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Make women observe 'pardha': JuD chief (PROBABLE MISQUOTE)

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Evolutionists have no clue either; theory of evolution is just that; a THEORY. It will go to the dustbin of history just like other theories have

Scientists till today are not sure if the sun is powered by nuclear fusion but they cling on to the theory like believers cling on to god.

What have you been reading? I'm guessing it wasn't established science.

Creation vs Evolution is along unfruitful debate but I'll state it this way; depends on faith but evolution has been proven beyond doubt.

As for the Sun, what were drinking before claiming this? Studies in Stellar structure have raised possible alternates, but it is held without doubt that Sun is powered by fusion .
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No, plus there's no proof of its existence as well as i said 'something which can stated without proof can be dismissed without proof'

"Neither have you seen the winds nor have i but when the trees bow their heads it means the winds are passing by"
Think about it...............................
"Neither have you seen the winds nor have i but when the trees bow their heads it means the winds are passing by"
Think about it...............................

simplistic attitude, expected from theists, who believe in everything 'super natural' & they are afraid to question the very foundations of faith they believe in
My question remians
on one hand non Muslims worship lifeless stones but on the other hand Muslims who claim them to be wrong, circle around a room which is also made of lifeless stones, why is that?
"Neither have you seen the winds nor have i but when the trees bow their heads it means the winds are passing by"
Think about it...............................

We dont need to look at trees to acknowledge the presence of wind. We can feel it in our body if we are on its path. Wind is nothing but the flow of gases on a large scale.

picture of wind in large scale.
Pretty ironic aint it? Evolutionists and believers alike asking proof from each other? Evolutionists have no clue either; theory of evolution is just that; a THEORY. It will go to the dustbin of history just like other theories have :cool:

Heliocentric theory of the Solar System: the theory that earth and the other planets orbit the sun.

Would you discount the above simply because it has the word "theory" attached to it ?

The word "theory" as used by scientists when referring to the theory of evolution differs from the meaning that you are using it as. They are not using the word to refer to "speculation" or "conjecture". They generally refer to it in the meaning as given below (from the Oxford English Dictionary):

Theory: A scheme or system of ideas or statements held as an explanation or account of a group of facts or phenomena; a hypothesis that has been confirmed or established by observation or experiment, and is propounded or accepted as accounting for the known facts; a statement of what are held to be the general laws principles, or causes of something known or observed.

Evolution is a theory in the same sense as the heliocentric theory. Would you seriously dispute that?

Recommended reading:The Greatest Show On Earth by Richard Dawkins.
i aint going into theology I am jsut asking a simple question, worshiping stones is haram but still Muslims circle around a room made of stone? Ain't that room made of lifeless stones?

Agnostic on the way to atheism

No, plus there's no proof of its existence as well as i said 'something which can stated without proof can be dismissed without proof'

Well for one, muslims do not "worship" the "Kaaba". It is a symbolic house of God; built by Prophet Ibrahim AS and his son as a symbol of devotion to Allah in a land where there was no water and no food.

What proof do you need of God? Without order, its chaos. Western societies constantly boast of free will, but are they really free?

Try living a day without the laws laid out by your government. Economy will come to a standstill. Laws and laws everywhere. From healthcare to traffic to getting a home; getting paid.

In short; Afghanistan/NW/SW = Chaos,Terror,Death,Hunger

Everything in this universe is functioning according to laws laid out by God. The earth, sun, moon; the whole universe.

Yet you think muslims living under a law given by a book is absurd? Think again.

Laws are abused by people living everywhere. Laws of god are no different.
Starter of this thread is a narrow minded Indian who is bent upon throwing all the mud on Pakistan and Pakistanis.

I do not know why people think so cheap.

What goes of your father if Pakistani women observe Parda or not ?

Indians should be worried about their women who give birth to their childs on footpath right next to moving traffic on roand in cities like Mumbai, Banglore and Dehli.

