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Saima Kanwal reacts to security guards slap on his face

I agree with the president of the Karachi Press Club. The slap was unwarranted and not befitting of his position, but the lady was engaged in bullying more than journalism.

“Whatever we watched over the video is extremely painful and the security guard’s action is condemnable,” said Fazil Jameeli, president of the Karachi Press Club. “But I am sorry to say that what the reporter was doing was not journalism at all. Here we need to understand that our broadcast or electronic media is passing through its early years and cannot be termed mature.

I call BS! .. She's practically trying to find emotional excuses to hide from the facts that are a little too bitter to swallow.

-The constable slapped her .. Condemnable.. agreed!

- Now what led to the slapping ? She blocked his path THRICE while he was trying to get away ... she put her hands on him to forcefully turn him around to allegedly get a shot of his face (SHE INITIATED THE PHYSICALITY), even though her cameraman had already had a focused shot of him ... She continuously hurled insults towards him by going "Oi tumhain sharam nahi ati etc"

We know how the media is when its about getting ratings ... let's not forget that program with Maya khan and her "raiding" on couples dating and it turned out to be a complete setup. The media looks for extreme reactions to get in the ratings game and stay high up -- which BTW is the reason for such provocation. That is an open secret.

Lastly, let's assume for a second that the constable was a female, and the reporter was a male and did the EXACT SAME SERIES OF THINGS. Yeah that would be a slam dunk case for harassment against the reporter .. and everybody would be applauding the female constable for "teaching the animal a lesson" ---

but since the reporter is a female ... it's okay to gloss over all her provocation ... and get to the reaction by the constable ... which too is condemnable
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ghorna is sexual harassment but pulling an on duty officer by his cuffs and getting physical with him isn't considered assault.o_O
what was surprising for me was firing after the incident.the guy should go down for firing in such crowded area without any solid reason
How it is well deserved?? She broke no law and order there.. Then who gave him authority to slap her..

- Nadra officials (according to DAWN) have already filed an application for an FIR against the reporter for "hindrances in official work"

- She continuously provoked the constable throughout this event and FOLLOWED HIM AROUND

- When he tried to get away from her, she blocked his path THRICE hurling insults at him

- Even after that she couldn't get a reaction out of him, so SHE PUT HER HANDS ON HIM to turn him around forcefully ..

If this was a male reporter doing the same to a female constable, he'd be universally condemned .. he would be in jail serving time for harassment. NGO's would be shouting around talking about how toxic the environment is for females to work in as constables. The female constable would be praised for teaching him a lesson and she'd be some sort of a symbol for empowernment ...

But since its a male reacting like that ... it's okay to forget everything that led up to the slapping because scapegoating the constable because of his gender is alot more convenient.
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- Nadra officials (according to DAWN) have already filed an application for an FIR against the reporter for "hindrances in official work"

- She continuously provoked the constable throughout this event and FOLLOWED HIM AROUND

- When he tried to get away from her, she blocked his path THRICE hurling insults at him

- Even after that she couldn't get a reaction out of him, so SHE PUT HER HANDS ON HIM to turn him around forcefully ..

If this was a male reporter doing the same to a female constable, he'd be universally condemned .. he would be in jail serving time for harassment. NGO's would be shouting around talking about how toxic the environment is for females to work in as constables. The female constable would be praised for teaching him a lesson and she'd be some sort of a symbol for empowernment ...

But since its a male reacting like that ... it's okay to forget everything that led up to the slapping because scapegoating the constable because of his gender is alot more convenient.
F Feminists.
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