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First Photo of India’s AEW&C Jet Refuelling Mid-Air

And then you wet your panties again by wet dreaming excessively. :lol:

Status quo will remain as is.

Hindus should learn to sit quietly and thank for the status quo. You guys only have on country..just one country..in entire world where you form majority (a decreasing majority that too)---while Muslims are a global people with massive countries, resources, and populations across the globe in various continents! Hell, just "Western World" alone is on path to have 100 million Muslims by 2050-60!!

While 99% percent of Hindus are concentrated in core Indian subcontinent and all of your history, holiest sites, civilization, temples, and population are concentrated in a land which is surrounded by Pakistan from West, Himalayas from North, Ocean from South, and another Muslim country+water from East.

In an even of "war" which you so fantasize about, we will completely eradicate your existence. Hindus and Hinduism will become part of myths similar to ancient Greek Gods--while Islam will still be a global force present everywhere...untouched (even if entire Pakistan is gone!)

So stop dreaming about war which you can't fight nor win. Your military will never be powerful enough to take on the mighty Pakistan Military and live to tell the story...

We have the most sacred places of Hindu dharma under our control, Indus river...which forms the basis of Indian civilization...flows through our lands, and birthplaces of your gods are controlled by our state. As Tarek Fatah (India's favorite) says...we have cut the arms of India and you don't have any choice but to live with it and start believing that you were born without arms (because you can not regrow these lost arms).

I do feel sad for hindus like you and understand your desperation---but one wrong move, and we will unleash hell upon the remaining Hindustan--extent to which you can not imagine.

Calm down bud! There is no way you can even imagine of eradicating sanatan dharma or as you know it Hinduism, Your post reeks of infertility and desperation! Let's just enjoy being alive rather than unleashing HELL on each other.
From 2025 onwards it will be.


I remember reading in 2006 I guess, that post 2015 Indian Army would be powerful enough to roll over Pakistan.

And now it's 2025..

Sure..I mean, day dreaming has no expense on it.

In 2001-02 stand off, the difference between both militaries was the most---we were at our weakest against indian military..yet, we humiliated indian forces and made them withdraw unilaterally after they lost ~2000 solidiers just in stand-off..

The difference has only been decreasing between both militaries with induction of new systems on both sides..

Great capability..

Hopefully, PAF develops this capability as well. It'll be a great asset to have air-to-air refueling capability for our AWACS assets flying across our airspace guiding our air forces and fighter jets about enemy movements, locations, and threat levels across borders.

Element of surprise is all but gone for the enemy!
sir what if we fit it on P3-C ? orions already can fly 16 hours in one sortie

I remember reading in 2006 I guess, that post 2015 Indian Army would be powerful enough to roll over Pakistan.

And now it's 2025..

Sure..I mean, day dreaming has no expense on it.

In 2001-02 stand off, the difference between both militaries was the most---we were at our weakest against indian military..yet, we humiliated indian forces and made them withdraw unilaterally after they lost ~2000 solidiers just in stand-off..

The difference has only been decreasing between both militaries with induction of new systems on both sides..

If you want to ignore the ever growing economic and geopoltical gap between Pakistan and India that is your choice. But I can't deny the fact that when India is the third largest economy on the planet that can spend 10 dollars on defence (with ease) for every 1 dollar spent by Pakistan (with lesser ease) that India will clearly have the ability to steamroll any nation in the S.Asia region. It's like saying Mexico could stand up to the US.

It is a total myth that for every Indian advancement Pakistan has a counter, this has not been true since the late 1990s. You see threads in the PAF section about "how to counter the IAF's Rafale" but I am still waiting for the PAF to come up with their counter to 300 MKIs and 100 modernised MiG-29/Mirage 2000s. Now this fallacy is taking greater heights by Pakistanis discussing how to match India's aircraft carriers and nuclear subs.

Pakistan is going to have to adopt an even more asymetric strategy to counter a growing conventional inferiority.

The gaps have never been larger and there is simply no scope of closing them now.

