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Iran Ranks 6th in Nanotechnology Worldwide, Exceeding Japan


Apr 29, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran ranks 6th in nanotechnology worldwide

TEHRAN — Iran ranks sixth in the world in nanotechnology by submitting some 20 articles a day, said the secretary for the national nanotechnology development headquarters on Thursday.

The Islamic Republic of Iran accounts for 52 percent of the articles exploring and examining nanotechnologies in Asia, Saeed Sarkar said.

He further stated that by submitting some 20 articles a day Iran holds the sixth place in nanotechnology worldwide.

Sarkar made the remarks on the sidelines of the ninth nanotechnologies exposition in Tehran, IRNA news agency reported.

“While Iran was at the 57th place in 2001 by submitting 10 articles a day, in 2014 we succeeded in achieving the seventh place by doing 6,700 articles and then sixth place since then,” he highlighted.

“Being ranked below China, the U.S., India, South Korea, and Germany we are now maintaining a higher position than Japan and France,” he said.

There are more than 30,000 graduates in the field of nanosciences holding master’s degrees in the country, he said, adding, “Currently some 65 universities offer master’s degree programs and some 20 of them offers PHD programs.”

He went on to say that “we are also planning on initiating the first nanotechnologies Olympiads in Iran and so far six countries have expressed readiness to take part in the competition.”

Right now Iran’s nanotechnology products are being exported to 15 countries worldwide, he pointed.

330 various products manufactured using nanotechnologies are available at the market with 112 companies active in this section in Iran, he noted.

Sarkar additionally said that more than 140 high-tech nano-equipment are also being produced in Iran.

“Nanotechnology can help us to overcome some of the shortcomings we are facing in water, health, energy and environment sector,” he added.

The ninth nanotechnologies exposition was held in Tehran on October 5 to 8.


Thank God. :smitten:
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Excellent news. But important thing is not just about writing x number of papers but using the knowledge gained in those researches in industry and other nation wide projects. It's amazing to note Iran has attained this ranking with just 20 million dollars per year in nanotechnology! This figure should be increased much more! Imagine where Iran would be if that figure increased to 200 million!
Being a PhD student in the field aligning to Nanotech, I admire Iran's drive for science and progress. But one thing I need to point out that, more than the number of paper itself, the impact factor and the citations matters the most.

It will take a while for Iran's impact factor to truly show their real rank as due to sanctions scientific cooperation was very difficult and made it less likely for papers to be cited etc.
I would love to contratulate Iran on this achievement but to be perfectly honest i feel like i should point out that the quantity of published papers rarely matters. I had conversations with many Iranian members regarding this in the past to ill leave it at this.
please don't make jokes. submitting 20 articles of 3rd class material don't make you good.
except turkey and some pakistanis, none of the muslim countries have produced large number of quality papers. i had gone through some jokes in the past.
please don't make jokes. submitting 20 articles of 3rd class material don't make you good.
except turkey and some pakistanis, none of the muslim countries have produced large number of quality papers. i had gone through some jokes in the past.

I've read Iranian research papers of high quality and also worked alongside some of their brightest minds (a few even taught me in my university days). This is aerospace engineering, which is one of the highest disciplines in all STEM fields.

Yes raw volume does not mean anything by itself, but I know there is enough quality in that volume from Iran to mean something significant.

Sorry but putting Pakistan over Iran is not correct at all.

What field were you reading these papers anyway?
please don't make jokes. submitting 20 articles of 3rd class material don't make you good.
except turkey and some pakistanis, none of the muslim countries have produced large number of quality papers. i had gone through some jokes in the past.

Only good quality papers get published in peer reviewed journals, and sorry to say but Pakistan is no where in the picture.:lol:
I've read Iranian research papers of high quality and also worked alongside some of their brightest minds (a few even taught me in my university days). This is aerospace engineering, which is one of the highest disciplines in all STEM fields.

Yes raw volume does not mean anything by itself, but I know there is enough quality in that volume from Iran to mean something significant.

Sorry but putting Pakistan over Iran is not correct at all.

What field were you reading these papers anyway?
few good research papers among many. muslim countries needs improvement.
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