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India's 700,000 Army for Kashmir Occupation, while Pakistan Freely recruits from Azad Kashmir!


ever heard of jammu and kashmir light infantry



Kashmiri would never join dark hindu oppressor army!
Yes we will but before that Pakistan has to move back from occupied Kashmir and a plebiscite will be held as per UN resolution.

First do your bit and then ask us to do ours. There is a reason why Pakistan supports groups like LET.

U r running away from Kashmir issue...Whenever Pakistan tries to approach Kashmir issue with Indians. They ran away from it.....U expect us to move out our forces so that you can move in and start brutalizing Azad Kashmir just like you are oppressing Kashmiris in Indian occupied Kashmir....To make Pakistani forces out, we will have agreement of some sort of understanding. We just can't move our forces out of Kashmir without any prior agreement with India.....And...India is not at all serious regarding Kashmir....So How we can take unilaterally our forces out of KASHMIR?

Shias haha Child i Live in budgam a Shia Majority District There is piece here
You guys sitting Doing google on Internet on tabloids Have zero Knowledge about Ground Situation

Do google be happy :tup::tup:

Yes...you are having peace.....Peace of Graveyard...

Yes we promised a plebiscite to rational, peaceful and non extremist society of that time not to the bunch of radical goons of today hurling ISIS flag.

We don't owe any plebiscite to religious fanatics of 12-16 year olds who are devoid of any pragmatism and burdened with religious obligations obtained from tutored propaganda.

No matter how u spin it....Kashmiris are highly educated folks. They are being radicalized due to your oppression, not their fault. If you will see your mother and sister getting raped and touched, you will go mad to who ever does that....you call them religious fanatics? Don't know about them but I can tell you who are religious fanatics and where they are ruling......The religious fanatics are ruling India's capital New Delhi......

Who are RSS? Sanghis? Bakhts? the ones who r ruling India. What is their background?

U really sucks at your propaganda

They are not religious fanatics....thats why those poor chaps are protesting, practicing their democratic right to demand freedom....

Every one has their own reason to name anything..But that may be an illusion too..

It was illusion until I saw Kashmiris on streets and asking India to demand freedom and plebiscite....

How do yoi think BJP got 28 seats in previous elections? thats because every shia, hindu, buddhist and every non-sunni gave them their support... At least have some insight of incidents before writing your childish assumptions and wishes

Don't know about that but you propaganda will not sell here. U are trying to portray all Kashmiris are fine with you except Wahabis......which is hell not true.....
HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS IN KASHMIR. Human rights abuses have been a part of a campaign by the Indian army against Muslim Kashmiris, Shias & Sunnis, particularly since 1990. The abuse is manifested in the following types of violations: "disappearances," torture, and the rape and molestation of women.

Indian has murdered 100, 000 Kashmirs....and yet India says Kashmir is an integral part. Kashmirs hate India to core...they call Indians with all types of racial slurs.
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Yes...you are having peace.....Peace of Graveyard...
This hindusthan not Pakistan Child

Our Ancestors ruled Kashmir for 100 years That time is Come in Future
With are Army

HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS IN KASHMIR. Human rights abuses have been a part of a campaign by the Indian army against Muslim Kashmiris, Shias & Sunnis, particularly since 1990. The abuse is manifested in the following types ofviolations: "disappearances," torture, and the rape and molestation of women.

Indian has murdered 100, 000 Kashmirs....and yet India says Kashmir is an integral part. Kashmirs hate India to core...they call Indians with all types of racial slurs.
Ok Some of those are Murdered by your Paid agents Too Mam
oh yeah... i have read the sources... it tells of one case study of rape ALLEGING few others...
some extra judicial killings ADDING that those guilty were xonvicted in MOST of the cases with some unnoticed cases...
It also mentions that it all started when Islamic Radicalism increased in valley and when hindus were murdered and rape...