Will it??Who knows man, I'm sceptical given by the performance of the DM so far, but may be that's just me, I'm a born sceptic.
It will happen inspite of these so-called leaders, just as India is where it is today inspite of Anthony, in 2025 it will be inspite of Parrikar.
You should try out in Hollywood pal, you will make a fortune writing screenplays for them!!No kidding, you should really give it some serious thoughts!! :D

Where do I apply? :D

Good for you but so far your actions doesn't really match your statement!!

Our actions are to keep the status quo and keep the enemy engaged in various forms. We are the smaller entity, so we have to keep the bigger enemy 'busy' so it doesn't have the time to assemble itself, gather resources, plot, and try to change the status quo--and we have done it pretty successfully through 1980's and 1990's---and in the mean time completed our nuclear deterrence to forever close doors on any indian hope to gain lost lands of hers...

And why wouldn't we, when the status quo suits us just fine and the only one being hurt on the daily basis are you people and besides, we aren't the ones who got cut in half within a mere span of 13 days!! :)

....And neither did we :lol:

East and West Pakistan were thousands of miles apart already, and away from our mainland. You didn't "cut us in half" no matter how hardly you try to soothe your soul.

Infact, it was us who actually "cut" india into three pieces and completely cleansed your presence and indigenous idic civilization from 2 out 3 parts. And oh, we "cut" the contagious india into three..like the cutting is supposed to be...


You can't do jack shit to be honest!!Heck we can raze your entire cities and everyone and his/her pets living in them without even having to use our air force and you can't do anything about it!!Your own geography has put you people on the mercy of ours!!


Yes, just like india can conquer Pakistan AND China in 48 hours as well :lol:

If you had that much superiority, you would have done something. You would have put us at our place. You would have punished us after we bombed your cities in 1990's, made Kashmir a hell, and what not. But you didn't. Because you can't.

In real life, you'll bomb Lahore---and get Mumbai bombed to wreck in return. You'll bomb Islamabad--and Delhi would be put to fire by our forces. And so on.

You know it, your military knows it, and entire world knows it. You can rant all you want, but come back when your military even gets the guts to launch a simple surgical strike in Kashmir held by us--forget about mainland cities of Pakistan.

We all saw how utterly humiliated indian military was made at our hands in 2001-02 stand off, 2008 and so on..You couldn't even explore a freaking firecracker in our country directly via military action---forget about "erasing our cities and pets"

Btw, from pets, we'll lose pets..sure...but unlike you guys, we don't worship animals. We'll burn your cows. Imagine the pain!!! :omghaha:

Not at all!!After all, we control your water and shit and pee and spit and bathe our cattle and above all, dump all our industrial wastes in them as well!!How does that sound for a change, huh??

You control our water? since when? :sarcastic:

You forgot about Indus Water Treaty? We have three major rivers in Punjab alone, and other numerous lakes, rivers, and bodies of water in our other provinces.

And human populations everywhere dump waste in waters. Hell, your own "holy ganges" is big pile of sh!t and pee..and you take bath in it as holy rituals. Atleast we don't do that. We have clean water to take showers at our home...:laughcry:

Really??So what happened in the Western front??What made you lose a couple of thousand square miles of territory in the hands of the Indian forces??Are you even aware that you people lost over 2000 square kilometers in the Kashmir, around the Kargil town and the surrounding mountains??So what were your mard-e-momins doing when our tanks rolled through the Rajasthan desert and captured thousands of square kilometers, coming just short of capturing your so called green belt, with that place only being saved by the fall of the East and the subsequent ceasefire??I bet you weren't aware of these facts, they just didn't tell you about these incidents, these facts, did they??

You lost even more territory in Rajasthan and surroundings in 1965 war AFTER the ceasefire was signed but fighting continued till next week or so.

And? :lol:

We have living accounts of soldiers and officers--and hell pictorial evidence which has been shared in this very forum and one Indian member literally commented "Humbled. Didn't know Pakistani claims weren't all air after all" (paraphrasing)...

They didn't tell you all that, did they? And even in 1971, our Air Force flattened your novice pilots in air by scoring 3 to 1 kill ratio as well.

See, posting such rants is easy. Both sides have had their good days and bad days--as happens in wars amongst equals.

