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Pakistan's Internet censorship

Pakistan Blocks YouTube, 450 Web Links in Crackdown (Update3)

May 20, 2010, 1:58 PM EDT
By Ketaki Gokhale and Farhan Sharif

May 20 (Bloomberg) -- Pakistan, home to the world’s second- largest Muslim population, blocked YouTube service and more than 450 Web links as the government widened a crackdown on Internet material it deems blasphemous.

The sites and links were blocked because of the increasing level of sacrilegious and derogatory material, the Islamabad- based Pakistan Telecommunication Authority said in a statement today. The regulator, which shut access to Facebook Inc.’s website yesterday, may block other links with blasphemous content, Khurram Mehran, a spokesman, said.

Pakistan began its censorship campaign after a Facebook user set up a page inviting others to draw caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad, an act considered blasphemous by Muslims.

Protesters today gathered in Karachi holding banners and shouting slogans against Facebook, and people circulated text messages asking users of the site in Pakistan to support the ban. Others who use the social-networking tool accused officials of overreacting.

“The government’s reaction is just like a child sticking fingers in his ears without addressing the problem,” said Omar Kapadia, a 28-year-old researcher at an educational organization in Karachi, who uses Facebook and YouTube regularly. “Though I don’t agree with the caricature competition, the best way would have been to set up one highlighting Prophet Muhammad’s achievements.”

Google Response

Google is looking into the blocking and working to ensure its YouTube service is restored, the Mountain View, California- based company said in an e-mail. Facebook said it’s disappointed with the decision to stop access to the site.

“While some kinds of comments and content may be upsetting for someone -- criticism of a certain culture, country, religion, lifestyle or political ideology, for example -- that alone is not a reason to remove the discussion,” Facebook said in an e-mailed statement.

Pakistan said that Facebook and YouTube violated a resolution endorsed by the United Nations.

“The attitude of administrators at Facebook and YouTube was in contravention to the WSIS Resolutions and their own policies advertised on the Web for general public,” Mehran said in the statement, referring to the World Summit on the Information Society endorsed by the United Nations. “PTA would welcome the concerned authorities of Facebook and YouTube to contact the PTA for resolving the issue.”

Blackberry Ban

The regulator has also blocked Internet browsers on Research In Motion Ltd.’s BlackBerry phones, Mehran said today.

A Facebook user set up a page called “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day,” inviting others to send in a “creative and funny depiction of Mohammed” on May 20, according to the website.

“We simply want to show the extremists that threaten to harm people because of their Mohammed depictions that we’re not afraid of them,” according to the Facebook description page. “They can’t take away our right to freedom of speech by trying to scare us to silence.”

Pakistan needs an effective plan to prevent anti-Islam elements “hurting the sentiments of Muslims,” state-run Associated Press of Pakistan cited Religious Affairs Minister Saeed Kazmi as saying in Islamabad. Kazmi called on Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani to organize a meeting of Muslim countries and create a united policy for dealing with anti- Islamic moves, APP reported.

The telecommunications regulator blocked Facebook after the Lahore High Court imposed a ban and the Ministry of Information Technology instructed it, according to Mehran.

Political Parties

The court petition to bar Facebook was filed by a lawyer representing the Jamaat-e-Islaami, the party’s spokesman Sarfaraz Ahmed said in an interview today.

“The religious political parties use issues like this to survive,” said Fateh Muhammed Burfat, president of the Karachi- based Pakistan Sociological Association.

The Jamaat-e-Islaami, Pakistan’s biggest religious party, received less than 5 percent of the vote in all Pakistani elections over the last three decades, according to the Washington-based Heritage Foundation.

“When technology is involved in something objectionable, we have to stop it,” said Chaudhry Zulfiqar, who filed the petition in court asking for the website to be blocked.

Within the Law

Today’s shutdown is within the Constitution of Pakistan and is an extension of orders from the High Court of Pakistan and the government’s directions, Mehran said. The regulator has set up a telephone number for callers to notify it regarding websites with objectionable material, according to the statement.

