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Make women observe 'pardha': JuD chief (PROBABLE MISQUOTE)

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Loser, my fathers family is from sindh and am khan from my mothers side and have spent considerable time in rural sindh for business and personal reason. The women over there wear traditional clothing, not burqa.

And when did I say it is something to feel ashamed of, I am just stating the fact that you can for some reason are unable to digest.

Many women would refuse to wear a burqa in Karachi and many other places and that is a fact. I see more women in a burqa in London than Karachi.

Relax, this is not some earth shattering or utterly important article that we are discussing.

Just let it pass and concentrate on our real issues.

Just a question boy,
Does sindhi traditional dress have no relation with pardah?do sindhi women just go along without covering themselves?
The women ive seen atleast cover themselves in front of men with long shawls from head to toe?
If no......then i dont know where u come from sindh.
Anyways carry along..........but dont be ashamed of purdah its a beautiful thing not a curse tht indians consider......thts why they have so many social ills in there society.
Just a question boy,
Does sindhi traditional dress have no relation with pardah?do sindhi women just go along without covering themselves?
The women ive seen atleast cover their faces in front of men?
If no......then i dont know where u come from sindh.

That's the thing boy, they obseve pardah but do not wear a burqa and that's what I said before too. When did I say they do not cover their faces or not cover themselves.

The traditional clothing is modest, restrained and purports it's business, so they do not have to wear a burqa.

Do not mix purdah with burqa or hijab which are traditionally Arabic customs, our people cover themselves in their own clothing such as Ajhrak, dupatta and Shawl.

Yes our clothing is beautiful and it looks good on women but do not confuse or want to follow some Arabic tradition that their own women have wrecked with their ill actions.
Just a question boy,
Does sindhi traditional dress have no relation with pardah?do sindhi women just go along without covering themselves?
The women ive seen atleast cover themselves in front of men with long shawls from head to toe?
If no......then i dont know where u come from sindh.
Anyways carry along..........but dont be ashamed of purdah its a beautiful thing not a curse tht indians consider......thts why they have so many social ills in there society.

That's the thing boy, they obseve pardah but do not wear a burqa and that's what I said before too. When did I say they do not cover their faces or not cover themselves.

The traditional clothing is modest, restrained and purports it's business, so they do not have to wear a burqa.

Do not mix purdah with burqa or hijab which are traditionally Arabic customs, our people cover themselves in their own clothing such as Ajhrak, dupatta and Shawl.

Yes our clothing is beautiful and it looks good on women but do not confuse or want to follow some Arabic tradition that their own women have wrecked with their ill actions.

@ Boys

What are you talking about? Burqa is not Islamic right? it is just a cultural dress. This thread is about Parda and not Burqa. Burqa is good if women wears but it has nothing to do with Islam neither this thread.

Hijab is what matters it the most.......... now please get back to topic

yeah that's what I have been saying, burqa is not Islamic and we are discussing pardah which most women observe anyway. But because of a lack of differentiation between these, we got all of the things muddled up.

Pardah should be observed but if a women does not want to do it, it is her right to refuse, you can inform her about our religiosity but that is all, we can neither force her or use any other means to get things the way we want. End of story.
That's the thing boy, they obseve pardah but do not wear a burqa and that's what I said before too. When did I say they do not cover their faces or not cover themselves.

The traditional clothing is modest, restrained and purports it's business, so they do not have to wear a burqa.

Do not mix purdah with burqa or hijab which are traditionally Arabic customs, our people cover themselves in their own clothing such as Ajhrak, dupatta and Shawl.

Yes our clothing is beautiful and it looks good on women but do not confuse or want to follow some Arabic tradition that their own women have wrecked with their ill actions.

Wat the heck r u talkin about?
Since when did burqa become arabic?where have u seen arab women wearing burqas>?I thought they wore abiyas not burqas?

If u have doubts,,,,,here on PDF is a picture of muslim women (all of them)wearing burkas in 1947 during independence didnt know they were arabs?
Dont know about sindhi women .......But in NWFP,Balouchistan,rural punjab women wear buraqs>?dont they?
Wat ill actions?kindly explain?

Another thing....r u Pakistani or brit?Coz if ur brit u dot know didly scwat about buraks or purdahs in Pakistan..probably uve never even visited rural punjab,nwfp or balouchistan....in tht part of country women wear burqas at there own fair will,nobody forces them.
Anyways instead of muddlin things retrack on parah instead of burka.
Then the real Muslim population on Earth is 2-3 million, not 1.4 billion.

Times have changed and so has society, and apparently some people are having trouble accepting that.