BUT no where it states any figure of 100000 killings and no evidence endorsment... it just cites some newspapers articles... you want me to believe all this??
But you dont want to believe STATE (of Kashmir) endorsed data... !!!?
This hindusthan not Pakistan Child

Our Ancestors ruled Kashmir for 100 years That time is Come in Future
With are Army

I m not talking about Hindustan (land of Hindus, India)......I m talking about Indian Occupied Kashmir....
I m not talking about Hindustan (land of Hindus, India)......I m talking about Indian Occupied Kashmir....
Child Indian Army rules Ladakh to jammu and in valley
Hindus are Flourishing again Modi Plan to setup Pundits Back in valley

Indian army Is Already Armed Pundits with SLRs And other Weapons Time to Give Back to Islamist
@AsianUnion "Don't know about that but you propaganda will not sell here. U are trying to portray all Kashmiris are fine with you except Wahabis......which is hell not true....."

And I know everything about you guys and no one is gonna buy your Propaganda including UN and even china...
dont you know today China banned ANY Pakistani guest in (some area I think xuanxiang or something cant recall its name... please google it) for SECURITY purpose... hahaha dostana higher than mountains deeper than oceans.
And I know everything about you guys and no one is gonna buy your Propaganda including UN and even china...
dont you know today China banned ANY Pakistani guest in (some area I think xuanxiang or something cant recall its name... please google it) for SECURITY purpose... hahaha dostana higher than mountains deeper than oceans.

China is non issue here...Don't deflect the issue over here....We have Turkey, a NATO member, on our side....China also issue paper visas to Kashmiris instead of issuing indian passport....

HAHA....your ancestors ruled Kashmir for 100 years?? Tell me was that before or after British rule? Was that before or after Mughal rule? India didnt even exist before that has it was just a collection of princely states. Furthermore go back far enough and your and mine ancestors are the same.

It does not matter what India says, point is the people Kashmir want freedom.
@AsianUnion "Don't know about that but you propaganda will not sell here. U are trying to portray all Kashmiris are fine with you except Wahabis......which is hell not true....."

And I know everything about you guys and no one is gonna buy your Propaganda including UN and even china...
dont you know today China banned ANY Pakistani guest in (some area I think xuanxiang or something cant recall its name... please google it) for SECURITY purpose... hahaha dostana higher than mountains deeper than oceans.

oh come on...stop crying like a baby. Am not trying to potray anything except one thing, Kashmir never were a part of India, India occupies a disputed territory, what India needs is simple, Plebicite, let kashmirs vote either they want to separate with India, make a new country out of Pakistani-Indian held kashmir or they want to join with Pakistan....Give them all options...it is not that difficult is it.

Its not Pakistan who is loosing, because we have nothing to spend money, waste billions, lives as in the case of Azad Kashmir, its the Indian occupied Kashmir which continus to bleed, Indian army lost hundreds, thousands, India economy growing down, India is becoming a worst hate country due to Kashmir atrocities. It's not a propaganda of UN, China, US, World etc, it is a natural phenomenon, it's what Kashmir wants, its a reality.......there are hundreds of evidential, proofs of 100, 000 Kashmirs killed by Indians who want Azad, Azadi and Azadi.
HAHA....your ancestors ruled Kashmir for 100 years?? Tell me was that before or after British rule? Was that before or after Mughal rule? India didnt even exist before that has it was just a collection of princely states. Furthermore go back far enough and your and mine ancestors are the same.

It does not matter what India says, point is the people Kashmir want freedom.
Who are Pakistani child i am Kashmiri citizen Don't tell Me What I want
oh come on...stop crying like a baby. Am not trying to potray anything except one thing, Kashmir never were a part of India, India occupies a disputed territory, what India needs is simple, Plebicite, let kashmirs vote either they want to separate with India, make a new country out of Pakistani-Indian held kashmir or they want to join with Pakistan....Give them all options...it is not that difficult is it.

Its not Pakistan who is loosing, because we have nothing to spend money, waste billions, lives as in the case of Azad Kashmir, its the Indian occupied Kashmir which continus to bleed, Indian army lost hundreds, thousands, India economy growing down, India is becoming a worst hate country due to Kashmir atrocities. It's not a propaganda of UN, China, US, World etc, it is a natural phenomenon, it's what Kashmir wants, its a reality.......there are hundreds of evidential, proofs of 100, 000 Kashmirs killed by Indians who want Azad, Azadi and Azadi.

