there should have been some sort of a closure to this case..agar NRO karna hi tha tu it should have been done it a better way... but Gen Raheel Sharif has forgotten it altogether... complete silence... as if nothing like Dawn scandal existed... heck...even Geo had to apologise to Gen Zaheer ul Islam and there was a symbolic 15 day ban on Geo, on geo ISI controversy.. but this dawn scandal, being the most serious of three... Gen Raheel and army is pretending tht this case, suddenly disappeared... not even a word... I am seriously amazed at armys reaction...are they hoping, tht people will forget it altogether... but what for? why did they make an issue, out of it, in the first place and call it breach of national security, if they didn't want to do anything? these questions need answers... its the worst form of NRO

do u really think, Nawaz will be taken out by Supreme court? if anyone of us or army..thinks tht...SC will take out Nawaz Sharifwe live in fools paradise.. army will do the waiting game, and in this waiting game, Nawaz Sharif will remain there, Gen Raheel Sharif will retire by tht time, and new chief will come..and then matti pao... everyone will have forgotten dawn leaks by then... actually seems army has already forgotten..maybe some aliens called it breach of national security..

Or maybe, this time, even Gen Raheel Sharif, like previous dharna will play mediator, on behalf of Nawaz Sharif, trying to save him, like previous time... this is more likely to happen..since Gen Raheel Sharif seems to have forgotten tht a breeach of national security occurred..and SC will again give a mukmuka descision like, the one in previous dharna on rigging

Army really doesn't want to take over and a direct action will result in another martial law.

Nawaz has been taken out in other ways before too, without Army stepping in directly. He's not God that he'll get away every single time.

Gen Raheel doesn't want to rock the boat too much but the pressure on him from the ranks must be intense. Army didn't step in against Bhutto either in the middle of a near civil war he brought to the country. It was done later.

Everything is geared up to go against the Army. It would be foolish to for the Army to give an excuse. There are other ways to get rid of Nawaz as well. We simply cant afford to make him a martyr again.

Have faith. Nawaz hasn't had such a tough time ever before where SC, opposition and Army are all against him. Let's not make a Bhutto of him.
Army really doesn't want to take over and a direct action will result in another martial law.

Nawaz has been taken out in other ways before too, without Army stepping in directly. He's not God that he'll get away every single time.

Gen Raheel doesn't want to rock the boat too much but the pressure on him from the ranks must be intense. Army didn't step in against Bhutto either in the middle of a near civil war he brought to the country. It was done later.

Everything is geared up to go against the Army. It would be foolish to for the Army to give an excuse. There are other ways to get rid of Nawaz as well. We simply cant afford to make him a martyr again.

Have faith. Nawaz hasn't had such a tough time ever before where SC, opposition and Army are all against him. Let's not make a Bhutto of him.

Thank you for enlightening the issue, I look forward to it coming true.
Army really doesn't want to take over and a direct action will result in another martial law.

Nawaz has been taken out in other ways before too, without Army stepping in directly. He's not God that he'll get away every single time.

Gen Raheel doesn't want to rock the boat too much but the pressure on him from the ranks must be intense. Army didn't step in against Bhutto either in the middle of a near civil war he brought to the country. It was done later.

Everything is geared up to go against the Army. It would be foolish to for the Army to give an excuse. There are other ways to get rid of Nawaz as well. We simply cant afford to make him a martyr again.

Have faith. Nawaz hasn't had such a tough time ever before where SC, opposition and Army are all against him. Let's not make a Bhutto of him.

You are here... I am here... trust me, hes not going anywhere... he and his cronies will be here, mocking us...and he will complete his tenure..maybe gets elected again in 2018...

ok..if u simply arrest Parvez Rasheed..and a bureaucrat..no heavens will fall... infact IF army was smarter...they would have arrested Parvez Rasheed, and later make Asim Bajwa do a pressconference...tht with mutual consultation with govt...as previously decided....we have arrested the culprits in dawn scandal... give Nawaz the false credit...after getting Parvez Rasheed by ISI and have him interrorgated.... it would have given a clear message to Nawaz Sharif also..tht donot cross the red line..again..otherwise..next time..we can arrest you too...Nawaz Sharif, would have been in a fix, how to react publicly...since Army would have given him credit..this was the safest method...