The fact is, the has been a status quo between a us and our 7 times larger enemy...The very existence of this status quo based on balance of power is humiliating for you. After 26/11, we openly defied your threats and showed you middle finger after agreeing to send our intelligence chief to india. Why? Because your media didn't behave...:lol:

If you want to ignore the ever growing economic and geopoltical gap between Pakistan and India that is your choice. But I can't deny the fact that when India is the third largest economy on the planet that can spend 10 dollars on defence (with ease) for every 1 dollar spent by Pakistan (with lesser ease) that India will clearly have the ability to steamroll any nation in the S.Asia region. It's like saying Mexico could stand up to the US.


Mexico has no military and is weak militarily. U.S is a hyper power.

Pakistan has a massively powerful military which is armed to teeth, very well trained, and has insane amount of combat experience backed by enough nuclear warheads to burn entire S.Asia---while india is no way near the league of hyperpower U.S and is a third world sh!thole for the most part.

But I found it sooo cute for you to make that comparison. Kinda like when indian journalist asked your defence minister after 2008 slaughtering of mumbai "why india doesn't do strikes on Pakistan? Israel is doing it in Gaza..why can we do Israel type action" and your defence minister was utterly dumbfounded :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You can spend ten times as us..doesn't mean you can easily 'over-run' us. That's the most stupid thing i've read all day.

But as I said, day dreaming is free. Continue to do so (and while you are at it...look at Saudi spending. Man, they probably can over iran in overnight! :lol:)

poor indians making a living fool out of their poor country again..Another day at PDF

It is a total myth that for every Indian advancement Pakistan has a counter, this has not been true since the late 1990s. You see threads in the PAF section about "how to counter the IAF's Rafale" but I am still waiting for the PAF to come up with their counter to 300 MKIs and 100 modernised MiG-29/Mirage 2000s. Now this fallacy is taking greater heights by Pakistanis discussing how to match India's aircraft carriers and nuclear subs.

Pakistan is going to have to adopt an even more asymetric strategy to counter a growing conventional inferiority.

The gaps have never been larger and there is simply no scope of closing them now.

LOL, oh no the MKI's again...that super duper plane which was literally f*cked by USAF's regulars in Nevada.

Pakistan's modern/upgraded F-16s armed with some of the best BVRs in the world are enough defensive answers to anything IAF can put it air. You folks act as if su-30's are somehow LEAGUE ahead than our assets...

Dude, Su-30's are a big, bulky planes and no stealth bombers. Stop embarrassing yourself...

And again, if the gap was so big..iaf would have atleast did one surgical strike in Pak. But they didn't. Because even if successful, that surgical strike would have invited a response---for which indian government didn't have any appetite..so rants like yours only make india as a gutless, toothless nation which is so embarrassing.

IF india really had the type of advantage you dream of, we would have seen it. Fact is it doesn't have such advantage..

Rafaels would be a game changer IF we didn't do our own further developments. Let Rafaels be deployed in iaf...and then we'll see.
@GR!FF!N @GuardianRED

Was a good thread. Jerks ruined it. People need to stop with this hate show here and use the forum to spread knowledge. We all belong to the best country and best religion in the world, be it India, Pakistan or Uganda, so be happy and move on.

On topic: It's an excellent aircraft I wish we end up with an eventual fleet of atleast 6. 3 each on eastern and western fronts, with 2 on mission and 1 on standby mode. This will be an excellent unit for CAS coordination for ground troops while the Phalcons focus on Air superiority fighters.

P.S: If any Mod got time to clear the unwanted shit from the thread, would be helpful. @waz

Good Day all!
Was a good thread. Jerks ruined it. People need to stop with this hate show here and use the forum to spread knowledge. We all belong to the best country and best religion in the world, be it India, Pakistan or Uganda, so be happy and move on.

On topic: It's an excellent aircraft I wish we end up with an eventual fleet of atleast 6. 3 each on eastern and western fronts, with 2 on mission and 1 on standby mode. This will be an excellent unit for CAS coordination for ground troops while the Phalcons focus on Air superiority fighters.

P.S: If any Mod got time to clear the unwanted shit from the thread, would be helpful. @waz

Good Day all!
3 Systems have been ordered! 2 are already delivered to the India with 1 being handed to the IAF, the second testing will be handed later in the year and the 3rd unit will be in india at the same time!.

Already A larger system is being envisioned , ONLY which platform has to be decided

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