When Mullas Killed Ethnic Pundits where were you then
There Hundred of Proofs of Azad Kashmir AJK and Baluchistan

BIBI Don't Spread Lies
UN chief slams killings in India-held Kashmir, calls for India-Pak dialogue

APP — UPDATED AUG 2016 08:55PM

Read: 176 COMMENTS

UNITED NATIONS: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has deplored the ongoing killings in India-held Kashmir as security forces there try to stamp out weeks of anti-government protests by Kashmiri civilians, and urged India and Pakistan to settle Kashmir and other issues through dialogue.

"I stand ready to offer my good offices, should it be requested by both sides, to facilitate dialogue in order to achieve a negotiated settlement," he wrote in a letter he sent in response to a letter from Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif apprising the UN chief about the deteriorating situation in Kashmir.

"I deplore the loss of life and hope that all efforts will be made to avoid further violence," the secretary-general said in his letter, obtained by APP.

At least 70 Kashmiri civilians have been killed and thousands more injured in Indian held Kashmir in clashes with security forces after the killing of a prominent Kashmiri separatist leader Burhan Wani, in a military operation on July 8.


-Copy of the letter

In his letter of August 5, Prime Minister Sharif called for efforts to end the violation of human rights of the Kashmiri people and also to implement the decades-old UN Security Council resolutions providing a framework for the settlement of Kashmir dispute through a plebiscite.

"I appreciated the continued commitment of Pakistan to the peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute for the sake of regional peace and security, as you reaffirmed in your letter," Ban said in his letter.

"The United Nations remains convinced that it is only through dialogue that the outstanding issues between Pakistan and India, including on Kashmir, can be addressed."

The secretary-general said that he looked forward to meeting the Pakistani leader again during the upcoming seventy-first session of the UN General Assembly to "discuss matters of common interest".

Pakistan has been actively pursuing the Kashmir issue at various forums at the UN, with Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi focusing on it in her statement at the General Assembly in a debate on human rights.

She also raised the issue during meetings with the UN leadership as well as with the President of the Security Council last month.
what ancestors ruled kashmir for 100 years? proof?

and yet kashmir has majority muslims, shias, sunnis all over Kashmir....n want separate country from Hindu controlled India. strange

India Is Secular country Minority have voice here Mattans,Pundits ,Shias And Gujjars Ladakhi all hate sunni guts Don't try to Teach me I am Kashmiri citizen you are Pakistani

UN chief slams killings in India-held Kashmir, calls for India-Pak dialogue

APP — UPDATED AUG 2016 08:55PM

Read: 176 COMMENTS

UNITED NATIONS: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has deplored the ongoing killings in India-held Kashmir as security forces there try to stamp out weeks of anti-government protests by Kashmiri civilians, and urged India and Pakistan to settle Kashmir and other issues through dialogue.

"I stand ready to offer my good offices, should it be requested by both sides, to facilitate dialogue in order to achieve a negotiated settlement," he wrote in a letter he sent in response to a letter from Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif apprising the UN chief about the deteriorating situation in Kashmir.

"I deplore the loss of life and hope that all efforts will be made to avoid further violence," the secretary-general said in his letter, obtained by APP.

At least 70 Kashmiri civilians have been killed and thousands more injured in Indian held Kashmir in clashes with security forces after the killing of a prominent Kashmiri separatist leader Burhan Wani, in a military operation on July 8.


-Copy of the letter

In his letter of August 5, Prime Minister Sharif called for efforts to end the violation of human rights of the Kashmiri people and also to implement the decades-old UN Security Council resolutions providing a framework for the settlement of Kashmir dispute through a plebiscite.

"I appreciated the continued commitment of Pakistan to the peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute for the sake of regional peace and security, as you reaffirmed in your letter," Ban said in his letter.

"The United Nations remains convinced that it is only through dialogue that the outstanding issues between Pakistan and India, including on Kashmir, can be addressed."

The secretary-general said that he looked forward to meeting the Pakistani leader again during the upcoming seventy-first session of the UN General Assembly to "discuss matters of common interest".

Pakistan has been actively pursuing the Kashmir issue at various forums at the UN, with Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi focusing on it in her statement at the General Assembly in a debate on human rights.

She also raised the issue during meetings with the UN leadership as well as with the President of the Security Council last month.
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