But here...army doesn't seem interested at all.... it was necessary to have atleast some SYMBOLIC punishment for atleast some of the characters involved.....so tht a message is given..

trust me.. SC will keep on giving dates after dates.. Imran khan will be doing dharna and maybe something horrible happens like last time(God forbid)..so he has to conclude dharna..like last time, everyother political party is again with Nawaz...... SC will give a ruling like last one....meaning nothing... in the meantime, Gen Raheel might do mediation on behalf of Nawaz govt...if security of Islamabad becomes an issue.. there is news tht govt will invoke article 245, means govt will call army ........time will be taken by govt... Gen Raheel Sharif will retire....next chief comes...and matti pao.... everything will be forgotten by then

and come 2018....Nawaz Sharif will be winning again...this, unfortunately is the most likely scenario......as much as I want to be proven wrong, but reality is bitter, and the scenario, I painted is most likely to happen
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when has there been any action against culprits in Pakistan?please give me one example!
You are here... I am here... trust me, hes not going anywhere... he and his cronies will be here, mocking us...and he will complete his tenure..maybe gets elected again in 2018...

ok..if u simply arrest Parvez Rasheed..and a bureaucrat..no heavens will fall... infact IF army was smarter...they would have arrested Parvez Rasheed, and later make Asim Bajwa do a pressconference...tht with mutual consultation with govt...as previously decided....we have arrested the culprits in dawn scandal... give Nawaz the false credit...after getting Parvez Rasheed by ISI and have him interrorgated.... it would have given a clear message to Nawaz Sharif also..tht donot cross the red line..again..otherwise..next time..we can arrest you too...Nawaz Sharif, would have been in a fix, how to react publicly...since Army would have given him credit..this was the safest method...

But here...army doesn't seem interested at all.... it was necessary to have atleast some SYMBOLIC punishment for atleast some of the characters involved.....so tht a message is given..

trust me.. SC will keep on giving dates after dates.. Imran khan will be doing dharna and maybe something horrible happens like last time(God forbid)..so he has to conclude dharna..like last time, everyother political party is again with Nawaz...... SC will give a ruling like last one....meaning nothing... in the meantime, Gen Raheel might do mediation on behalf of Nawaz govt...if security of Islamabad becomes an issue.. there is news tht govt will invoke article 245, means govt will call army ........time will be taken by govt... Gen Raheel Sharif will retire....next chief comes...and matti pao.... everything will be forgotten by then

and come 2018....Nawaz Sharif will be winning again...this, unfortunately is the most likely scenario......as much as I want to be proven wrong, but reality is bitter, and the scenario, I painted is most likely to happen

Everything that's born must die. That's the rul and it applies to Dynasties too.

Arresting Pervaiz won't make a difference to Nawaz. It will give his anti army movement a boost instead.

15yrs ago, no one thought PTI would be a force to reckon with for these Dynastic parties. And it is now. Yes, it feels like Nawaz is here to stay forever but he is cursed and will never complete a term. I'm doubtful that government will be toppled over, it'll be Nawaz who will go (unless he dissolves Parliament himself as his last action).

Look at PPP. The so called jayalas are hiding the switch of their party as they know Bhutto legacy is long dead. Could anyone predict the current state of PPP 10years ago when BB was alive?

Things are changing. Zardari, one may curse him all they want, did not fire a single bullet on public. He wanted to be king but knew it was not possible. Whereas Nawaz thinks he's king and that's exactly why he won't finish his ter and has never been able to.

2018 elections are a dream and when they do happen it won't be this parliamentary system. There will be a new or operated on constitution before that. Inshallah.
If you think about the Army coup of 1999, it was all but imposed on Army to act when their siting chief was made a hostage in the Air and was not allowed to land anywhere in Pakistan. It was an act of treason which should have been punishable by gallows but yet again, Nawaz Shareef was given a back door to run to Saudi and enjoy his lavish life style there. Bhutto was hanged for a lesser crime.

The only way I can explain this rather strange phenomena, that there is certainly a lobby within higher echelon in Army who got soft spot for Nawaz Shareef. No one wants to disturb the "Takht-e-Punjab". Otherwise its mind boggling.