Phalay apna ghar too teekh kar looo
will be back to answer you, have to go right now :wave:
My question remians
on one hand non Muslims worship lifeless stones but on the other hand Muslims who claim them to be wrong, circle around a room which is also made of lifeless stones, why is that?
This is completely irrelevant, if you want certain answers then you should start a relevant thread
We dont need to look at trees to acknowledge the presence of wind. We can feel it in our body if we are on its path. Wind is nothing but the flow of gases on a large scale.

picture of wind in large scale.
not that i want to detract the thread, so by your logic you see this tornado going in your mouth every time you inhale?
Enough has already been said but my 2 cents worth:

---First pardah is compulsion but this does not suggest it’s a ticket to hell or heaven..i ve seen girls who wear abaya but throw it when they are far enough n cant be seen by their parents etc.on the other hand, i ve even seen girls who want to wear burqa but face family pressure (believe me even this happens here!)..so it’s a choice and definitely is not a sign of victimization..we are in Pakistan n it’s a pity that women wearing scarf etc are not allowed to work at airports, as CSOs etc..we talk enough of this “live n let live” doctrine n the rhetoric is high enough for a girl wanting to wear Capri but not for one wanting to work with her own limits!
---Many here are used to lump things n see everything in black n white..condemn the so-called mullahs who misuse islam but this doesn’t give you grounds to justify that every mullah/molvi is despicable..we have many great religious scholars n molvis here in Pakistan..i am sure all of u respect ur qari sahib who taught you to recite quran when u were young..i’d like to know how many here even know the meanings of words molvi/molana n can differentiate them..any one??
---Many cant distinguish between culture n religion..islam was n is liberal..u know how frankly women would discuss their personal problems with Our Prophet (Peace be upon Him)..can u expect that now??religion or culture?re-marriages were so easy then n women did not have to take the stigma of divorce to their graves..so religion or culture??Sahaba Karam would come n learn from Hazrat Aisha (Radiallah Anha) n Hazrat Khadija did business(it would be called import-export business in our present day terminology I assume)..so stop intermingling religion n your norms n better study religion first before posting your worthy comments..
---N now this one will raise brows!! We talk about victimization of women..thats a fact in many backward areas n even in cities n I vehemently condemn all those injustices like wani etc..
i ve lived in Lahore n know many girls who even victimize men..there are hundreds of girls who flirt with boys n are inviting them, n then start all this crap of mazloomiat (I remember a class fellow of mine who suggested a BF to another one telling her that hez so stupid, extract money from him n buy gift for the second one..lolx)..in our society humans are victims, not men or women only..we better change our mindset n I hate those who want to have a brand of mazloomiat..we ve got education, lived better n our better than millions Alhamdulillah..atleast such girl should not raise this rhetoric of victimization because if they see real victims am sure they ll have chills running their spines..
Theres no problem in Co-ed System, infact it reduces the distance btw boys and girls created by these freaked up monsters, I do all my assignments and projects along with girls, does that reduces my learning capacity or does that in anyway makes me against Islamic teachings, Hell noe.. this is a retard argument with no real basis.
OTOH interacting with girls has increased my religious thoughts and i tend to practice Islamic teachings more.
Last time i went for a Job interview,The interview was taken by a girl,and people having such thoughts really began to sweat and pannic due to the fact that,they were being interviewed by a girl.
The friendship circle has a huge impact, There are girls who are stupid though, but are rare to be seen or i have been very lucky.

I guess people who fail to have interaction with girls despite longing for it appear to develop severe anti-girl-syndrome, hence they turn out to be disgrunteled and thus engage in stupid stuff like spying girls just to grab a point or opertunity to bash them...sukas
ok what are we arguing here? hafez saeed said something in a friday sermon? so what i am sure all Mullahs say something similar in pakistan in friday sermons!

the only reason this becomes headline is because INDIA "accuses" this man! without ample direct proof!

mullah's job is to say these things but it only becomes news in india because of the man in question hafeez saeed! & people forgot the point & started arguing about PARDA!!! pardah is a choice those ho do it good for them those who don't good for them as well!!!
No, plus there's no proof of its existence as well as i said 'something which can stated without proof can be dismissed without proof'
u need to have eyes to see the proof..u know there are 20 aminos that can b combined in billions rather trillions (sorry cant remember the formula right now)of way to get a single strand of protein n in this chain if even a single component is dislocated the cell, tissue, organ are defected (say the cornea layer in your eye)..so the probability of a perfect human is one in trillions trillions..so do u join these puzzles when they are in the wombs..atleast my senses dont accept this degree of coincidence..
n ma'm let me say you are already an atheist..dont need to go down the road anymore..
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