Islam hasn't changed kidoo , People are to follow Islam and not Islam has to follow the people.

And your thinking is absolutely wrong that people have changed because of the time.

If you dont see yourself accepting your faith fully it does not mean that most people arround you are like that.

Stop seeing the world through your sunglasses , its not what you think it is.
Islam hasn't changed kidoo , People are to follow Islam and not Islam has to follow the people.

And your thinking is absolutely wrong that people have changed because of the time.

If you dont see yourself accepting your faith fully it does not mean that most people arround you are like that.

Stop seeing the world through your sunglasses , its not what you think it is.


do you change your father after every few years saying Papa time has changed an so has the society.... so you are not my father anymore? (with all due respect)

I have really no idea what the heck that meant but I will try to answer accordingly to what I understood.

My family moved to the United States 16 years ago. My dad changed himself and so did my mom. My dad stopped wearing Shalwar Kameez and started wearing a shirt and jeans. My mom started working and also changed what she wore.

My mom is now almost 38 years old and she wears what any other 38 year old American woman would wear to work.

That is what I mean when society changes. The world and work space around you can change drastically. Especially in Pakistan where the women work force is surging.

Now if we want Pakistan to be a country where freedom of choice is for anyone who seeks it, then we must change the way we look at religion. If someone chooses to follow religion, then that is their choice and if someone chooses not to, that's not your problem.
You just invited the Wrath of the Khan.

Coming to the main point, I do not agree with you on many accounts though. I wear a Shalwar Qameez to class almost daily for I've never felt comofrtable in jeans. Shorts and Ts are fine with me though. My choice of clothing is entirely dependent on comfort rather than cultural reasons. I'll be okay with wearing a Boubou or a Kaftan if the comfort appeals to me.I don't care what anybody thinks nor do I feel the need to assimilate, one can maintain an individual identity without trying to homogenize with the community (I'm not an immigrant though).

Individual and distinct identities are very important for some people and most immigrants in the world face a challenge trying to maintain a cultural and social balance between their new world and the one where they came from. Religion becomes a central factor as well.

Nonetheless, assimilation is not necessary as long as one is respectful of social constructs and demands. That means respecting social obligations and acceptances of the new world and not raising Khilafa/Jihad/Death to infidels slogans while remaining on social welfare (Hizb ul Tehrir and Islam4UK in Britain).

I have really no idea what the heck that meant but I will try to answer accordingly to what I understood.

You must understand the difference between the society , Culture and the Religion , society and culture are the products of a Religion.

My family moved to the United States 16 years ago. My dad changed himself and so did my mom. My dad stopped wearing Shalwar Kameez and started wearing a shirt and jeans. My mom started working and also changed what she wore.

My mom is now almost 38 years old and she wears what any other 38 year old American woman would wear to work.

Thats their Personal choice but Its not Islamic either, if you think that you can get a muslim girl to wear a sleavless shirt or Thongs , with tight jeans and send her on the street is going to be "Choice & Islamic" is not going to happen so understand the difference.

That is what I mean when society changes. The world and work space around you can change drastically. Especially in Pakistan where the women work force is surging.

It does not change the Religion does it ???
Now if we want Pakistan to be a country where freedom of choice is for anyone who seeks it, then we must change the way we look at religion.

That would not change the religion either , the teachings would be still the same but people will lose their faiths.

I dont know if yours matter to you or not but Most of the Pakistanis can sacrifice anything for their faith and BTW Pakistan is a Kingdom of Faith itself, a Land where Muslims can live how they want to live and according to the teachings of the Quran e Kareem and Prophet Muhammad SAW.

If someone chooses to follow religion, then that is their choice and if someone chooses not to, that's not your problem.

Yes if someone choses to turn to "kufar" then its not our issue but its between him and Allah SWT.

There is only one choice You in or out there is nothing in between unlike christianity or Budhaism.

And those who "Choose" to give up their faith because of their preferences are not welcomed in a society where People want to live according to the teachings of Islam.

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Individual and distinct identities are very important for some people and most immigrants in the world face a challenge trying to maintain a cultural and social balance between their new world and the one where they came from. Religion becomes a central factor as well.

