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At least 50 dead as blast rips through Hazara protest in Kabul

May the deceased rest in peace and wishing speedy recovery to injured...It's really tragic and heart wrenching incident..
True. After all Hazaras are never persecuted in Afghanistan. It is only because of that neighbor they are being killed.

I don't understand one thing. Why Hazaras left Afghanistan to settle in Quetta even before creation of that neighbor back in 19th century and 20th century if things were so good for Hazaras in Afghanistan.

I am pretty sure you have no sympathy with the 60+ dead in today's attack. You are just using this incident to show your hatred for Pakistan. Hazara die or whatever it doesn't matter for you. You and your nation lives on hate. You are so blinded by hate that even tragic deaths are an event for you take out your vitriol against either Islam or Pakistan.

Of course.. Look another Indian hinting at the "neighbor"..

Of course.. Look another Indian hinting at the "neighbor"..

So your "proof" is a random tweet by an Afghan who is not even living in Afghanistan.

It was a suicide attack. Like many dozens other. nothing new in Afghanistan.

What new hallmark was in today's attack. I don't find anything new. Can you share us this "hallmark" that indicates it is work of Lashkr e Taiba and not ISIS?

ISIS has killed hundreds of Shias in Iraq in similar attacks. Were they also work of LeT?

check it out. This bharati has found out some new hallmark that shows it is work of LeT. Even though LeT never attacked Shias inside Pakistan or in occupied Kashmir but there are apparently new hallmarks in today's attack even though such suicide attacks are common in Afghanistan and Iraq.

But still this bharati has found this "hallmark". Can you help me find this hallmark?? I seriously can't find one
May the dead rest in peace.

My heart felt condolences to the families of the victim.
Afghanistan is in complete chaos. ANA is impotent and ill trained and Afghan gov. is most corrupt regime in the world along with Nigeria, as mentioned by David Cameron.

On one side Afghan gov.is considered to be an American puppet and ANA is targeted by talibans who consider ANA as a rented soldiers.

After raping a country for 15 years, uncle sam has pulled out its troops from Afghanistan and now hardly 7000 American troops are in Afghanistan.

And now Afghans are fighting in the same manner as they did after Soviet withdrawal.
Not surprised one bit by this attack. Hazaras Shias are already despised in Afghanistan. When they begin demanding things from the state...well, then it's open season.

Of course.. Look another Indian hinting at the "neighbor"..

Just an Afghan refugee/immigrant blaming his neighbours. It's hilarious how these folks are conning you dumb schmucks into believing whatever drivel they tweet. If you Bharatis knew anything about the region you want to delve into so much, you'd know Hazara Shias have been oppressed in Afghanistan long before the existence of LeT. Sadly, it seems Bharatis are more interested in learning from tweets than books.
check it out. This bharati has found out some new hallmark that shows it is work of LeT. Even though LeT never attacked Shias inside Pakistan or in occupied Kashmir but there are apparently new hallmarks in today's attack even though such suicide attacks are common in Afghanistan and Iraq.

But still this bharati has found this "hallmark". Can you help me find this hallmark?? I seriously can't find one

First of all LeT are never known to have used "khudkush bambar" as if they were using them then they wud gladly do so in IOK and secondly as to the despair of likes of these the men in black have accepted the responsibility so now they are frustrated that they are unable to rant against Pakistan this time. Thirdly I have already been stating the fact that watching likes of Zee Tv not only cause one to go delusional but also cause serious hallucination. That is why we see many of them suffering from this syndrome.
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@Irfan Baloch
Happens exactly the same as you anticipated yesterday on my thread (which was deleted reason X)

@B@KH @Tipu7

RIP for the martyred.

did you notice it is now ISIS ? if there was no ISIS then Imagine who would have done it ?

ISIS, taliban, qaida, nusra, TTP, haqqani, JUD, LET, LEJ, JUI, JI are all same. Many retired generals run the terror shows. All NATO GANGS. since they need more gangs they have to divide them further.

we have to deal these NATO Bastards. They cannot stop the Martyrdom seeking people thru their bombs.

we will defeat them all and this will be their eternal defeat and for ever. NATO cannot defeat us thru its 4-5 nuclear armed mercenary militaries.
RIP to the innocent people who are dead,i hope Afghanistan gets to kill the Planners and burn their bodies where even they are.
Pakistan condemns these attack

Just keep in view that these protests are about a proposed power line which is bypassing Bamiyan province ( Hazara majority and suffering from acute electricity shortages ) , earlier in March another protest happened regarding the same.

The proposed power line is going to go through Salang pass , which incidentally was also attacked a few days back to show it vulnerability.

There are multiple forces at play in Afghanistan , inter ethnic , inter religious , inter country politics are all at play.
ISIS, Taliban all same follow Takifiri cult and according to them killing a Shia Muslim is the greatest Jihad.
Are you speaking about Afghan Taliban or TTP?

I know that TTP are Takfiri cultists but I did not know that about Afghan Taliban.
Are you speaking about Afghan Taliban or TTP?

I know that TTP are Takfiri cultists but I did not know that about Afghan Taliban.
every body you named follow same teachings. For me no difference.
Didn't you know that Islamic State militants have joined Afghan Taliban insurgents in a splinter group led by Mullah Mohammad Rasool? They call themselves both ISIS as well as Taliban depending on the situation! :P
do you have a cerebral cortex or just a brain stem
You mean their theology is the same right, not their political goals?
Bro when their ideology is same then their political goals obviously same. Through the Govt out and start killing Shia if they are finished then start killing Sunnis when the ran out of them too then start sighting and killing each other simple.
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