@bold. very sad. esp considering the multiple number of times, he committed treason.. kargil, the plane hjacking and now this recent breach of national security. he is a proven traitor. .what more serious breach of national security.. when at times of tensoin with india, he feeds false info to media. .and who knows what else has he already leaked to enemy agencies? infact every time, there is a coflct with india, his role has been dubious and treacherous..yet army has a soft corner for him
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Army doesn't have a soft corner for him. They are letting him cut his own wrists this time.

Zardari in one term caused PPP to be wiped out of Punjab and KPK, and army didn't need to do anything. MQM is broken up due to the drunkard Altaf. PMLN is heading for a demise as well and internally it's already cracked between the two families and the 3rd Ch Nisar.

But this time, army won't make him a martyr.
I cant really understand why its a national security threat to publish a news that civilian govt discussed with military about its view on perceived state patronage of extremist groups?

You are not thinking actual patronage is a National threat why you perceive that informing the same to a newspaper is a National security threat?

In fact I think all of involved parties ie Army, civilians and media handling the incident is a very bad and immature way. There may be following possible reaction--

1. Simply ignoring such news. It will automatically die down soon
2. A joint statement to deny the news firmly asking media to me more truthful and professional. Also denying any terror patronage. Then close the chapter by completely ignoring the news.

But what all three pillars of state are doing creating lot of confusion and bad name internationally
for Pakistan. Army statement actually confirms such events happened which is leaked wrongly. Govt statement on the other hand stating that so such incidents happened. Media is speculating in a weird way all conspiracy theories.

And the issue remains alive and burning each day--- for whose benefit ???

What has occurred gives us a lot of information about the reality of the situation.
  1. There would have been no outcry had the news been without foundation.
  2. That such a thing happened (assuming from #1 that it did) is a slap in the face for the runaway intelligence agency that clings to this outdated and damaging practice of clandestine support for terrorists.
  3. The news was leaked for two purposes: let people know that the civilian government is trying to stand up for civilian authority in these vital national matters; let the military know that this information being leaked to the public will lessen the moral authority of the military, so they had better not count on it.
The singing and dancing now is the civilians pretending that they had nothing to do with it (the leaks) and have no axe to grind, and the military gritting its teeth at the obvious civilian attempt to assert itself and force an upward revision of the position of the civilian authority.

Imagine....what if similar thing happened in india.... What if tomorrow, in event of any war with india, someone from PM house after NSC meeting, leaks tht Pak has decided to use nuclear weapons, against India...then can u understand the inplications? No matter how much denials come...what if India retalitaes in response to such news? How is such a thing....not national security threat?

I do not see the point of this comparison at all. There is no sense in this scenario.
What do u guys think.....Has there been another mukmuka / NRO between government and military leadership, this time too? When army chief and Corps Commanders termed it as "feeding" and breach of national security, why dont u think..has there been any action yet by military? Its more than clear..tht government ministers and PM house is involved in this scandal, and they themselves fed this news..so obv they are not going to take action against themselves.....also, when i talk abt action against the "source" by the military...i dont mean martial law...but in many programs..this has been discussed...tht Arny/intelligence agencies can arrest the culprits involved in this scandal, under Army act for violating official secrets act..by themselves..even without asking from the government... So why is General Raheel Sharif not arresting those culprits, under army act...when its obv..tht government wont arrest its own ministers and officials? Will it be another matti pao, between army and govt? And another NRO? Will army let culpritswho breached national security, go scott free just because they afe from the ruling party? I mean..even Gen Kayani, who is often termed as weak and indecisive, got resignation og Hussain Haqqani....then its a much more serious breach of national security ..so why has Gen Raheel Sharif not taken any action against the culprits ..sitting in PM house and federal ministers & not arrested them yet? Why? What could be the reason, other than just matti pao and NRO? Any thoughts?

How Can you expect from a CHORE to action against his own... It's their own game to spoil Pak Army's good reputation.
Yes, vultures are out there smiling at and smelling the dead body of our unhealthy democracy. There is a smile of the faces on vultures like Sh. Rashid, Imran Khan, etc. These vultures want to eat it up rather than trying to cure it. Shame - real shame, that these vultures are so impatient to suffocate and murder our ailing system. History will list their names with those idiots who preferred murdering the system merely for satisfying their false ego. Having said that, I think that Dawn reporter is a disgraceful black sheep in our media who published a story based on off-the-record talk with some official. A story that created deep disunity among our state institutions at an extremely critical time. That idiot Dawn reporter should be punished for his mischief. At the same time whoever indulged in the off-the-record talk about the sensitive issue must be exposed and punished.

