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Violent teaching : Are our children animals ?


May 15, 2010
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Now I know, that there might be some, that will read the title and immediately raise their voice against me for even asking such a horrendous question. But guess what, that is exactly what I'm about to do because it needs to be addressed like that, to reflect the gravity of the situation at hand.

So a few months ago, I came across this video on youtube with a so called "teacher" beating kids that most likely fall in the age group of (7-12) .. As I looked across in the related section, there was a list of similar videos in which teachers beat (excuse my french) the living sh!t out of these little kids. The situation is similar across the subcontinent where a simple search will render videos the likes of which will make the blood boil of any sane person.

Similar punishments are handed out to high-schoolers and F.A/F.S.C/I.C.S (11th-12th grade) level students. eg.

Now let's come to the difficult question at hand ... Are our kids animals that need to have a beat down by slaps or kicks or sticks every time they act out or don't do their work or are late to school? Many times kids might even have legitimate reasons for such and such but you can look at the above videos as to how much "listening" was involved ..

Let's think of it from this perspective, this child that is having to endure physical punishment plus humiliation is supposed to be a future scientist, engineer, lawyer, research scholar etc. and the choice that is being presented
to the child is ...

"Either do your work or face pain and humiliation."
instead of " let's expand our knowledge, and learn something new about the world every day "

If this is the condition that is prevalent, how in the blue hell can we expect good results or in fact any results at all. A condition where a student is not passionate about his/her studies, rather afraid. Our literacy rate is already pathetic as it is, and this is the environment our students have to face. As for the people that believe in corporal punishment --- following are a few points you ought to see ..

-According to a 2010 report of the Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child (SPARC), up to 35,000 students drop out of high schools every year because of corporal punishment. And according to a 2009 study by Plan Pakistan and the Punjab government, almost 89% of children in rural areas and 92% in urban areas of the province reported to have been subjected to corporal punishment in some form.

- Corporal punishment can in fact lead to death in some cases ..

-As reported by the Human right's watch
"Moreover, a public school's use of corporal punishment affects every student in that school, including those who are not personally subjected to hitting or paddling. The prevalent use of physical violence against students creates an overall threatening school atmosphere that impacts students' ability to perform academically. Often, children who experience or witness physical violence will themselves develop disruptive and violent behaviors, further disturbing their classmates' learning as well as their own.
Corporal punishment is a destructive form of discipline that is ineffective in producing educational environments in which students can thrive. Rather than relying on harsh and threatening disciplinary tactics, schools and teachers should be encouraged to develop positive behavior supports (PBS), which have proven effective in reducing the need for harsh discipline while supporting a safe and productive learning environment."

and somehow we wonder why our students are more in to remembering everything word for word instead of understanding it. We wonder why in an interview setting, where concepts are in check, do they perform very poorly. We wonder why do they act out on small issues. Why they try to make up excuses to not go to school and college. While there is and should be accountability of a student for not doing his or her work, let's not forget the torturer masked as a "teacher" who goes above and beyond to make sure that your child is fearful, less productive, anti-social and can't achieve jack because the "teacher" was too incompetent to give engaging and interesting lectures, and so he/she had to resort to physical violence.