Cartoons depicting Muhammad in a Danish newspaper in 2005 provoked protests by Muslim communities around the world including Pakistan. The cartoons included one of the prophet with a bomb in his turban and accompanied an article on freedom of speech and self-censorship in the media.

Pakistan’s Internet traffic has fallen 25 percent since the two websites were blocked, CNBC Pakistan reported. It didn’t cite a source for the data.

--With assistance from Khurrum Anis and Naween Mangi in Karachi. Editors: Young-Sam Cho, Mark Williams

Pakistan Blocks YouTube, 450 Web Links in Crackdown (Update3) - BusinessWeek
miss your trying to acess .pk that might be blocked..have u tried google.com ? or .ca ..try other extensions

EDIT: cool song in your sig, the video is disturbing tho lol

No everything is fine, i just visited, may be baned at Karachi at the moment and soon it will be baned in other cities as well:undecided:
WHy flickr is blocked? It's amazing.

BTW, today I'm thinking what would happen if we were the same country. I mean, BD will never ban these sites but PK is doing that.

Okay FaceBook is blocked for some reasons but why other sites too? There must be a conflict between BD and PK if we would be the same country, and if PK would try to establish those rule on BD.

Yeah the Bangladeshis would go to India and ask for their help to liberate them.In other words they would become traitors.Now get a life dude.Don't bring Bangladesh in every topic.Neither the Pakistanis nor the Indians give a hoot about Bangladesh which is soon going to go under water.
Pakistani govt. should at least release a list of banned/blocked website so Internet users in Pakistan can know what's happening.

Suppose they banned/blocked Gmail/Yahoo/MSN type email then people and businesses will suffer.
This is what happens when Mullah shows up:-

Conference on internet censorship ends on sour note

By Samia Saleem
May 20, 2010

KARACHI: A press conference on internet censorship ended with heated exchanges between the participants and media personnel present at the Karachi Press Club (KPC), Thursday evening.

The group, Defenders of Internet Freedom who had gathered to peacefully protest against the nationwide ban on Facebook asserted that the current ban on multiple sites is severely affecting people’s social and business interests.
However, speakers at the conference were unable to effectively convey their point to media personnel.

In the ensuing confusion, emotionally charged media personnel accused the participants of ignoring people’s feelings regarding the issue of blasphemous content on the popular social networking site.

The conference took a turn for the worse when prominent blogger, Dr Awab Alvi stated that the entire issue was being blown out of proportion.

Enraged journalists present at the KPC responded by demanding that the group should present a clear stance, and that challenges against the government should be presented in court. The situation was further aggravated when members of the Jamaat-e-Islami showed up to protest outside, forcing members of the conference to exit the KPC premises from a back entrance.

Tweeting after the conference, Alvi said “Safely home Sad experience, our point we condemn cartoon caricature but Not a blanket ban on websites, became issue of muslim non-muslim.”

For more details on the Defenders of Internet Freedom, click here.

Controversy facts:

1. Facebook has 400 million users. Only 2 million are from Pakistan. That is 0.5% of the total Facebook audience.

2. The offending Facebook page that the Pakistan government banned had about 30,000 members 3 days before May 20.

3. Following the complete ban of Facebook in Pakistan, the offending page has 80,000 members and growing as of Thursday evening.
Guys lets not be paranoid, May be Pakistan Government is doing this for other reasons as well, just waiting for the right time, like may be Terrorists are using Facebook or Google for there source of communication, who knows the reality:agree:
BS all extensions of google are working for me. Don't spread rumors please.

Afwah nahi phailao yaar.

The Facebook page wasn't hacked but a supporting website was defaced around 20 hours ago. (Remember there's a difference between defacing and the blanker term "hacking" used by everyday people)

This website was defaced drawmohammed.com

The guys have put a nasheed/song thing as well. Now there'll be fight about whether a song is allowed and whether the instruments used qualify as basic percussion.

Guys lets not be paranoid, May be Pakistan Government is doing this for other reasons as well, just waiting for the right time, like may be Terrorists are using Facebook or Google for there source of communication, who knows the reality:agree:

I don't get it. If terrorists can use Google, then they can use Yahoo or MSN also. Are these two also ban??
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