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Make women observe 'pardha': JuD chief (PROBABLE MISQUOTE)

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There are many supporting the observing of the purdah who happen to live in western countries. This raises some very interesting questions. Since you support purdah for the purpose of modesty and think that men will be tempted by those who don't observe it, how exactly do you deal with the millions of women of those countries who have no obligation to and are not interested in following purdah. Will you not get "tempted" by them? Therefore are you not a menace to such a society? Should you not, for the safety of the women concerned be expelled from those countries?

Do you support purdah only for women in Pakistan or more generally?

How much hypocrisy exists can be easily found out by everybody's choices in entertainment ? Why watch movies or serials where women do not follow purdah? Why have threads about actresses or models? Why write pages & pages of comments with pictures about sania mirza who is married if your minds are as pure as you would like the rest of us to believe?
@ Silent Ninja

Funny thing is that you are ready to accept the western sources NOW, when you on many occasions have even refused to read them & declared them propaganda

is there any comparison b/w West & Pakistan? You will say no, but at the same time the religion about which you are talking about is not been followed by the followers who make high claims about it i.e. All links are saying Boys Harass girls not vice versa
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most of the time all the theists tend to be over simplifying life & they consider every word from religion a 'divine truth' for which they have no proof of divinity

Avoid insulting and offending people of faith though. Faith, or lack thereof, does not make one superior. All religions preach superiority of their own faith for obvious reasons, but this does not mean that people of any other faith should be considered inferior, as is the case with most people.

Religious debates are unfruitful, digress towards irrational finger pointing, conflicting claims of divine rules and never reach a consensus over their social applications and role in society. It is utterly hopeless and nonproductive to debate over religious issues on online forums not dedicated to religion itself.
Avoid insulting and offending people of faith though

I ain't insulting any one, if all theists tend to be too sensitive & don't like any one to question their old testaments, then its not my problem
I am wondering how I can save my country from two extremes. Emogirl and TTP.

Ohh, I just got declared infidel :lol:
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i don't know of any 'good' same sex universities in Pakistan these are the only famous same sex universities for women in Pakistan

- Women's universities and colleges in Pakistan

how many steps have been taken to educate 51% of population(except political rant) & you people even want to stop the already developed institutes to shun admission to girls just because of their sex, ahh well how many equal opportunities are the women getting in Islamic Republic of Pakistan

all of the top universities in Pakistan are co, their co-ed has not brought down the level of education at all

- List of top Colleges and Universities in Pakistan

instead of raising the already pathetic level of education for women & education (over all) in Pakistan, people are here to talk about a issue which is not a issue at all
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Pakistani Nationalist and Black Blood...we can't do anything about burger people.
for them Islam hijab, buqah, sharia etc etc are all obsolete things so let them follow what they like its not like revival of true Islam and sharia is stuck in the middle because of some of these people..Life goes on minority can cry a river for the enlightened moderation of Islam in Pakistan It going all too good in Pakistan.
i think the purdah is a barbaric practise. it was originally done when the religion was uncivilized and men used to abduct women if they liked their faces. but I think nowadays things are better (maybe not in islamic countries) but in places like france. So they banned the burqa.
even the saudi royal family members are in bikinis when they go to holiday in europe. maybe hafiz saeed was giving advise to the saudi royals
Now if we want Pakistan to be a country where freedom of choice is for anyone who seeks it, then we must change the way we look at religion.

Thanks for changing Pakistan..freedom of choice already exists in Pakistan starting from you :) so why do you want to change it? change the way we look at religion you mean to look at it as obsolete! duh so much for the education..

If someone chooses to follow religion, then that is their choice and if someone chooses not to, that's not your problem..

I'll pick this to post it pretty much sums up everything.
The Quran (the word of Allah(swt)) is THE CRITERION for what is right or what is wrong.
Allah (swt) Himself has said that about the Quran.

Meaning of Quran 003.004 .
"Aforetime, for a guidance to mankind; and hath revealed the Criterion (of right and wrong)..."

Not to follow religion does not make you a modern man/woman but it does make you burger who refuses to even accept the reality..as in case of Islam burgers think its obsolete and most burgers in west wants to hide themselves so people won't call them terrorists i say to hell with them..losers only hide and I challenge them where is it obsolete when the hatred sharia is straightly ordained by God (Allah).
See religinon and customs are all manmade. We all know that humans eveloved over a period of time and at some point our brain was able to make logical decisions. Now why dont animals believe in god. do we kill animals because they dont believe in god or put a camel in a burqa?
similarly we also were once animals and eveloved. some of the oldest remains of modern humans are just 5000 years old and the earth has been around for 4billion years.
Also in another 4 billion years the earth will get destroyed. even god cannot stop it. So lets not think we are too great and think useless things.
billi..I think you need to have conversation with a goat perhaps Irish one.

No humans were not animals right from the 1 man till now we are all humans. natgeo and discovery have still not fine tuned your brain. your funny you know that "even God cannot stop it" the One who Created it? lol.
guys i think pdf space can be used discussing better issues than what some nutjob thinks..that goes for nutjobs on both side of the border
@ luftwaffe.
Dont get personal. It is true that we have evloved from different hominoid species. have you ever imagined, why the same model of 4 limbs and head/torso, eyes are there for most creatures. for everything in the worl there is a scientific explanation. what we cannot explain we attribute to god until we find the answer. the church still does not believe in evolution. I strongly believe that you and i both have evloved from apes. yes it will remain a mystery how the universe was created. maybe someon will find a clue.
but can you tell me what is your opinioin of evolution? we should not be ordering in the name of god. because we might be imposing our will on others for nothing. also the earth will be destroyed one day . do you believe in that? and the humans will cease to exist long before that. do you agree?
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