@Zibago @Spring Onion @Akheilos @Moonlight @Luffy 500 @Side-Winder @Djinn @PaklovesTurkiye @SMC @xyxmt @krash @hinduguy @Jf Thunder @Hell hound @Lahorie @M.SAAD @Waqkz @Azad-Kashmiri @Lucky Breeze @LadyFinger @Abdul Majid Saleem @guy sach @TheNoob @The Sandman @ISI. @django @Musafir117
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I used to have a Qari who would slap me so hard that it would whistle in my ears for a few secs and my Parents(both educated) despite knowing never did anything and let me tell you, all this used to happen at my house and my dad was a serving army officer at that time. Most of the child abuse happens because parents overlook things. My sister once went to her kids school and threatened to file a law suit against school in Pakistan because the teacher didn't look after her son who was injured by his school mate and the teacher hadn't paid any attention.
In year 2014 holy month of ramazan i visited nearby madrassa led mosque to recite Holy Quran. What i saw was completely un acceptable. Healthy Molana was slapping very young students of the age 5- 10 years on their face without any reason.
Due to my straight forward nature i directly engaged myself to stop Molana with this brutal act and quoted religious Muslim Hadith where it is clearly written that,' 5281. Jabir reported that Allah's Messenger (SAW) forbade (the animals to be beaten) on the face or cauterization on the face. '
So if Allah forbid us to beat animals on face then Humans and their rights are far superior compared to them. That was my point but the response of Molana and his associates was very harsh. They tried to assault at me without any reason which was complete failure that time.
Next day i visited mosque again and the band of Molana were not ready for eye contact. I offered prayers with honor and i was satisfied what i was done.
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I used to have a Qari who would slap me so hard that it would whistle in my ears for a few secs and my Parents(both educated) despite knowing never did anything and let me tell you, all this used to happen at my house and my dad was a serving army officer at that time. Most of the child abuse happens because parents overlook things. My sister once went to her kids school and threatened to file a law suit against school in Pakistan because the teacher didn't look after her son who was injured by his school mate and the teacher hadn't paid any attention.
I am against it and was victim of such punishments. Punishments are legitimate because without it we cannot follow right path but the punishments should not be in the form of torture. You can punish children with different ways like push ups, front rolls, writte paragraph or home work 50 times or longer etc.
Thank you for mentioning me. It is very important question which you have raised and we all are with you on this.

Corporal punishment is one of the scars which our education system in Pakistan has been carrying for decades and decades and even today in this age of technology and social media such violence is continued unabated.

It is another matter that now people have become active and put such things on social media which go viral and hence the needed action is taken sooner than before. For example one of the videos you have posted is of such an incident took place in Chitral. Thanks to social media it got attention of all and the teacher was taken to task
animal molvis are biggest threat to our society which is very accomodative in nature.but they are making it intolerant
this type of beating specially with a stick or cane is mostly prevalent in the madrassas, while in schools mostly slaps are used.
No wonder young children think that reciting and learning the Quran is a burden and dont want to go to school, and then there is pressure from parents which gives birth to the "ratta system".
Even i endured it before ot was outlawed during Musharaf,s regime
Our children are not animal but they are "dheet" enough to not to understand the language of love..

We are saying against it because we all have been victims of it. I myself was beaten by my teacher even when I was in matric and my hair got long just because of her. But we haven't raised our children yet which surely are not that much civilised to study at their own without punishment and abide by what is asked.

Excess of everything is bad but halka phulka tashdud to jaiz hai.:azn:
Thanks for tag

It is sad but its our society and social stereotype. For the last many generations violence has considered the most easy and effective tool to get the desired results. We witness violence and we turned violent.

Children who are exposed to violence especially the child abuse, experience emotional, mental, and social damage that can affect their developmental growth. Some children lose the ability to feel empathy for others.

Prevention and intervention
Keep in mind that the children who are the victim of violence in their homes become an easy prey of the violence in schools, because their parents easily digest it and thats the main reason.
There are few things which we should opt to save our children.

1-Society-level prevention strategies aim to change social and cultural conditions in order to reduce violence regardless of where the violence occurs. Examples include reducing media violence, reshaping social norms, and restructuring educational systems. ( A very difficult one)

2- Reassure the child that it is ok to talk about sad or scary events. Child abuse create a monster inside.

3- Never allow the teacher to beat your child. If your child complains about violence take it very seriously

4- There are many other ways to teach your children manners

5- Physical or mental punishment doesn't cure bad habits in your child except they find the ways to hide them from you.


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I am against it and was victim of such punishments. Punishments are legitimate because without it we cannot follow right path but the punishments should not be in the form of torture. You can punish children with different ways like push ups, front rolls, writte paragraph or home work 50 times or longer etc.
Most of the people here don't beat kids because they want to discipline them they usually do it out of habit......Slapping on the face is the most convenient one.
these guys are either mentally ill or sadist.they don't know any other way to vent out their anger and frustration.
thank god the guy in the second video did face the consequence of his action and was expelled from his institute with the dose of public shaming .
Thats true, some of our teachers in govt school were brutal too.

Unfortunately 90% of our school teachers are ill trained for modern teaching methods.

But lately it has come down significantly and has become a criminal offense to hit school children.
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