You are asking the wrong questions, and giving the wrong answers.

Was the story right or wrong? If it was right, is the military going to take the right steps to get back to normal functioning, or will they persist in their short-sighted behaviour?

  1. What the other politicians think is at the moment secondary, but may become critical under certain circumstances. The other politicians have no role to play just now.
  2. Why should the Dawn reporter not have published the news? What is so sensitive about it?
  3. What is your understanding about journalists' views about the secretness of their sources? What is the difference between being told something of news-worthy interest, and publishing it, and building up a story with no references and merely a speculative motive.
  4. Why should a newspaper story create deep disunity among state institutions? It is either true, or it is not true. If it is true, the state institutions should concentrate on the original task, dry up the swamp, and get rid of the brigands that they have been supporting. If not true, the leak must be tracked down and the leaker prosecuted for creating untrue hostile propaganda.
  5. If the story is true, on what grounds will you prosecute the reporter? For printing the truth?
I feel your posts reflects a distorted view of things: in this view, the military must do whatever it pleases; the civilian governing structure should stay out of those decisions, and nobody at all should know what goes on behind the scenes.

This view of things is already outdated. The military has to come to its senses.
Everything that's born must die. That's the rul and it applies to Dynasties too.

Arresting Pervaiz won't make a difference to Nawaz. It will give his anti army movement a boost instead.

15yrs ago, no one thought PTI would be a force to reckon with for these Dynastic parties. And it is now. Yes, it feels like Nawaz is here to stay forever but he is cursed and will never complete a term. I'm doubtful that government will be toppled over, it'll be Nawaz who will go (unless he dissolves Parliament himself as his last action).

Look at PPP. The so called jayalas are hiding the switch of their party as they know Bhutto legacy is long dead. Could anyone predict the current state of PPP 10years ago when BB was alive?

Things are changing. Zardari, one may curse him all they want, did not fire a single bullet on public. He wanted to be king but knew it was not possible. Whereas Nawaz thinks he's king and that's exactly why he won't finish his ter and has never been able to.

2018 elections are a dream and when they do happen it won't be this parliamentary system. There will be a new or operated on constitution before that. Inshallah.

Bhutto legacy? PPP wil again be winning in Sind, most probably..owing to bilawal Bhutto..no matter how poorly they perform..

even if Nawaz Sharif goes(IF) which I doubt.....you know who will most probably the next Prme Mnister? don't think that it wil be anyone like Ch. Nisar or anyone with a clean reputation. it will most probably be our very own Ishaq Dar. just like Raja Parvez Ashraf came after Gilani.. this my friend,is the unfortunate reality.. here no powerful is punished excpt maybe Bhutto..

this is exacly the reason, I want atleast SOME punishment for this breach of national security .. all power echelons in Pakistan have accepted corruption as the norm, .but don't atleast endorse treason as the norm. let there be atleast some punishment for culprits involved in this dawn scandal.

I soo want myself to be proven wrong and you to be right..but facts suggest otherwise.. unless and until, there is complete overhaul of this democracy, nothng will change. There should be a civilian technocratc system for few years where there is ruthless acontablity, for say, 5 years and then there should be elections..then system can work…otherwise no hope for Pakistan…but this wl require support from army but army seems to be happy with present status quo... in the present system, no mater elections are done how many times, wiht same politicians...thngs wil go from bad to worse

Army doesn't have a soft corner for him. They are letting him cut his own wrists this time.

Zardari in one term caused PPP to be wiped out of Punjab and KPK, and army didn't need to do anything. MQM is broken up due to the drunkard Altaf. PMLN is heading for a demise as well and internally it's already cracked between the two families and the 3rd Ch Nisar.

But this time, army won't make him a martyr.

@bold... yes just like zardari was allowed to comptete the term...Nawaz will also ... thts exactly what I am saying... and after zadari, Nawaz came..situatin got worse.. culprts of memo gate were let free....so this dawn scandal happened.a much more serious security breach..whoknows...nxt time..what more serious breach happens? by the time...army waits..so as not to make political martyrs, more than half of Pak population would have already become martyrs..the same people will keep on coming everytime.. no respite for public. and we are not even asking for martiallaw. just change the system to a more accountable one,wth civilians in power
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