An immigrant should be willing to assimilate. Otherwise they should not immigrate. An immigrant who chooses to remain aloof and apart should expect to be discriminated against. This is human nature.
That is, Allah, himself, made humans this way.
Pakistan being a poor country,with a Big enemy like India and a vital Geo-Strategic Vicinity, intially didnt had Options to protect itself from the Soviet Invasion.
If it havent been for the Interests-Caring beasts in the UNSC the Kashmir issue would have been solved without the injustice and the bloodshed being comitted against innocent Kashmiri People.
Having a successful experiment of the Soviet-Jihadi Showdown in the Afghan War, Pakistani Millitery and Intelligensia went for a simmilar option against Illegal Indian Occupation in Kashmir.
Then comes the WOT,Pakistan is being thretened to be sent to stone age, With the bullying Pakistan cracked down the whole Jihadi Factory being setup in almost every corner of Pakistan.As the war progressed, The American bullying followed,Being thretened and having No Option left to defend agaisnt a possible conventional attack from US(Not to speak of the varaying trust defficit the US-Indo cooperation in Afghanistan),We again pushed for a simillar Option.Dont want to get into further details

What i wanted to say is "There was a cycle of Events which created these AH" Pakistan in noway wishes to have a Parasite like this. Simply without adressing the root cause of all this and by eliminating these Irhabists by Military Ops can in noway gurantee that they will be eliminated and would not reemerge again.We have to adress the root cause ,The injustice which prop up these Irhabists,The Bullying which the US does every now and then to meet its narrow interests and the Unrecognition of the Kashmiri Freedom Strugle and the Human rights voilations by the IM and the Unjust Role of UNSC Permanent members to meet their narrow Interests. Unfortunately No One in this world is willing to adress this cause which is behind the Creation of such Exrtreemist Mindset. This is the real and Ugly Picture .

So it's all the fault of Indians & Americans ?
Preaching? since when did i become a Mullah lol, stop it with this Mullahphobia:lol:

you were telling me our religion gives equal rights to women, just like all other theists, i just told ya to stop preaching whats not been followed, i don't need to spread any phobia they are doing it themselves

so then by your logic, girls who dress modestly and don't flash and show off their body for the lust of men are oppressed and subjugated women who were born to Mullah brainwashed families?

you asked why i shifted, i simply said that the inferiority complex is developed in girls because the girls in our society are told from very first day that they are 'inferior' & this inferiority complex is developed in them only because families tend to act towards them in that way

Dress wore by women must not be a problem for men, women are free to wear what ever they want to wear, shun your obsession with their dress

So you mean to tell its ok for women to wear skins tight jeans and revealing cloths in school and its the duty of the guy to control himself? i wonder what you have been smoking?

why can't you people control it?
wearing some clothes means the other is a whore or what?
funny how theists can tell with just a look whether the girl standing by is a whore of a virgin

As i said before you are thinking from 'tool'

yes it is since you are discussing the subjugation of women

yes i am discussing it are you denying the subjugation?

Though, it does make getting a good education very difficult and even impossible in most cases! and yeah, co ed does play a big role in it

Teen Pregnancy

so atleast 95% of the student in west must have dropped by now :lol:

you were the one who exaggerated this whole "Mullah" (your favorite word) "women being subjugated by men" subject, not me!

are denying the subjugation or what?
Yes i will use my favorite word 'Mullah Theists' so what now?
Education can be done without co Education so why send those Daughters to those Institutes ?

A Friend of mine showed me some inside pictures of Bahria University Islamabad.

Bro they were horrible and i was so ashamed to see what level we have came down to:disagree:

so tell me how many 'good' same sex universities exist in Pakistan?
Atleast i don't know of much
as for Bahria University i have many friends there non of them turned out to be whores of some sort, they got good education & now earning good money & are having a great life

BTW your flag is saying you are living in a country with 'horrible level of morality', i think you must come back & live in a Islamic Culture

Originally Posted by Pakistani Nationalist
No offence
Just one question to the liberals.
How many of u will like to send ur young daughter or sister in a class full of average guys like u and me?
Note=I aint an extremist,liberal or even religious........i admit im attracted to girls and im sure most of u guys are also?
How many of u guys?

why do you all simplify things down to YOUR SISTER, YOUR MOTHER, YOUR WIFE, YOU DAUGHTER

what wrong will happen if you send YOUR SISTER, YOUR WIFE, YOU DAUGHTER to class with average guys, what will happen?
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@ EMO it seems that someone has a very big decease of MULLAHPHOBIA.......

do i need to spread or talk about Mullahphobia, I don't think so they are doing it themselves from Hafiz Saeed down to Farhat Naseem Hasmi they are very good at doing it themselves, why should i take out my time to spread it all, they are are doing a great job of hallucinating people with 'subha sham ke duaen'

ANYONE who is following or trying to follow islam is a MULLAH????

most of the time all the theists tend to be over simplifying life & they consider every word from religion a 'divine truth' for which they have no proof of divinity
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